As a Mum I know that I worry way too much about all the bad things that could happen to my kids. My overactive imagination would have any given disaster happen to any of my kids at any time across all of their age groups of 11 to 2. I have done first aid courses before, taken the time and expense … [Read more...]
It takes two: Sharing your pregnancy & baby experience with a friend or loved one
A sponsored post for Bupa I don’t know if you have been lucky enough to share a pregnancy or been due around the same time as a friend or family member, but there is certainly something very special about it. When I fell pregnant with Daisy, my bestie from High School (and bridesmaid and … [Read more...]
What happens when you are busy making plans
A sponsored post for Bupa This post talks about pregnancy, problems in pregnancy, loss and premature births so may act as trigger to some people. As the wise old lady sitting on my rocking chair on the verandah, OK the still old lady looking exhausted from her 3 children, I can safely say that … [Read more...]
11 things you ACTUALLY need in the first 6 weeks of your newborn’s life
As you know, Maggie and I reached the magical 6 week mark last week so I thought I would take stock and try and pass on as much useful information as I can (while I remember). This 6 week mark may not be magical for all. For some it could come earlier, or at the 3 month mark, or much MUCH later. For … [Read more...]
The Newborn Files #3
Boo! Here we are another week down in this crazy newborn bubble time. All that initial adrenalin and hormone rush that makes you feel like you can do ANYTHING not long after the baby is born has well and truly subsided and been replaced with exhaustion and a desire to do NOTHING. My brain is … [Read more...]
The Newborn Files #2
Tomorrow Maggie will be 3 weeks old. I could say where does the time go but in the first 6 weeks of your newborns life every day feels like 3 days. I know exactly where the time goes. It goes in 4 hour blocks with not much difference between daytime and night time except for the light and … [Read more...]
The Story of Maggie’s Birth Day {Part 3}
You can read Part 1 {The Background stuff} here. Then you can read Part 2 {The Business end} here. So, here we are, a little teary and delirious and certainly very tired looking, but at the other end of the birthing process. Thank you so much for sharing your stories, and for letting me know how … [Read more...]
The Story of Maggie’s Birth Day {Business time}
{Pre warning...this is a long post} There's no question I am a fan of Beyonce or, as I like to call her, Bey Bey. Her song "Who runs the world?" (GIRLS) is something I will often sing to my girls at any given moment and even though sometimes I get confused by her messages of women and power and … [Read more...]
The story of Maggie’s Birth day {The background}
There's so much to share and tell about all this that this may be ridiculously long and all over the place, but it's something that I want to share mostly for me, like most things on my blog. You see this blog while read by thousands of other people every day, is a reminder of things for me. Like … [Read more...]
When time stops: The first days
It never fails to amaze me that all that time there was a baby in there. A real, whole person. As Harper said to me on Sunday morning "Mum all that time, it was Maggie kicking in there." The miracle of a new baby. Is there anything more precious? Finally meeting a new member of your family, … [Read more...]
And then…
SHE was here. Maggie Roslyn Macdonald arrived yesterday afternoon just before 4pm in the most beautiful way. She is a wee one...just 3.3kgs of pure perfection. It's been a long few days but we got there in the end in the most amazing end to this pregnancy. The girls are beside themselves with … [Read more...]
Preggo Files #20
I keep getting well meaning text messages from kind friends who love and support me who are keen to know how I am. Sounds reasonable and nice doesn't it? MY REACTION TO EVERY SINGLE ONE: Some could say I am a little on edge. Tense. Frustrated. Over it. Not good for visualising opening wombs … [Read more...]
Preggo files #19
Oh hi you guys! You totally did it! Got that babe from the inside, out. And boy did you do it in style Kate! NUDE PUMPS nonetheless! Wills is all like, how good is my Mrs? Peace OUT people I nailed it in the marriage stakes. Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of … [Read more...]
Baby stuff
Soft pants are on, guts are hanging out (full of pizza), slippers are on and tootsies faced towards the fire. Friday evening is officially here and I am exhausted after a couple of busy days. I've been running around getting stuff done, as well as some extra lovely baby stuff too. Yesterday I was … [Read more...]
Preggo Files #18
Kate STILL hasn't had the baby! Who knows if she is even due yet, but STILL no baby. Anyone else keep checking in? All kinds of 'sources' are saying that today or tomorrow WILL be the days! Wills has gone on paternity leave early, the late Diana speaking via her clairvoyant stating that … [Read more...]
Calm & Relaxed
I'm at the stage of my pregnancy where I plan to do very little. The girls went back to school yesterday and so after I got back from my ob appointment, I spent the remainder of my day on the couch. Getting up only to wee and eat. It's been some kind of teenage regression I must say. I have made a … [Read more...]
Preggo files #17
I spend many a moment throughout my day at the moment visualising a positive birth experience AND thinking about what Kate is up to. I hope she's hanging at her Mum's place drinking lots of tea and eating cake. Special event signs have gone up outside the hospital which means it's going to … [Read more...]
The last weeks list
I've had quite a productive morning tackling my email inbox, my to do list, catching up with old mates on the phone and replying to comments on my blog for the past week. Once I had done a few essential items I found myself wandering to the next few weeks that lay ahead. You see, once those girls … [Read more...]
Preggo Files #16
You know why Kate is sporting this spectacular resting bitch face? Well, she has ordered some pink paint from Annie Sloan so OF COURSE that means she is having a girl! I think she might be having a late run of nesting and is shipping up some quick MDF paint projects like Suzie Wilks on … [Read more...]
Preggo Files #15
Kate and Wills have been out and about at her very last social engagement before her baby comes. She is totally high fiving the fact that she is on maternity leave now! My lord the woman knows how to hold a clutch purse to best show off her jewels does she not?! Time to get those yoga pants on Kate … [Read more...]