Gosh it’s hard to get your head around the fact that it is Easter this weekend isn’t it? I just trawled through all my past posts and I must say, I just actually got a wave of the biggest SADS because I cannot believe that for the first time EVER I am not going to see my family for Easter.

Easter is always something we have celebrated at our place since we moved here, our home the centre of entertaining, visitors, the markets, it is a hive of activity and social family love, I just can’t believe that we will see no one. It just makes me cry.
But because we listen to the rules, we won’t be entertaining ANYONE except ourselves – that includes my sister’s family who literally live 2 minutes away and we haven’t seen for over 3 weeks now much to their tears pretty much every day. We will be home, Mum will be home, my sister in Melbourne, brother in Sydney and we will chat sure but it just makes me cry. We’ll be home and we will cook something simple for lunch and that will be Easter this year. Not sure what we will do, but here are LOTS of ideas for you for the weekend ahead…
Fish in a bag with coconut cream
Oven baked risotto
Salmon en Croute
Smoked Salmon pasta
Salmon Rilettes
Whole baked salmon in salt
Created with Jamie Salmon recipes
Chilli prawn linguine
Salmon one pot wonder
Moroccan spiced salmon
Smoked Salmon Stacks
Tuna Chimichurri & chips
Tuna Pasta
How to make Bearnaise Sauce
Spinach triangles
Corn Fritters
Guilt Gnocchi
Summer risotto with pesto & feta
Veggie bowls with crispy chickpeas and haloumi
Fried eggplant
Spinach & ricotta Cannelloni
Crustless Quiche

Glass potatoes
Slow cooked lamb
Miss Rabbit’s Chorizo Soup
Lamb shoulder with Quinoa Salad
Slow cooked pork
Slow cooked pork belly
Pork standing rib roast (on the Weber)
Pita bread (perfect with the lamb)
Fattoush Salad
Two festive Sides
How to build a perfect platter
Steak with Bearnaise SauceSlow cooked Lamb Shoulder with Salsa Verde
Potato Salad
Pork Belly Salad
Quick canapé ideas
Ottolenghi Roast chicken with dates & capers
Roast chicken
Tomato & vinegar salad

Chocolate Sponge Cake
Chocolate Fudge Cake
Cheat Easter Cookies
Banana & Easter Egg Bread
Hot Cross Bun Bread & Butter Pudding
Pickled cucumbers
Lemon Delicious Pudding
Lemon Curd
Lemon Meringue Pie
Date Loaf
Cinnamon Tea Cake
Lemonade Scones
Baked Cheesecake
Date Scones
Ginger Fluff
Chewy Sultana biscuits
Yoghurt cake
Sultana cookies
Bitter Orange cake with candied fennel seeds
Apple crumble slice
Table ideas
Table decorating ideas using flower pots

2014 and this post too
2011 and this post and this post too
So while this Easter will be very different for all of us as we spend time without extended family and loved ones, I hope that you can still take the time to bring your immediate family around a table, set it beautifully and prepare a meal with love. Take the time to look around and remember exactly how this year looks and feels, so that hopefully next year when we are all back together we will never take for granted again the joy of a simple hug from someone you love can bring.
If you’ll excuse me, I need to go have a big cry. Happy planning friends x
I feel for you. Easter has always been a highlight of my year. The change of season, very special family holiday memories, my birthday is in April so it’s always felt like it’s intertwined (last year my birthday was even on Easter Sunday)! It’s always been a time for extended family. I am really trying not to ‘go there’ too much or I think I’d get too sad. Thank you for your beautiful collation of recipes and memories. I just hope I can make Easter special for my family this year, despite these setbacks. I hope your Easter ends up being special too – and don’t be hard on yourself if it isn’t and just feels a bit flat. Sending love!
I’m sure you will Keri, it will be memorable that’s for sure!
Hi Beth, I think that most of us are feeling the pain of not being with loved ones this Easter.
Take care of yourself , I’m trying to find blessings each day.
On a food note what is the butternut squash recipe in the photo, looks yummy and we
could all do with that.
thanks, blessing to you and your family and thanks for your blog don’t feel like I’m on my own
being able to read your words
Thanks Lynn – that recipe is a deconstructed pumpkin salad from Jamie Oliver – our family love this. Here’s the recipe: https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=babymac+pumpkin+salad&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
So sorry you’re feeling sad. I’m finding that I have a bad day once a week when I struggle to accept what’s happening, feel very sad for me, my family and the rest of the world. Everything we’ve ever known has changed in the blink of an eye and it’s not changing back anytime soon. So far, the rest of the time I just get on with everything – cleaning, cooking, exercise, reading and anything else I can think of that I can do at home. Thanks for all the wonderful food ideas x
I make that pumpkin thingy every Easter since I saw it on your blog years ago. Easter always reminds me of you and your big family dos and I’m so sad for you all x
It’s a great recipe. Thanks my love x