A little sibling rivalry

This is my little sister and I.


We’re close, no doubts about it, even though there are 5 years between the two of us. She still likes high heels and I’m still mostly in bare feet. We spent our childhood playing together, a lot. Barbies, dolls, dress ups, plays, you name it, we used to do, for hours. She would borrow and steal my stuff, in fact, I suspect that’s my watch on her chubby little wrist up there. We still lend each other clothes and stuff (handy being the same shoe size) and even better has been the recent sharing of baby paraphernalia. As with any siblings too, there’s always been a healthy dose of sibling rivalry.

Same as my girls. Thick as thieves but boy do they bash the shit out of each other occasionally too. Especially when on holidays stuck at home. I hope that my girls have just a little of what my sister and I have, it’s the best, it really is.

Last year we decided to help each other along by following along our exercise on an app called Map my Walk. Nothing fancy, just somewhere to log your walks and you could spur each other on with a like if they went for a walk, and maybe even some motivation post baby to get the wobbly legs back into action.

Last week however, things stepped up a little. I set a challenge for us (I actually just stumbled across it and seeing she is my only friend on there, she was my competition). Simple really, most number of km’s in a month.


Except now I’m all like OH NO YOU DITN’T every time she goes for a walk. Because: COMPETITION. And something has been woken inside of me. A good healthy dose of sibling rivalry. Or as I like to call it: OH NO YOU DITN’T.

So for the past week the likes have stopped and there’s much lamenting from me every time it pops up that she’s been for a walk. She’s beating me, no doubts about it, but I swear if I will let her get away with it. Even if it means I can’t walk. Which today, I cannot. Even daisy commented that I was a little competitive and I was like OH NO YOU DITN’T.

So here we are, a week into our competition and more exercise than I have done in almost 18 months. I can’t walk but I am planning how and when I can get my next walk/shuffle in because I can’t let her get away with it.


Anyone else get a little sibling rivalry going?
Anyone else unable to sit down on the toilet today because of overdoing it with the exercise?
Anyone else singing Cake’s She’s going the Distance now? Me too!


  1. You should start a BabyMac completion!

  2. I love Cake, esp Short Skirt Long Jacket.

    My sister doesn’t work and climbs to the Peak in HK every day! I’d like to clock the no of kms she does…she inspires me a lot though!

    I love walking- so good for the soul x

  3. My gosh. Maggie is so much like your sister. I think I am going to take up this competition advice with a friend! I am very competitive so I think this would really kickstart my post baby butt! (My little lady was born April 3. Your blog has entertained many a night time breastfeed- thanks!)

  4. Smykolandia says

    My sister is only one year old than me. I don’t remember childchood time. When we were teenagers we hated each other. Now she is my best friend!

  5. Oh yeah. Trying to sit in the toilet after a PT session. So much pain, and so much laughter from hubby!

  6. My sister bought me a fitness tracker for Christmas so I’m planning on getting her one for her birthday in Feb so we can have Duels! I must win.
    In general all 3 of us try to encourage each other with our exercise adn healthy eating – lots of recipe swapping happening all the time. I love that we’re all good friends.

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