Maggie is now 7!

First she was one:

Then two.

Then three.

Then four.

Then five.

Then six.

And now, well she’s seven. SEVEN!

Sweet Maggie turned 7 last month and we celebrated our special girl on the day with a simple family gathering and then a few weeks later we had a fairy party with all her friends from school.

It’s hard to believe how much she has grown up over the past year, the poor thing has really had a tough past 3 years with post Covid life  and adjustments to lockdown and school etc…the past few months she has been particularly wary of lots of different things and suffering from separation anxiety anytime I leave the bloody room. I can’t remember the other two going through this – although I am sure that they did – it’s been a lot for our little lady who is growing up and seeing so many scary things in the world on any given day from wars to pandemics to gun shootings…gosh it’s a lot. She is still wakes in the night with bad dreams or this and that…I know that this will pass but it is exhausting when you are in the thick of it.

At seven she is doing really well at school with everything finally starting to kick into gear with some consistent time in the classroom. She is kindness personified, always reaching out to people who might be feeling left out or lonely…she is loving hockey with that finally working out for her too – the last few weeks she FINALLY got it and has started to get some goals and enjoy the games.

She misses playing with her big sisters who rarely (and understandably) don’t give her the time of day much anymore and especially not to play with. The age gap between them all seems to be getting bigger and bigger…which makes me sad some days but what can I do? Thank goodness for her cousins who are close by to fill that gap in. She loves babies and dolls, so much. A natural instinct to mother and care for babies runs deep…she tells me all the time that she just wants to be a Mum. If she has dolls and babies, she is happy. And her love for fairies and magic still runs deep, thank GOODNESS.

She had a gorgeous little party with her friends from school filled with face painting, and pass the parcel, cupcakes and fairies galore on a freezing wet and cold Saturday afternoon. She loved it so much and I just loved seeing her so happy and relaxed with her friends.

It’s hard to believe how big our baby is now, I know how many of you have been following along with her since before she was born. Where do the years go? I know it must mean that we are older now too, I don’t want to think about that just yet. I hope that the next year brings her happiness and safety and calmness. I hope she knows how well admired she is by her friends and teachers at school, how loved she is by her family. How special she is to me and her Dad. How she given me more than she will ever know.

Happy 7th birthday sweet Maggie, how loved you are by us all.


  1. Happy birthday gorgeous Maggie. How quickly the past 7 years have gone. Never stop believing in fairies & Magic ❤️

  2. Annie Maurer says

    Happy Birthday to your sweet little girl. How time flies! I first started reading your blog when Daisy was a baby. It’s lovely to hear that despite all the turmoil in the world that Maggie has had to live through in her short life, all those wonderful qualities still shine through. I teach Primary children and Maggie’s age group have really had a tough time in their start to school life. Well done to you both as parents for guiding her through and bringing out the best in her.🧚

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