Just call me Bev: Lemon Delicious Pudding

If there’s one thing that’s around at the moment, it’s lemons. Neighbour’s tree is PROLIFIC this year which means that I have a lemon centrepiece a go-go, not to mention G&T’s and at the end of most meals I can turn out this classic: a Lemon Delicious Pudding. This recipe belongs to a hero of mine, Stephanie Alexander. It comes out of her bible – The Cooks Companion and this is what I use and love. It’s the perfect dessert for me, lemony and sweet, with lashings of cream, spongy with a good crust and then down the very bottom: lemony buttery custardy goodness. This is the perfect time of the year to whip this up. Do it, you won’t regret it.

Stephanie Alexander’s Lemon Delicious Pudding

2 lemons (I used 4 because the home-grown ones have a lot of skin and little juice
60 grams butter
1.5 cups castor sugar
3 eggs (separated)
1.5 cups milk
3 tablespoons self-raising flour

L1 L2

Into a food processor whack in the zest of the lemons with the sugar and butter to cream.


Then add the egg yolks in and blitz again. Then add in the milk & flour alternatively to get a smooth mixture.


Whisk the egg whites until firm and fold into the lemon mixture.

L5 L6

Pour into a greased and buttered pudding dish. Stand the pudding dish into a larger roasting pan (or something similar) with water poured in around the two until it is half way up the sides of the pudding basin (a bain-marie if you will). Bake for 1 hour in 180 degree oven.

L7 L8

I serve with thickened cream (and ice cream if feeling greedy). Children will demolish this, and adults will be delighted. And why wouldn’t you be?

What do you do with an excess of lemons?

I’m going to be away and offline for the next week – back next Tuesday 20th August. I’m sure you can keep yourselves busy with SEVEN years of posts to catch up on in here somewhere not to mention hours of Over the Back Fence podcasts to listen to. See you next Tuesday…make a lemon delicious pudding will ya? I’ll be checking in to make sure you did!


  1. ahoy.jenni says

    I used to make this recipe years ago as a wee lass when I would eat all the wheat and sugar my heart desired! It brings back sweet (literally ..ha) memories of my youth. I loved this recipe, from memory it came from a ‘colonial womans cookbook’ on my mum’s bookshelf. And I used to feel so grown up baking something in another dish of hot water. Tres complicated no !
    OK thanks for the distraction from my studies (again…) but my lemon tree is looking like a pauper right now so I will only dream of a lemon pudding…
    Have a nice time away whatever you do 🙂

    • BabyMacBlogBeth says

      NOTHING makes you feel legit in the kitchen like a bain marie!

      • ahoy.jenni says

        Is that what a Bain Marie is! Sheesh you would think I should know by my age….

        • BabyMacBlogBeth says

          Well at least I THINK so. It’s not like the ‘official’ piece if machinery but the concept of it at least – even temperature for even cooking because of the water bath…

  2. Todd Perry says

    With the last batch of lemons I had, I made a few jars full of preserved lemons. We just tried some last night for the first time, with a moroccan chicken dish, which btw used our homemade chicken stock! Delish!

  3. JoCountrylifeexperiment says

    One of the things I really miss from our old house is the lemon tree… I’ve got CB to plant one but it will be a few years before we have lots.

  4. Ooh yes, super yummy! No Beth for a week? Imagine what we could all get up to while you are not looking – upside down cutlery in the dishwasher and random peg colouration on the Clothes line. In fact I think we should all post photos of “stuff that would make Beth crazy”. Why? Because we are like attention-seeking children and will miss your updates 😉

  5. Judi McCowen says

    The thick skinned lemons are perfect for making Limoncello!

  6. No way! I made lemon delicious just last week! It was Donna Hay’s, but STILL! It’s a whole lot of awesome. Self-saucing choc pudding this week, I think. Got to make the most of WINTER!

  7. Sounds delicious. I’ve just finished reading your 7 year back catalogue. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you.

  8. Oh shut up! This looks amazing! *drools on keyboard*

  9. Miss Mandy says

    Love lemon slice but I’ve never made a pudding. Hubs would be stoked with this one.

  10. Lisa Mckenzie says

    Yum I will make this pudding for sure ,lemon flavoured things are one of my favourite things ever,thankyou and enjoy your break Beth.

  11. elisha hayes says

    Ill hit the old archives then and churn out a bit of U2 while im at it…….Lemon……Have a gr8 week!

  12. Lemon Delicious Pud is my Dad’s specialty. He makes the BEST but closely guards his formula… x

  13. Kylie Gardner says

    Yum! I must make this soon. Enjoy your break x

  14. Kylie Gardner says

    Hello! I have lots of lemons to use up right now and this looks like a great way to use them! I was all set to make this last night for my mum, but the baby had other (poo-nami x infinity and beyond) ideas. I have linked up to this post in my grateful/10 ways to use lemons post. It’s live tomorrow morning(23 August) – I’m telling you now so I don’t forget! 🙂

  15. Hi I have tried this recepie twice with no luck I get a lovely top on my pudding but the middle goes all watery and protein like and not like custard at all what am I doing wrong 🙁 any advice is appreciated 🙂

  16. I now have a lemon tree laden (maybe a bit of an exaggeration…) with fruit, a tree that I PLANTED here many moons ago! So lemon delicious here I come…now, the creaming of butter and sugars in food processor is not something I’ve done before? Interesting…will give it a go, I usually just use my electric hand beaters. I am seriously impressed though if you hand whisked those egg whites to stiff peaks – bugger that! You must have better guns than me.
    Off to pick some lemons!


  1. […] 4.  Lemon Delicious Pudding – this is a memory from growing up (thanks mum) and I can remember us having it when there were too many lemons on the tree and lots of eggs.  So perfect.  Beth takes such gorgeous photos of her cooking – don’t you agree? […]

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