Good morning friends. Maggie woke up at 4.40am this morning because she was excited about a playdate this afternoon with a friend, it's been a long morning already with HOURS left before she even gets to school and even longer until this afternoon. Isn't it good to have things to look forward to … [Read more...]
Birthday bliss at Bask
I always love the chance to escape somewhere for a weekend - everyone in buy family (mostly ME) know how much fun holiday Beth is. She relaxes, she sleeps in, she doesn't make the bed, she leaves clothes all over the floor and she loves to cook and read. The chance for holiday Beth to come out is … [Read more...]
That home from holidays clean..
It started about 2 days before we were due to come home. Those first thoughts about the state of the garden while we had been gone for three weeks, knowing that it would be out of control. Then I would think about the piles of shite that the girls bought home from school at the end of the year that … [Read more...]
Maintenance Monday: The quick clean
You guys would see me using this phrase for the last few years (ok, more like 6 or so) to sum up the stuff that goes down around these parts most Mondays. I don't know what it is about a Monday that makes me so productive, maybe it's the laziness (yeah right) of the weekend but when that Monday … [Read more...]
The yellow chair
Many months ago my friend Miss Rabbit sent me a photo of a new chair that she had bought because she knew that I would 100% approve of it. And of course I did, it was MAGNIFICENT. Second hand. Yellow. Velvet. Chesterfield Style. I told her that if she ever changed her mind I would take it off her … [Read more...]
Things I like {The 29th April 2018 edition}
Thank you for all your lovely words of encouragement on my post this week, I am going to reply to all your comments just as soon as someone stops asking me for food, which will happen on Tuesday when the kids are back at School. It's been a lovely break for us all, but like any Mum at the end of two … [Read more...]
The tale of the thriving fiddle leaf
Each and every night I hop into my bed (then usually have to get up as Maggie wakes up because she has an automatic built in detector that allows her to know when my head hits the pillow and wake accordingly), look up on the mantle piece in our room and say to Rob "Look at it Rob! It's THRIVING!" So … [Read more...]
The prettiest Christmas trees we have
Maggie had a busy morning pottering about in the garden this morning, and I was happy to take some photos of her along the way. The fairy garden that my Mum made Harper for her birthday continues to delight flowers have started to bloom and the succulents thriving despite Maggie continuing … [Read more...]
It’s beginning to look a lot like…
I have been watching so many Instagram friends with their trees up, getting twitchy by the day, but patiently adhering to my 1st Dec rule. This morning was the day! I was up early and in charge of getting fresh trees for Luce and I at our local Harris Farm. I dropped kids here and there, got there … [Read more...]
6 easy ways to get your shit together at home
After a weekend of non stop action around the house and feeling approximately 10,000% better about it, I thought I would remind myself (and maybe you too) just how a little effort can make you feel so much better about your living space. A little effort makes for HUGE results and can make you feel … [Read more...]
The most thoughtful present: A Melanie Lea Artwork
I was lucky enough to receive an email from artist Melanie Lea a month or so ago asking me if she could do me a little painting of the girls? Offers like these don't come up that often, so of course I jumped at the opportunity! I wasn't really sure of Melanie's style of work but quickly saw through … [Read more...]
Two times I fell down dead from gorgeousness this week
Exhibit A On Saturday when I was busily minding my mind own business browsing the shops with the Stitch & Bitch crew we walked into a new shop in Moss Vale called Bowerbird. Man was it love at first sight. Filled with delightful odds and ends I wasn't looking for anything in particular until I … [Read more...]
You guys, I’ve kept my fiddle leaf fig alive for 9 months!
You know what's Rob's least favourite thing is at the moment? It's feigning interest each and every night when we get into bed and I say "Rob! LOOK AT MY FIDDLE LEAF FIG. It's growing! Nay! THRIVING!" and then he rolls his eyes and says something like I'll look at your Fiddle Leaf etc etc... But … [Read more...]
Winter wonderland: win a Circa Home pack worth $300
A winner has now been chosen for this giveaway: Sandra with this comment: "Over the years I’ve developed my own cold weather routine, it consists of most or all of the following * Everyone gets new slippers or bed socks or pyjamas for Easter * Late April I bring out the woolen and fleecy throws … [Read more...]
Get some Hygge in your home
Do you guys know about Hygge? It might look a little like this: Well to me at least. It's a Danish term defined as “a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being.” Pronounced “hoo-guh,” the word is said to have no direct … [Read more...]
Cleaning Tip: how to clean the glass door of your fireplace
We're only just over a week into "official" winter but round these parts "winter" and the need to have the fire on at some stage during the day usually lasts from about April to November. Yep. That many months. And while the first few fires of the season are a joyous ritual by September or October … [Read more...]
Pep under my step: a rug rearrangement & new addition
You will remember last week when I was in Melbs I went shopping with Gourmet Girlfriend and my friend Zoe, aka Miss Rabbit. Whenever I go shopping with Ruthie, I find myself in places of exceptional taste and variety which means that inevitably my wallet keeps being opened up. Last time it was green … [Read more...]
Real Quick
I have got a WHOLE lot of stuff to get done in the next few days. Washing. Packing. Organising. List making. Documents to explain the quirks of things in our house, what the kids like, where they need to be etc. So OF COURSE I have spent Maggie's nap time today on Pinterest designing an imaginary … [Read more...]
Things I like {The 7th March 2017 edition}
Oh my, the sun shone briefly yesterday which meant that I got some washing done at last! Now if that won't put a pep in my Maintenance Monday step after a week of constant rain then NOTHING will. There's lots to like around here at the moment, thought I would share a few. The green, green growth … [Read more...]
My top 7 tips for making your house a home
In my clean out FRENZY this past week I have also had a serious case of the Suzie Homemakers...I have been cleaning walls and floors, cupboards and rearranging existing furniture and moving paintings around. So satisfying! And a change is as good as a holiday I reckon so perhaps this weekend you can … [Read more...]