
I recently added a new photo to the fridge.



I KNOW! A new BabyMac is coming in 2015. Holy fucking shit. (Sorry for the swearing Mum) x



    So, so so so happy for you guys. Made my year.


  2. OH YEAH!! BABY!!

  3. Ahhh congratulations xx

  4. Wow, that is fantastic news. CONGRATULATIONS,


  6. Yay! Lovely news. Frank won’t be the baby of the family for long. Congrats!

  7. Kirsty Michalzik says

    Amazing news. So happy for your family xo

  8. OMG so bloody awesome!!! Yay! Your lovely news managed to make my dad. I even have tears. Congratulations guys xx

  9. Awesome!! Big congrats to the whole family!! Xx

  10. That is the happiest most wonderful, most extraordinarily brilliant news anyone could share!
    No wonder you are missing your fella so much.
    I have two nieces & 4 nephews
    You are in for a whole different style of awesome
    Yay yay
    I love me a new baby

  11. Congratulations! I had the same reaction when I found out about #3 ‘Holy fucking shit!” (I’m due in April) – Thats so awesome its actually mad me cry xx congrats!

  12. What magical splendid news.

  13. Oh wow Beth….I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!

  14. Oh wow! All the best Beth and baby.

  15. OMG! Congratulations!!
    Somehow I assumed that you were done with having them, but this is awesome news!

  16. WOW! Congrats! I had a feeling number 3 was on the horizon after your post a while ago. Even though it was all about letting it go, it is hard to loose that feeling. Hope everything chugs along nicely for you. x

  17. Oh, wow!!! Huge congratulations.

    Babies are awesome. xx

  18. Yay! Big congrats to you and hubby. Beautiful news xxxxx

  19. Congrats, hope all goes well, xx

  20. Debs Sutton says

    How wonderful for you guys…..HUGE congratulations & Love.!!!! xxx

  21. Amazing amazing!!! So happy for you all! xx

  22. Oh Beth that third little person you thought was waiting is on their way!!!!! I am so very excited for you! And no wonder you’re all emo – HORMONES! Such happy news. BIG love xxx

  23. No freaking way!!!

    Congratulations! πŸ˜€

  24. Wow!!!!! Congratulations. Poor Frank he was not in the throne for long. Amazing news. Congratulations again

  25. Tara Mahoney says

    Congratulations!!! What absolutely thrilling news!! I’m having my second in April next year and we have a very similar little pic on our fridge. Xx

  26. Such beautiful, wonderful news! Welcome to the 3 kid club! It’s a helluva ride, but it’s worth it. That kid is one lucky baby to be in your family. xxx

  27. CONGRATULATIONS!! Great news Beth! Really happy for you guys x

  28. Yvonne duke says

    Wow, congratulations !!!!

  29. Congratulations!!! What exciting news for you and your family!! Please don’t let the baby make you too tired to blog! Reading your funny posts is such a joy and is one of the highlights of my stay-home mum day!

  30. Woo hoo!! Congrats Beth.. My better half often mumbles about a 3rd.. I will be monitoring your feelings closely πŸ™‚

  31. Wow that was a surprise. Congratulations & hope you are feeling well xxxx

  32. I just got a bit teary. That’s such awesome news lovely. Congratulations. x

  33. Oh, I am so excited and pleased!! I knew when I met you at Nikki’s book launch that there was no way you could live in that beautiful home and not bring a new baby home right there. Ha, I was right, you do have another one in you – right now!!!
    Congratulations, and here’s to a healthy pregnancy and of course baby!!

  34. WOW! Such wonderful news.Congrats.

  35. Congratulations!! HFS (holy fucking shit) no wonder all the emotions lately best news ever!!!

  36. Congratulations Beth xx

  37. What the what?!! That’s fantastic news, congratulations xx

  38. Congratulations Beth! We are expecting our 3rd in 2015 also. Bit nervous, bit excited… actually lots excited! And now for you too! We can do this!

  39. That’s wonderful news Beth. Congratulations to you and Rob.
    I had a feeling this might be coming after something you posted a while back! Can’t remember exactly what you said, but I remember thinking to myself ” I bet she’s thinking about having another baby” I have four girls, and the first two were 6 and 8 when we decided to have another, and then number 4 was a surprise, but a delightful one.
    Will love following your journey again. Bet your mum is thrilled.
    Jan x

  40. Yipppeeee. Three is awesome fun x

  41. Lisa Aherne says

    OH, OH, OH, OH!!!!!! I am so excited for you! Can I be a cyber granny or something? Really looking forward to the posts to come and wishing you the very best and easiest and happiest pregnancy, childbirth and life ahead. Woohoo.

  42. Linda Jenkins says

    Wow Beth, congrats to you and Rob, have a safe and healthy pregnancy and please keep up your journey via your blog and FB pages.

  43. Wow! Congratulations! Such lovely news.

  44. Congratulations! Lovely and exciting news! Hope you are feeling well x

  45. Fantastic news Beth! You won’t regret it. 3 is the perfect number. Your girls will LOVE having another little person. You would have always wondered. Happy days! Hope the nausea has passed.

  46. Woot! I am so excited for you πŸ™‚

  47. Awesome news. Huge congrats Beth. Hope you are feeling ok and look forward to following babymac the 3rd’s journey! Xx

  48. Totes amazing ! Congrats

  49. Ohmygosh congratulations! Special times xx hope you’re feeling well.

  50. Yay congrats to you and the family Beth, that’s wonderful news.

  51. Such happy news!! Congratulations to you & Rob, and the girls, and even Frank!

  52. congratulations mumma!! How exciting for you and your fam!
    Here’s to an excellent 2015!


  53. Holy cow!! No wonder you’ve been poorly and tragic. Congratulations!!

  54. Wow!!! So thrilled for you πŸ™‚ I love having 3. Most of the time πŸ˜‰ You will be awesome. Congratulations! Xxxx

  55. Congratulations Beth. What lovely news. Just quietly, I am pregnant with my third baby too. WE CAN DO IT!!

  56. Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news xxx

  57. Seriously? That is a very special photo to add to the fridge. Huge congrats from us xx

  58. Congratulations. Awesome news xx

  59. Holy fucking shit! Indeed – did not see that one coming! Fantastic – go you guys!

  60. Oh my, you kept this one tucked away a while! Congratulations!


  62. Congratulations!!!! That is such precious news. Hope you’re feeling ok.

  63. Congratulations xxoo

  64. Congrats Beth-welcome to the 3 baby club-it is crazy but totally worth it.

  65. Lovely news! Congratulations to you & Rob. Having 3 little people in your family is a wonderful thing!

  66. What beautiful news. Huge congratulations!

  67. Rach aka stinkb0mb says


  68. Belinda Galbraith says

    Big congrats! I was exactly the same when I found out I was having a third….holy shit how the hell am I going to do this?! But I’m happy to report that 4 months in, number three has been nothing but a joy. By now I’m used to being sleep deprived, am more confident as a mother and have just been enjoying it…as I’m sure you will too!

  69. Amy {The Misadventurous Maker} says

    Holy fucking shit alright!!!! Oh my!!!! Such amazing news! Congratulations to you all! Three is a magic number! My two boys adore their baby sister and I have two awesome helpers plus I get to play with baby while big kids are at preschool and school! So awesome. It’s totally chaotic but awesome. Take care and I can’t wait to see your adventures xox

  70. Holy shit! Super awesome!

  71. Oh hoo-ray!
    When you got the dog, I was all, “No! Have THE BABY! You aren’t done yet!” This actually made me squeal out loud. And I don’t even know you. Babies bring families together in this magic, magic way. Best news ever. Congratulations!

  72. Congratulations to you both! Lovely news x

  73. Wow, congratulations, awesome.

  74. Lisa Mckenzie says

    Wow congratulations Beth no wonder you’ve been tired and missing Rob so much,I can’t wait to see your new baby,much love Xxx


    No wonder you’ve been missing Rob more then ever, those darn hormones!

    Good luck with it all best. May your pregnancy be smooth and may it be uneventful. Big love x

  76. Ohh Beth, congratulations!!! xx

  77. A BABY MAC! How friken exciting!

  78. That is so freaking exciting! Congrats Beth + Mac Daddy! xx

  79. Congratulations Beth + Rob! {He knows, right? Given he is un-contactable?! Ha!}
    Super excited for your baby news. BabyMac 3! I bet the girls are beside themselves. They will make amazing big sisters. I hope you are feeling well. Take care xx

  80. Wow, that’s exciting Beth!!
    As a Mum of 3 ( my 3rd also took a long time coming & is now 25) I am happy to share that it took 3 babies to get it right. Your family will be complete & your new bubba will bring so much joy to everyone. Looking forward to your journey xx

  81. yay congrats…must be an overseas fun time baby????

  82. Congrats! We had number 3 six weeks ago with a similar age gap to you (we also have a 5 year old and an 8 year old). It’s just wonderful and it’s been amazing watching the pregnancy and new born through the eyes of the older two! I had forgotten how sleep deprived it can get but at least with the other two at school I can sneak back to bed after school drop off! Enjoy xx

  83. Congratulations!! How exciting for you πŸ™‚ x

  84. Congratulations Beth, such wonderful news xx

  85. Congratulations, what a wonderful gift.

  86. Congratulations Beth, wonderful beautiful news. Now I understand why you miss hubby so much when he is away.
    Also thats why there has not been any posts about how premenstral you are too… and a lot of posts about food. It is all clear…
    take care and enjoy!!!!

  87. Lovely news! Best wishes and congratulations.! πŸ˜€

  88. Congrats! That’s great news! I’m currently cooking no. 4 due in Feb. Fun times xxoo

  89. OMG!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Amazing wonderful news!!

  90. WHAT THE……!!!! I never had a third…..and I am truly wishing your beautiful family all the best. take care of yourself Beth. x x x

  91. I knew you’d go again. Most gorgeous news xxx

  92. Big congratulations! How super exciting!

  93. Congratulations!!!! Best news of the day xx

  94. You got a dog and now you’re growing a baby. It doesn’t get much better than that! So happy for you! xx

  95. such awesome news! Funnily, it feels like one of my gf’s have just announced the news I read your blog so often! Congratulations to you all

  96. that is so freakin awesome! number 3 babies rock! blessings to you and yours xoxo

  97. It’s so exciting, Beth. Congrats again to you and Rob and the big sisters two. x

  98. What! OMG! That is so awesome! I did not see that coming at all. 2015 is going to be huge!! Much love to you, Rob and the girls. What a very special time for you all xxx

  99. Awesome news! Congrats.

  100. Perfect, most exciting news! You aren’t mad or crazy β€” you are a beautiful nurturer.
    Love to you all xXx

  101. Congrats, Beth! Wonderful news, hope you’re feeling well.

  102. Congratulations!!! The best news!! Xx looking forward to the big day in 2015.

  103. Very, very cool news. Congratulations!!

  104. Oh my, what an announcement!! Such fab news. How are you feeling??? Does your due date happen to fall around the same time as Wills and Kate? Hehe. Hope you breeze through this pregnancy x

  105. That is awesome news. A huge congratulations to your beautiful family. V x

  106. That bubba is lucky to be able to join an amazing family. Congratulations to you four. Xxx

  107. How lovely. Congratulations xx

  108. Huzzah! Congrats to all.

  109. That’s so freakin’ exciting!! Huge congrats. How are you feeling? You said something in a post you wrote a little while ago and it made me wonder. This is excellent news. I bet the girls are besides themselves!! Jx

  110. Katie clews says

    i sooo knew it!! No pics of alcoholic drinks for a while .. Instead pics of milk!!!!!! No running or exercise either

  111. BEST blog post of the week! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I’m SO excited for you and your family. Is this a European baby…

  112. Jacqueline says

    Way to go Beth. Our number 3 is the icing on our family cake or as I like to say she was my present to myself. Our twin girls were at school when number 3 arrived and the sheer indulgence of having six whole hours of one baby to enjoy and nap with if I wanted to while her sisters were at school (1st grade) was nothing short of delightful! Fabulous news.
    Kind regards
    Ps if Babymac Mark 3 is a girl I recommend Cordelia as a name. We thought it was fitting and it has turned out to be a rather fine and most appropriate choice!

  113. Thrilled! The girls must be so excited!
    Here’s to the most boring pregnancy and delivery ever.

    Enjoy nesting πŸ™‚

    Lydia xx

  114. Congratulations ! What lovely news

  115. YAY, BABYMAKE! (See what I did there?)
    No wonder you’ve been all emotional with Rob away.
    I was getting worried and now IT’S JUST THE HORMONES!
    Congratulations you little legends.

  116. Oh wow congratulations!!!!!

  117. Such wonderful news. I am going to enjoy hearing all about this little one as no more babies in our family with number 4 off to school.
    Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy.
    Thanks got sharing.
    Like someone else said, babies are awesome!

  118. Wow!!! That 3rd baby bite got you!! Congratulations. That’s lovely lovely news xx

  119. πŸ˜‰

  120. congratulations Beth! Beautiful news!

  121. WOOHOO!!! Congrats, this is exciting news!

  122. Same response when I found out about our #3, but she is crazy awesome. We didn’t realize we were incomplete till she came along!! Congrats!

  123. OH WOW WOW WOW!! Congratulations guys, so so happy for you! x

  124. Oh my Lord! Congratulations to you and your beautiful family! So happy for you!

    Love Joolz xx

  125. Congratulations to you and all the family. Very exciting x

  126. CONGRATULATIONS Beth, I love baby news that is just wonderful!! x

  127. Congratulations !! So exciting !!!!Wonderful news !!!! xx

  128. Amazing news. What a beautiful blessing to your family. Look after yourself and enjoy this special time! x

  129. Congrats! Awesome news!

  130. Oh My GAWD! So freakin excited for you guys!!!
    Awesome news.
    Mwah x

  131. Congratulations!

  132. Holy crap! Congratulations!

  133. It was the milk that gave it away. I only drink milk from a glass like that when pregnant! Such great news….enjoy. 3 is crazy, but perfect.

  134. Well, there you go! Such exciting news! Not only am I surrounded by 3 pregnant women at work (I’m avoiding the drinking water) with another 4 on Maternity leave, one of my favourite blogs will be expecting a babe of her own too. Wow! Just wow! So who’s next??? Mrs Woog??

  135. Awww this is WONDERFUL! That third you debated and agonised over… just waited patiently for you. Take care of yourself and that precious cargo xo

  136. I know I have already told you but I’ll say it again… HELLLL YEAH, come on little Baby BabyMac. We cant wait to meet you and you scored one hellava awesome Mum xx

  137. Many congrats Mamma! XO
    Your adventures, lessons, recipes, flowers and joys make me smile and make me think…and inspire me to be more. Wishing you a healthy and peaceful pregnancy – looking forward to reading all about it πŸ™‚

  138. We keep joking we couldn’t have a third as we might have another set of naturally conceived twins! We have even named them as they would be boys – Monty and Edward.
    But seriously, amazing happy news, and yes like someone said above – what a beautiful place for bringing up a baby!

  139. the. best. news. ever.

    I. love. babies!!!



  140. WOW Congrats ! It’s such a beautiful news ! So, do you have a name in the bag? Should we suggest some ??? πŸ™‚

  141. Beautiful news!! Can’t wait for the journey with you! Xo

  142. Congratulations!!! Awesome news.

  143. Cheers to an uneventful (in a good way!) journey to delivery. Beautiful news, so thrilled for you!
    Is Frankie all protective and snuggles? Anyone pregnant close to me (or me) gets total personal body guard treatment from our pooch! Gorgeous x

  144. Congrats Beth! How lovely:)
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful news with us all.

  145. Congratulations, that is wonderful news.

  146. Rani Wilkinson says

    Congratulations Beth!!! I’ve got 4 and have always said it is organised chaos.
    Three’s a piece of cake…can’t wait to hear more baby news.

  147. Wow – just great news. Thank you for sharing.

  148. Oh my goodness! I didn’t expect this coming but what FABULOUS news! Can’t wait for all the pregnancy blog posts…please tell me there will be pregnancy blog posts!!! Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy!

  149. The loveliest news, congratulations what a beautiful year you have ahead. Marshall Mac sounds kinda cool! Eden’s on to something there. Hope you are well, breathe deeply and rest when you can Beth. x

  150. Sharon Sweeny says

    Lovely, lovely news and so exciting for your whole family! xxx

  151. Awesome news Beth. Even though I don’t know you IRL it came as a huge shock. I always got the impression you were finished baby making. At 40 years old I am expecting baby 3 and 4 April 2015 – HFS x 2!!!

  152. Congratulations! Third babies are cruisy (they have to be!) and so lucky to get the most squishy cuddles – my number 3 told me that πŸ™‚
    Liz xo

  153. Congratulations Beth! After your amazing trip earlier this year, there’s no doubt you can manage three littles. So excited for you and your family.

  154. Congratulations! Our no 3 came along after 2 miscarriages and a wait. With 2 big brothers, she is the funniest, quirkiest, most loving girl who’s getting married in April 2015 and we can’t imagine our lives without her!
    Cheers to the whole family

  155. Congratulations Beth this was unexpected to see in my feed haha! Great news πŸ™‚ xx

  156. What a wonderful announcement, cool way to do it. Take it easy now then, get those feet up missus and all those well-meaning cliches!

  157. ahoy jenni says

    Omg that is beautiful news !! I’ve been sad as my dear dad passed away melbourne cup day, he was 90, I was an oops baby, but your news brightened my day and reminded me of the cycle of life, thanks for that and congratulations !!

  158. Annie Maurer says

    So this is what happens when I am rushed off my feet and don’t visit for a few days!! Congratulations to you all….fabulous news! I had my third, 5 years after my second and it was such fun for the 5 and 7 year old. They were great helpers too. We thought we were done with two and the third was a bit of a shock….but she just became the icing on the cake…..enjoy your lovely family xo Annie M

  159. Friggin’ so excited! This has to be a ‘whoops’, right??? If I was pregnant now – just when my baby was starting school next year, I might actually be a little flummoxed πŸ˜‰ x

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