It’s the start of the week! And it’s Spring! And my productivity levels are relatively high for a change from the months of hibernation and I am 100% going with it while it lasts because I know it won’t last (at least I am realistic). And I am pretty much sure that next shop I will be adding chia seeds to my trolley because it’s the first week of spring, and of course I will be.
I got up yesterday and did work before 7am (the early light mornings are a game changer for getting shit done aren’t they?) then I got lunches sorted and was out the door before 7.30am for a walk and finally trying to put that as a priority in my day again. NAILING IT.
Because I had my active wear on and was happy to marinate in my own filth for the day I continued to be accidentally active on my Maintenance Monday churning through my chores that I had for the day including getting the lawn mowed, getting the house cleaned and getting my regular daily 3 loads (HOW CAN IT BE?!) of washing done and of course PUT AWAY.
I put up a #maintenancemonday pep talk on Instagram stories as I do on a Monday with some tips on what I do this included my washing routine of folding straight from the line (because I don’t iron) and then how I ALWAYS put them away. ALWAYS. I intentionally fold washing on my bed because I want to make sure it gets put away. I don’t want to see washing there, so away it goes! My rant went like this:
And I got SO many messages from people about the rant. Lots of “YEAH ALRIGHT” to “THANK YOU” and “WELL SHIT NOW YOU’VE GUILTED ME” to “I DON’T WANNA”. The truth is no one wants to do the bloody washing let alone hang it out, bring it in, then fold it and THEN put it away. No one. Much like doing exercise, not drinking, eating well, reading, resting, stretching your brain, flexing this and that and no one really wants to do they? But you do it, because you are a grown up and you have to.
With such a response to the pep talk it got me thinking about the other areas of our mundane life that we lead that could use a bootcamp pep talk. Imagine having your very own Commander type trainer yelling at you in the supermarket to “DIG DEEP AND KEEP GOING” as you make your way through the aisles. And definitely at the self check out when you realise for the 45th time that you forgot to bring your own bags and you juggle and balance all 17 items on the way out to the car whilst trying to keep check on a wayward 3 year old. “GET ON WITH BETH. SURE IT’S NOT IDEAL BUT YOU CAN DO IT.”
Or perhaps it’s just getting through the last two hours of the day on your own when you have an over tired toddler and other kids with complex athletics questions and tantrums and dinner and bath and dear GOD you want to get in that car and just keep driving until it all disappears. An angry low key vanilla pep talk could do then couldn’t it?
Or getting your head into the right space for some boom chicka bow wow action with your partner. Like a shot of courage I’m sure a pep talk could make ALL the difference.
Sometimes it’s what you need to make you dig deep. And why does the fitness industry have to have it all I ask you? I swear those inspirational memes and quotes seem so much better when you place them in a really mundane setting. Like this that usually make me roll my eyes. But think about it in the context of your unfolded washing basket.
What areas could you use a low-key vanilla situational pep talk?
The supermarket?
The laundry?
Cleaning the kitchen floor for there 782nd time where no one notices except you?
And to all those who appreciated it on Instagram stories, I might make it a thing and yell at you more often OK?
I fold and then put it on THEIR bed so THEY have to put it away. It’s my own personal rebellion…
Oh yes I do that too!
Love the idea of a boot camp type peep talk…… I could definitely do with one to get the three toilets and two bathrooms in this house clean every week…. LYW.
God it’s bullshit isn’t it? BUT YOU’VE GOT THIS HELEN. We all do.
We are moving house next week and I am doing 99% of the packing and I don’t want to do it by myself I want the other 3 adults in the house to do it with me ! ( I am not working at present ) 2 are busy working and one is sick atm ! On the plus side the house is filthy and messy and I don’t care cos the industrial cleaners are coming next week once we are out. PS I also do what Nicole does and put the clean washing on everyones bed so they have to actually put it away.
Praise BE for the industrial cleaners – you cam do this LINDA!!! Dig deep!
I need a ‘clean the toilet your three sons have no respect for’ pep talk. 🙄🙄🙏🏻🙏🏻
My condolences x
I need a vanilla pep talk to cook, food prep, salads etc. I keep buying everything ready made, it’s SO much easier when cooking *said buying* for one…
A little batch cooking at the start of the week will make ALL the difference – promise!! YOU CAN DO IT LIV
Yes fold that bloody washing and get it out of sight people! Stuff ironing. My iron is in a box in a cupboard in my laundry 🤣 not sure about the walking pep talk though … I have a very slow nearly 7 yo daughter and a labradoodle and maybe I need some sort of bike contraption for her. She has special needs and very low muscle tone – any ideas anyone? 🤷🏻♀️
What about one of those bikes that you can push from the back? Like A smart trike?
Yes! To folding and putting it on their beds. Our adult children (one building a house soon(21)the other working and coaching(18) ) even fold our washing and put it on our bed! They Have been doing their own washing since 17 years old. Rant away about exercising daily, I need to hear (read) it luvvie! Love this blog post♥️
Thanks Need 🙂 x
Oh man, I NEEEEED someone to cheer me on. I have 3.5 hours left of parenting for the day. That includes toilet training a very stubborn 3 year old and dealing with an overtired 6 year old.
Thank god for pre-prepared spag bol.
Everyone needs one at that time of day!!
Go the book camp pep talk!! Love it!!
Thanks Marj I think I better!
Your pep talk yesterday made me put away aLL the washing! And today I was so happy I did. I think the pep talks are fucking fantastic, if it makes me put the phone down and go set a cleaning timer then all the better, it’s like having mum yelling at me and going ‘fine’ and just doing it!
I am going to keep them up!
Yell, whisper, whatever takes your fancy ‘cos you are always worth listening to!
Thank you Maria! x
I need a pep talk to get up in the morning! I am NOT a morning person. Kids are gone, we’re retired. If it weren’t for the dog, I would be in bed till 9 or 10! Yay dog… he needs a walk at 7:30.
Ha! Good on the dog…and you!
you are a tonic beth!
need a laugh here!
major roof leaks here now!!! metaphor for this year!!!
so now I’ve started binge watching Poldark 1975 as diversional therapy!!!
omg I just need to put active wear on and get down and dirty!
Get out there Merilyn – no one ever regrets a walk!
Excellent post Beth. Sooooo needed to hear this rant this morning. I went away for 5 days and returned feeling awesome for the first hour … then the reality of a filthy house, truck loads of washing, and a family that suck the life out of me hit and totes burst the bubble. I truly love my family, but sometimes they totally work me hard (mentally). Anyhoo, you had me at “I am just a girl, standing in front of a self-checkout, screaming that there is no unexpected item in the bagging area” Made me laugh HARD. Such a metaphor for what’s going on for me. You’ve inspired me to keep going! Love what you do Beth. You’re a legend xx
Re-entry BITES Terri-Anne hope you have been able to get back into the swing of things OK this week x