Baby stuff


Soft pants are on, guts are hanging out (full of pizza), slippers are on and tootsies faced towards the fire. Friday evening is officially here and I am exhausted after a couple of busy days. I’ve been running around getting stuff done, as well as some extra lovely baby stuff too. Yesterday I was taken out to lunch with some lovely ladies from the village for a baby celebration but basically we were thrilled just to natter and eat yummy food (I had the tastiest braised host ragu) at Bendooley Estate and today I was lucky enough to go to a High tea with some School mums were I scoffed an outrageous amount of scones with cup after cup of hot tea. Heaven.

And there’s all these little BITS that are starting to show up. Little onesies and blankies and BABY THINGS. Tiny, wee things, it’s all very exciting.

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Next week I will finish my final deadlines and hopefully spend a lot of time horizontal. I have washing to do and drawers to fill knowing that while this time is coming it is so fleeting, having seen my little sister who I thought JUST gave both feeding little Archie solids now. He is this big, giggling baby. It all goes past so quickly.

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I put my friends hand on my stomach today while the baby was giving me a decent kick and she burst into tears. No more babies for her, but she remembered it all so clearly. It’s a precious, amazing joy and privilege to carry your child and even though these 9 months are almost at an end and have been a roller coaster of emotions and hormones and vomiting and tiredness and everything in between there is not one minute that I have not been aware of how lucky I am to even get a chance to do this again.

Pregnant Beth, just about done. It’s been amazing and so much fun to share with you all.



This weekend I have some family coming to visit and stay for my Mums birthday celebration, a trip up to Sydney for an early Mothers Day with Rob’s family and some hockey games in between. It’s busy as ever, life goes on and soon enough a little person will be joining in on the circus.

Just how good are scones with jam and cream? Let me answer that for you: VERY.
Obsessing about Kate too? Will this weekend be THE weekend?


  1. you look amazing – all baby & that baby blanket is divine !!

  2. Aww you look amazing Beth!! I’m starting to accumulate teeny tiny baby things and they are seriously the most adorable things ever. This is my first so it’s all new and exciting for me! Still just under 4 months to go for me which feels like forever, but I’m sure it will go quickly.

    Looking forward to checking out updates on here when you have your little one. I am SO hanging out for Kate’s baby. Hurry up bubba, the world is waiting!!

  3. Look at you!
    What a gorgeous bump.
    I loved being pregnant…and I hate how quickly you forget the sensation of having the special little being inside of you…such a privilege.
    Enjoy the last few days or weeks with the baby on the inside!

  4. You are likeable in every way Beth. Good luck and thanks for the belly shot! X

  5. Fiona Guglielmi says

    Wow Beth you look so blissfully happy, enjoy your final weeks of pregnancy.

  6. Oh my wow! You look freakin amazing and beautiful! I never looked that fab when pregnant, not long now Beth

  7. sharon Hampton says

    You look incredible and incredibly happy..xx I too am obsessing about Kate to the point of stupidity!! Enjoy this time as you wait for your bundle. .so exciting xx

  8. You look amazing. I am so honoured that you have let us into your world, no more babies for me either, I often wonder if the acceptance will ever come with that, however I am grateful for the 3 that keep me smiling each and every day. Enjoy your next few weeks, so excited can’t wait for the arrival.

  9. I love a preggie bump and that is lovely one. Love your outtie!
    Where is that blanket from? I think I’d like my mitts on one for my babe in belly. Keep soaking these times right up x

  10. good luck with your impending birth

  11. Bronwyn Wainwright says

    So excited for you…on baby watch between you and Kate…
    So love that anticipation before you meet your little one. My Bub #2 is 11 mths old now (sadly, no more babies for me), just having a snuggly feed on me at the moment – seems like it was just a few weeks ago that he was inside, kicking me like crazy while we wondered whether he would be a little brother or sister for our older son. Wish I could go back to one year ago and make it all go in slow motion – yes, even those first crazy months.
    May all go beautifully for you as you make final preparations for the birth of this precious one…lovely moments to treasure and last chance for half-normal rest..although heavily pregnant is not such a relaxing state to be in. You look amazing!

  12. You look just like Beth but with a basketball! A neat little basketball. Did that come across wrong? Ergh. What I mean is…looking FABULOUS. Truly. Third baby?!!! Not too much horizontal business with feet up on couch please, as I tended to do in final weeks, resulting in posterior looooong labour. Boo. Won’t be doing that again (the too much horizontal, will most likely be doing the labour thing again)!

    Thank you for taking us along for the ride with you, it is quite something opening up your life to ‘us’. I couldn’t agree more – what a privilege and blessing it is to carry our little ones. And SO fleeting. Goodness me, it seems just YESTERDAY that we had this crazy seed of an idea that maybe we should have a baby? Maybe it was time? Now I’m chasing a crawling Eleanor from room to room of our little farmhouse and my days are filled with squashed banana and baa baa fricking black sheep. I know I’ll be saying it for years and years, but wee little baby days gone all too soon… I will be thinking of you lots in the coming weeks m’dear. God speed! Remember: pressure, not pain, pressure.

    P.S. We have that blanket too – it’s a terrific pram blankie!

    • Ooh yes…I forgot to ask – what brand is that blanket – it’s lovely!! I wandered through a baby store today and god sick of looking at blankets with giraffes, and monkeys and appliques of every animal!! I walked out of the store tolling my eyes!
      – Thanking you in advance.

    • Thank you sweet girl, I am very excited that’s it all about to happen. Where does the time go? x

  13. Dear Beth
    Thank you for such a lovely blog and sharing the photo of your beautiful bump – you look fantastic. Precious times indeed!

  14. You look so awesome Beth. I feel like you just told us last week that you were preggas … quickest pregnancy ever but I’m sure it hasn’t felt that way for you. Cannot wait to hear your baby news. Xx

  15. Best of luck to you in the weeks ahead. Looks and sounds like you are ready. I have a four month old who was our surprise baby (2 yr old twins too) and I was so worried about so many things before he was born, but from the moment I saw his tiny little face it all just fell into place. Totally in love with him and absolutely delighting in new babyness all over again. Helps that he is cruisy as buggery!

  16. I’m more than a little emotional reading this … I was there at the beginning … offering to go to the chemist to get you a test. AHHH … cannot wait to meet this baby xx

  17. Aww Beth,
    You are making me cry!
    God Bless these hormones!!!

    Thank You for sharing your real and raw emotions, funny and heartfelt thoughts as you’ve ventured through this pregnancy – I was happy to just follow along for a vicarious ride and share in your excitement – but somewhere back in late January, as the days approached my 40th birthday, instead of having a celebration I found myself sitting by my grandmas bedside, praying and thanking her for the threads of faith and family that she wove through our lives; I will forever cherish that last photo of sitting beside her bed with mum as she taught my 10 year old daughter to knit…four generations in one photo!!
    We celebrated her life on February the 8th.
    Then suddenly my ideas, plans and thoughts for the rest of 2015 took a sudden and totally unexpected shift!
    I’ve just turned the corner and now at 15 weeks I’ve taken my head out of the sink and am thoroughly enjoying these 2nd trimester days! From the moment I held up that stick to my husbands disbelieving eyes with its two pink lines confirming my suspicions – we both realized that this little blessing was going to take us on a whole new adventure!
    Gosh it’s exciting and nerfwreckin and at the same time so friggen awesome – and just like you have discussed throughout the last few months – the dynamics are set to change like a pinball machine – but we will evolve a little more and figure out what the next chapter is as we go along!

    Beth You’ve got such a beautiful soul and a generous heart – and a gorgeous bump! 🙂 I know we all get to the point of wanting it to be over and done so we can smooch and cuddle our wriggly bundles – but do try to treasure these last few days; and when the moment comes – we, your adoring followers will all be breathing and panting and cheering you on from our couches and waiting for that first photo – no doubt we will inhale our screens should we get the hashtag ready? #inhalingbabybabymac?
    You are my inspiration as I look ahead to whats coming – and truthfully – I’m far more excited for Baby-BabyMac than I am for the royal arrival!
    You enjoy your weekend lovely! Keep those toes warm n toasty!

  18. That is a beautiful bump. I am so happy for you.
    And yes. Scones with cream and jam are THE BOMB.

  19. I love all of this but mostly that picture of you x

  20. You look truly beautiful. And you are having a boy. x

  21. Amanda G. says

    I think you look absolutely bloody gorgeous!!! A neat little ball of baby. That pram blanket is to die for. Cannot wait to hear about Kate, I’m betting baby will be here by Monday. And scones and cream are so so, good and should only ever ever be eaten with hot cups of tea. I am so excited for you, the last weeks were the most amazing thing for me ever, surreal and amazing.

  22. Love the photo, you look great. I remember putting my hand on my sisters bump when baby was kicking, a bitter sweet moment, so thrilled for her but still slightly heartbroken even though it was years since I had been told no pregnancies allowed for me (dodgy heart). Can’t wait to see your little one, I still like to get an occasional “baby fix” from other peoples babies even though after years as a foster mum we don’t do babies any more 🙂

  23. Hi Beth, i am a midwife, you look happy and healthy and just wonderful. Please try and get some rest, can you sneak a nap in after lunch each day yet ?

  24. All the best for the coming weeks! You look amazing. Full of joy and anticipation. My number 3 after a long break is eating his cereal at the table and getting ready for kindie. A privilege indeed…so much fun and hope and life headed your way:)

  25. Debs Sutton says

    Looking exceptionally beautiful Beth, I’m sooooo excited too!!!! Much

  26. Check out that awesome belly, you look GORGEOUS!

  27. Dimitra Cromdos says

    You’re all BOY is my guess! We Greeks have a saying: may you have a good release. Makes a lot of sense – that feeling of absolute relief when baby is finally out – all these crazy emotions right at the surface. I am so grateful I got to experience it twice. Good luck Beth! You, house and belly look very ready for baby to be born! X

  28. Lisa mckenzie says

    Thank you Beth for sharing your bump with us ,you look beautiful and yes it is a privilege to carry a baby and get a little human out of it!
    Love all your little things for baby I don’t think it will be long before you have him/her in your arms enjoy the last bit and rest up.much love Beth Xx

  29. merilyn says

    sweet! … thankyou for sharing beth! …
    sooo long ago I’d forgotten really! … bringing back the memories!
    love the baby bump and it’s all baby! … oh yes! I did look like that!
    you are in good shape hun!
    omg! loving those moccasins! little things sooo cute!
    enjoy whatevers! love m:)X

  30. You are looking great!!! But shit… in the hell are you managing to hold that belly up, I feel like I want to put my hand under there to support it for you….get horizontal girlie!!! Now, is it true, has Kate really had the baby and you are still waiting?

  31. pollyemj says

    Looking amazing Beth! Best of luck and don’t forget those deep breaths in for 4 out for 6 or whatever the calm birth formula is xxx

  32. Beautiful woman.

  33. Hello little bump!!!!

  34. You look amazing Beth, I read your pregnancy posts with a tear in my eye as its all past for me now. I’d give anything for one more Bub, but it’s not to be. Enjoy the last days Beth, take care and best wishes xx

  35. Mrs Woog says

    Hot MAMMA

  36. That looks like all baby to me, what was your Ob going on about?? Go and have some more scones!
    Kate who? That’s about how interested I am….
    Have you got the fucking lavender oil ready?? (that was on an ABC show years ago, can’t remember the program but the woman was going to have candles, relaxing music, oils etc and she just ended up screaming for drugs and saying get rid of the fucking lavender oil…very funny)
    But you won’t be like that will you, because you have learnt Calm Birth…breathe in, out….

  37. Annette says

    Oh BETH!!
    This post is so sweet and that photo of you is amazing. What a THING to experience, thrice.
    Just gobsmacked with joy for you, and so excited about the Royal Baby news that I spilled my coffee over all the things.
    Much love to you, lady. As you can see by the comments here, you are one well loved lady. Hope you feel us with you, cheering you and Mac3 on.

  38. Making me as clucky as hell Beth!
    Look at you! Gorgeous Mumma.

  39. Just wanted to send you some love and a speedy delivery (2 hours like Kate would be good!).

  40. You make me teary Beth x
    You look amazing and so happy x

  41. Beth you are looking divine, although I bet you feel buggered and in need of a good tipple. Rest up and now that Kate’s had her Charlotte (I hope) I can await your news!

  42. Love the baby bump! Mine was ridiculously like a watermelon but he was 4kgs when he arrived. The midwife told me to stop eating grapes. wth?? What got me through labour: ‘This is the last time I will go through this!’ All the best Beth and wishing you a lovely labour (if one can be had) and baby cuddles when BabyMac is born.

  43. oh my word, I have butterflies for you. You look amazing! Love it. You are in my constant thoughts <3

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