It's been a few months since my last update on what I have been catching up on so thought I best do quick brain dump of it all. This going back to Feb, so bear with me as I trawl through the archives. As a side note, can you even believe that it's July next week? Me either. It's madness. Reading I … [Read more...]

Trinny London: 4 weeks in

One of the most requested messages I have one Instagram at the moment besides RECIPE?! is how are you going with Trinny London? Is it worth the money? Are you loving it? Are you a little meh on it all? So I thought I better give you guys a proper update given it's been about 1 month now since all my … [Read more...]

Life at 43: Plantar fasciitis (ouch)

Hello and welcome to my Ted X talk on this delightful condition that pretty much every middle aged woman has or will go through at some stage. It's based on my own experience only and of course anecdotal evidence and discussion with hundreds of women through social media. I'm no where near finished … [Read more...]

A little mid week woo woo

Most mornings I wake up and while Rob makes my morning coffee I spend a riveting 5 minute telling him the intricate details of whatever dream I have had. It must be truly fascinating for him (sorry Rob). I have always been a vivid dreamer, someone who has a strong intuition for things or people, … [Read more...]

Skin stuff: what I’m using Feb 2021

You know the drill, it's the new year and we are all being served up a shit tonne of ads from various beauty companies telling us ways that we can improve ourselves, our skin...our lives! There are recipes on TikTok that we should be making that are easy, lists too download, it's all quite … [Read more...]

43, term 4, 2020: a touch of the overwhelms

How are you going friends? Been meaning to check in, and then life gets in the way, but this morning I wanted to carve some time out to talk with you, check in, see how you're going etc etc. I discovered this wonderful industrial designer and illustrator Felicia Chiao which just speaks to me … [Read more...]

Good Things

A new day and morning is certainly a good thing isn't it? Light from about 5.40 around here, spring birds singing and the most glorious spring days. We have had a little blast of cold weather so it's a chilly 1 degree outside, but the fire is going and the wood pile stacked high and it's the end of … [Read more...]

The weight

On the weekend I opened my pantry and could no longer stand the sight of the shitfight that was in front of me. You know the drill: corner pantry that you can't see into properly, a pandemic and an over supply of tinned tomatoes, things pushed in front of what is behind, wedged until the whole thing … [Read more...]

My love of early mornings

How on earth could I say that you ask? After years and YEARS and years of being dragged out of bed, not of my own choice by small children with a penchant for early mornings? A husband who never got up with them, not ever. Tiredness, resentment, exhaustion. How could I love to wake up early? But I … [Read more...]

5 acts of Kindness to yourself in this strange new world

If you are anything like me, the past month or so has had us all reeling. The world that we knew, took for granted and loved has been changed and we don't know how long this is all going to go for. There are economic losses (Rob and I have both lost A LOT of work we rely on) the girls are no longer … [Read more...]

Green smoothies and how they are helping us all feel better

I am a sceptic when it comes to kale and some of the shite that I see health "influencers" go on about online. I see their collagen powder and concoctions and roll my eyes - I just do. Since the start of the year with all our sadness and grief and bad habits that come with that: comfort eating … [Read more...]

My 301st Period (or thereabouts)

I got my first period when I was 14. I was away with my Mum in Adelaide by ourselves (in a family with 4 kids this was some lucky break) so it was as good as it could be until she called my Dad to tell him on the carphone which had my brother AND his friend that I had a crush on it and I died with … [Read more...]

Skin & Hair Update: Good stuff I’m using and Perioral dermatitis update

Just in time for m 42nd birthday a few weeks back I managed to get the dreaded perioral dermatitis back again. Insert eyeroll here. DEAD SET. For those that may be new here, this is a skin condition I have been getting for the past 6 years. SIX. You can read about it in these posts: Initial … [Read more...]

That 41 year, 10 month old wisdom

Last week I had some time to myself (I know! unheard of!) You see I was getting the car serviced and I sat in a cafe waiting for a lift for someone to take me home...I had about an hour or so, so I whacked up on Instagram one of those ask me a question thing. They are always so much fun to do - I … [Read more...]

Tweens and Teens and periods oh MY

https://www.gemmacorrell.com/products/awards-i-could-win-on-my-period I remember one of the first things that came into my mind when I delivered my children was “OF COURSE IT’S A GIRL!” and then I got to say that two further times. 3 girls. 3 lots of hormones and eye rolling and teenage years … [Read more...]

Me time when there’s no time

There's been a consistent theme for me so far this year, and right now moreso than ever. THERE'S NO TIME. I seem to be chasing my tail more than I ever have been before, literally from the moment I'm awake. it's game ON. This is no different to any of your lives, we are all the same, running our … [Read more...]

Face Stuff

It's been almost 3 years since I started to take looking after my skin properly. I knew once I hot my forties that the dodgy nivea moisturiser and not EVER washing or cleansing or toning was going to cut it anymore. I've spent lots of money on different things, I have had numerous and continuous … [Read more...]

What I’m reading, watching & listening to

Hello my friends, how ARE you? Feel like I haven't had a proper catch up with you in ages. What's been happening? I must say that today I have been struggling with all the news happening out there in the big bad world. It's all so depressing isn't it? No wonder I try not to pay too much attention to … [Read more...]

What I’m watching, reading & listening to

You guys how ARE you? Like really? I am EXHAUSTED. Like I have hit some sort of an emotional and mental capacity and am feeling truly out of it. I think the whole back to school stuff is hitting hard for me this year - so much change and new stuff to get my head around to then support the girls who … [Read more...]

The January Lament of mothers everywhere

I started my day at 3.30am this morning. I woke with Maggie calling out, wanting to go to the bathroom and while I hopped straight back into bed and willed myself back to sleep my mind had already started. "She's going to freak out at drop off today.""I'm going to have to be brave and strong and … [Read more...]