Preggo files #4

Kate has been out and about again this week looking resplendent in red. And an up-do! So rare.


I’ve been sporting an up-do too! Well I got my hair done so that means that it’s been up..ish. As you can see I am sporting a Kate’s full term bump at this early stage…gee that extra pregnancy must make the world of difference! This was last night at Nikki’s book tour stop in my local Bowral. It was lovely to see a few familiar faces from Facebook or Instagram and see all of Nikki’s fan girls (of which there were HEAPS). People adore this woman! And why wouldn’t they? Clever clogs! I can assure you that after 2 days of wearing heels (I wore them on Thursday to the Christmas catch up in Sydney and then again last night) I can barely walk and have constant calf cramps. Glamorous.


Did you hear that Asher Keddie is preggos too? In such good company with Kate and I! I bet she’s thrilled.


I am so interested this time around with the pregnancy all the tech developments that have occurred since I had my last kid. APPS! So many apps! Instead of books, there are apps. Apps to track where you are with your pregnancy, apps that track the feeding and sleeping patterns of your newborn…apps! I got an email from my contact at Apple during the week with a whole range of the different ones that are available. Here were some of the news that they sent me:

PicMonkey Collage

WhatToExpect – Pregnancy
This app guides you through your pregnancy day-by-day and week-by-week. Based on your due date you’ll receive personalised content, get access to the latest parenting news and health information, and be connected to a tight-knit community of other expectant mums and parents like you for support and advice.
Positive Pregnancy with Andrew Johnson
The app is a guided meditation audio program intended to help expecting mothers become deeply relaxed and focus on a positive and successful pregnancy.
Birth with Contraction Timer
The value of a contraction timer is measured in its simplicity and ease of use. In labour, timing contractions is just one of the many items you’ll be attending to. This app is intended to make timing contractions so easy that you won’t be distracted from what really matters.
50,000 Baby Names FREE

50,000 Baby Names picker is a tool to help expecting parents find the perfect baby name.

Do you use apps? What ones do you use? What should I be using? TELL ME ALL THE THINGS.

Had an appointment with my ob this week and when she got me on the scales I had LOST WEIGHT. Sure, I wore pretty much the loosest, thinest piece of clothing that I could find and took my shoes off etc, but I had LOST WEIGHT. Are you as proud of me as I am of me? I can’t say this is going to last. Rob finally got to see the baby too…and he realised that we are in fact, HAVING A BABY. Shit hey.

I got home from Sydney yesterday to this gorgeous Christmas decoration sent to me by the Clever ladies from Down that Little Lane. Perfect Christmas pressie for those of you with kids don’t you think? And the best bit? PLASTIC. They cannot be broken. Unlike any of the precious ones that my kids have received from Grandparents that have broken over the years. You can see all the details here.


I have also been interested to see just how many people ask if I will find out what the sex of the baby will be. We could have found out by now, in fact it’s written in a report somewhere, but we are in the surprise camp. Always have (we didn’t find out with the others either) and we won’t be doing so for this one. I reckon that there are so few GOOD surprises in this world, that we may as well get one. So no, we won’t be finding out, just in case you were wondering.

Craving: Fruit mince. I don’t think this Christmas is going to be a pretty one is all I’m saying.

Drinking: Milkshakes and milo. And then another milkshake. SCH-weet!

Dreaming: Of finger buns. As in I actually was DREAMING about them. Had an argument with a bakery store owner because he didn’t know the price of said finger buns and I found it infuriating. How could he run  bakery without knowing the price of his buns I ask you?!! Sheesh. I also dreamt of I was in Athropologie in London. Huh.

Worrying: About people that I love. And my little sis. Have that baby safely ploise!

Here’s cheers with a fancy juice I had during my stay in Sydney at some cool bar in Surry Hills. If I closed my eyes I could pretend it was a refreshing cocktail. Except it’s just fancy juice. Cheers!


Know anyone else preggers with Kate, Asher and I?
Use any good pregnancy/baby apps I should know about?
Do you find the sex out of your babies?

Hope you have a great Saturday!


  1. I’m a surprise girl too Beth. My youngest daughter was a double surprise – a red head. Didn’t see that coming!
    You’re looking lovely. Milkshakes must agree with you. x

  2. Like you, we didn’t want to know the gender of our babies. I figure finding out beforehand is like opening your presents before Christmas Day! We were slightly tempted with the second but we wanted a surprise. Loving the baby bump! Enjoy those mince pies x

  3. I’m in the Bump Club too! 23 weeks along & in the Surprise Camp too, drives everyone else nuts doesn’t?! LOL

    Milkshakes = calcium. Very important during pregnancy my midwife says! 😉

  4. Tara Mahoney says

    Lovely baby bump! I’m 21 weeks and I don’t think Kate will ever look as pregnant as I do now!

    Sounds like you had the Harmony test if you’ve got the gender on a piece of paper somewhere. We had the test too and when they rang for the results I asked about the sex and was told we are having a girl! I won’t lie though, it was exciting in the scan the first time to find out but hearing by phone was a bit strange! I was by myself and didn’t see my hubby til that night so kind of just went about my business.

    Don’t regret finding out though! My husband just loves being able to bond with our little girl already and we’ve named her. Birth was such a shock last time it helped me to focus on delivering our little girl. I’ve never done well with abstract concepts though!

    I really like Sprout for following along with the pregnancy.

    Loving these posts! I love hearing stories from anyone pregnant the same time as me!

  5. I’m not with child (thank the sweet baby Jesus!) but I do have an app for you- BabyBump! Got me through both of my pregnancies and birth- the contraction timer was awesome!! I often still look back to see how many days old my first is- he is 1480 days old today by the way! Eeek!!
    And why yes, I am one of those that DOES find out the genders of my babies, at the earliest stage I possibly can! For me there are so many other surprises when they arrive and it also helps me connect to my growing bub. (And yes I do peek at Christmas presents given the chance!!)
    Cute baby bump- that’s one thing that I sure do miss! x

  6. I’m 38 weeks and desperate to be done with the whole thing. I’m at that stage where nothing is pretty or glamourous and I’m getting cranky beyond words – do you think Kate and Asher get cranky? Can’t imagine it. We found out, but we tell everyone we aren’t finding out (except apparently the internet – go figure) Enjoy all of the food !! Xx

  7. Good on you with the weight!! Just keep dreaming about the finger buns and not eating them, ha!

    We didn’t find out about the sex, I wanted my husband to tell me the sex at the delivery. Baby was delivered and hubby says, its a boy! Midwife then says, no, look again, its a girl! Hubby was a bit embarrassed, but he said it was all squashed up and he couldn’t see properly…poor excuse huh. Next baby was an adopted boy, so no surprise there!

    Have you seen the beautiful hand painted xmas balls you can get in the Queen Vic building? We got one last year, will do the same again this year on our trip to Sydney to see all the xmas decorations. (The ladies who do the hand painting are not very friendly though, think they have lost their xmas spirit…and the crystal cave where santa goes to in QVB is just gorgeous, santa and the elves are always lovely there)

  8. We had 3 surprise babies- I didn’t want to find out each time.
    Last night was lovely, it was nice to meet you and Nikki in real life, I only wish we could have stayed longer to chat!

  9. Meeeeeee!!!

  10. Lisa mckenzie says

    Nope I didn’t know what sex babies I was having either though I did guess right both times,you look lovely and are with such good company with Kate and Asher.Have a lovely weekend and let us know if your sis has the baby xx

  11. Hubby and I found out with each pregnancy…but yeah I kinda figured it out for myself after about two babies…saw a pattern emerging lol !!

  12. Fancy juice served in a fancy glass with fancy straws are the BEST. FANCY!

    You look so so beautiful, and congratulations to Nikkers on the launch down your way. How exciting for your little sis.


  13. I’m with you and Kate on this crazy baby ride too – #4 and have had 2 surprises, 1 slip up at the scan and so we found out for this one but keeping it hush for now. We have 1 girl and 2 boys (under 5) so decided I wanted to be a little organised. I used a breastfeeding app the last time which was great in the early days. You’re looking fab, love hearing about your journey (and it makes me feel a little more normal)

  14. I have number 4 on board, always have and always will do the surprise thing. I tell ppl it gives me an incentive to push it out and see what it is

  15. You’re looking lovely btw.

    Preggo dreams are the weirdest aren’t they?!

    We found out the first time and told everyone. We found out the second time but kept it a secret so everyone else was surprised but I’m the worst at keeping secrets so told my parents. If I did a third I wouldn’t find out but two is it for us so I won’t get that opportunity. I did guess right both times though. Do you have a feeling on what it will be?

    No idea with the apps as mine are 8&6 so I only got an iPhone 3 when preggo with the second and can’t recall having any baby apps at the time.

    Good luck with it all and good luck to your sister too.

  16. I’m with you on not finding out the sex of the baby. We didn’t find out for all three of our babies. It’s like knowing what you are going to get for Christmas! I bought all neutral clothing for the first few months, which also meant the clothing could be handed down. There is a euphoric moment when you finally deliver your baby and you find out for the very first time if you have a boy or girl………such a special time. xo

  17. Surprises are THE BEST, we didn’t find out either time!
    Bickfords Ice Tea cordial is a great preggo drink that is really refreshing, but not bloaty or soft drink (which I hate when pregnant!). Sometimes it’s just nice to have a ‘drink’ when everyone else is that’s not lemonade or water! Pineapple juice, ginger beer and mint with tonnes of ice is another good one…and helpful when you’re feeling a bit nauseous too!
    The Wonder Weeks app is a life saver (let’s you know when bub is going through those development stages that make them – and you – a bit batty!). I also found the iBaby Feed Timer helpful in those first few sleepless exhausting weeks – tracks feeds (how long, how far apart, how many, which side etc), and nappies. I didn’t bother with it for my second (didn’t feel like I needed it, and who has the time when there’s a toddler on the go too?!?!), but kept me sane in the early days with #1!
    You’re in fine preggo company and looking fab, Beth!

  18. I’m 20weeks with number 2 and another surprise for us. Hardly anyone keeps it’s a surprise anymore but I’m dead set on it! It’s hard work growing babies and I think the surprise helps you get to the end! I’m also drinking milkshake after milkshake after milkshake…did with my first as well.

  19. I used My Pregnancy Today & Pregnancy + with bubs 3 & 4 ( were no such things with the first two). Now I use The Wonder Weeks app for the babies & Period Tracker for me because dear lord let me period arrive! even though husband has had the snip, I’m still worried we’ll be that couple in New Idea,talking about having a fifth baby because it didn’t work !!!

  20. We did find out the sex of our babies but firstly it was kinda out of our hands. My mother in law had terminal cancer whilst I was carrying our first and we gave her the option of finding out the sex of the baby so she could have some understanding of what was ahead as we knew she wasn’t going to make it. I really wanted to be surprised but knew it was the right thing to find out for her. We have never regretted it of course and by the time no. 2 came around I couldn’t not know!! Baby no. 3 is brewing right now (it’s on the hush… so it’s kinda weird I’m typing it here) and I think I might have to find out again. After 2 boys I’ve got the I wanna know, just in case, I need to get organised for a pinky.

  21. Well I was, but I had my bub on Monday and boy is it good to be able to see my toes again, and not feel the need to pee every 2 mins, other than morning sickness for the first 20 weeks it was a relatively smooth sailing pregnancy!
    I’m definitely a big believer in surprises – did it both times round, thought first was going to be a boy. Out came a beautiful girl. Thought this one was definitely a boy as such a different pregnancy. Out came another beautiful girl. There’s nothing quite like your baby being hung upside down in front of your face fresh out being likened to a chicken hanging in the window of the China town shops by your Ob whilst trying to work what is!!

  22. I love the idea of not finding out the gender- such a cool surprise. Considering I’m the type of person who sneaks a look at Christmas and birthday gifts, I lasted about ten seconds in my resolve to not ask!

  23. I always have to find out. It isn’t in my genetic make up to be able to wait for the surprise. 11 weeks until our baby girl arrives. Starting to worry that I haven’t been as on to it as the first, as in I haven’t read a single thing. Haven’t followed an app etc. Thinking it is just a second time around thing, though it isn’t like I remember much from the first!

  24. I’m due just before Kate, our first & we’re having a surprise as well. My partner has adjusted to not knowing even though it drives him nuts at times. I miss Gin at this time of year. I’ve been muddling kaffir lime & ginger with soda as my drink.

  25. Best app Pelvic Floor – it sets you reminders to do them, something I have needed after popping out 3 so close!
    Didn’t find out with 1st or 2nd but since I had one of both I wanted to know which colour to ditch for third so found out.
    You sure are keeping great company!

  26. Holy hell! You’re preggers!!! Congrats – I had no idea! Turns out its been a while since I’ve checked up on you. So excited. Now I have to go back and check all this out!

  27. The contraction apps were obviously designed by a man!
    I remember getting so frustrated swiping onto my phone, clicking into the app, and hitting start…by the time I did all that, the contraption was either over or already too strong for me to bother!
    I did use a sleeping feeding timer sort of app last time that was vaguely helpful…mostly to remember what side I fed from last time. But this time I think I will be a lot less worried about keeping track of those sorts of things.

    And I have been loving the fancy juices!
    And slushies…this week’s go to is frozen pineapple, real lemonade, and mint all blitzed…so good!

  28. Trish symons says

    So exciting Beth – and how out of the loop am I ! You look fantastic – I feel very thrilled for you all .

  29. Never found out with mine. Thought 1st could have been a boy – twas a girl. thought 2nd would be a girl even though felt completely different pregnant with each one – had a boy! And just knew 3rd was a girl cos she felt exactly like her sister! Should have had a 4th but last two were 18mnths apart and i think I just kinda forgot to do it and now I feel like I’m too old (my eldest goes into Yr 10 next year!) and have neutered my husband but am beside myself when looking at bubbas. My friend is my age and just had her 1st and he is deeeevine and instagram is slaying with the gorgeousness of his chubby, podgy little face and feet!

    My beautiful boy just got school captain for next year – soooo proud but he’s no longer podgy, he puts bloody product in his hair! I am going to start putting bricks on his head to STOP all this growing! Wow – that was a much longer comment than I planned!

  30. I’m pregnant too!! Another one we have together! Yay! And we don’t find out either, it is written in the chart too. I’m kind of dying to know this time around, though, I’m not sure why?!

  31. I due with my first in 3 weeks give or take. I convinced my husband not to find out gender.. THe nursery is looking pretty girly, but the clothes are mostly blue or grey (give or take a couple of second hand princess 0000 singlets from my sister)!
    I feel completely out of my depth! Can’t wait to get my body back though, and meet baby of course!

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