Around the grounds: Spring 2015

Good afternoon (I think?!) friends, happy Friday afternoon. We are home and it’s SO good to be here. Sure the trip home was a killer, but we’re here now and you can almost hardly see the twitch in my left eye anymore. I’m struggling big time today with jet lag…I would be fine if I could get a decent stretch of sleep at night – whilst everyone else manages that me and my friend Maggie seem to be up every hour?! She’s convinced its daytime and I am convinced that I reckon I can keep up this pace for another 2 or 3 days before I completely lose it. We should be able to break the back of it this weekend though…bring that on!

The big girls are back at School which has done wonders for their re-adjusting to life back home. They haven’t even called asleep once in class! Mags is doing well (despite a cold she managed to get) and Daisy’s nose is looking good despite our fears that she had broken it on Monday afternoon at the hotel pool.

The washing pile is going down, the beds are unmade and Frank is happy to be home, although exhausted from the 3 weeks with his cousin. I don’t think he stopped once (my poor sister and brother in law). We have a weekend planned in the garden, pulling down chook sheds (we lost our last chook while we were away) and generally just pottering about. Rob’s Mum is heading down for the night tomorrow which will be good – and then hockey presos and catch ups with friends on Sunday.

Just like that, we’re home. Back into busy life. It seems that not only the garden has sprung to life since we’ve been gone, on it goes, me standing at the kitchen sink with a cold tea in hand wondering if those 3 weeks we had just really happened?

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What have you got planned this weekend?
I hope its a good one for us all…with jet lag pissing right off!
Has spring sprung at your place too?


  1. God woman!
    Where on Earth do you get your energy reserve from? You have the most AMAZING joie de vivre I have ever seen.
    It’s both exhausting and inspiring πŸ˜‰

  2. I can’t believe how big Mags got while you were away!

  3. your garden is looking gorgeous beth!
    spring has sprung here too but not as advanced as your region!
    maggie looks like she is blooming too! despite a cold!
    enjoy a rest, somewhere along the line! love m:)X

  4. Chrissy Miller-McKinley says

    Hi Beth,
    Welcome home and may jet lag quickly pass you all by the weekend!!! Thank you so much for sharing your travels, it was as if we were there with you – so glad you liked San Gim too!!!

    As for my weekend planned – competing in my 3rd Oxfam Trailwalker here in Perth….

    Your photos today are magical & that Maggie is a doll!
    Best wishes, I’m off to re-check my checklist in preparation ….
    C x

  5. Beautiful! I’m crushing hard on your grounds. Living in a unit sucks especially in spring. I hope Maggie gets with the program ASAP. That sounds like dreadful mombie territory.

  6. Home is fab isn’t it?
    This weekend I’m going to get my hair cut, do some painting and generally chillax.
    Spring has definitely arrived in Melbourne, all the blue blue blue sky makes me so happy!!

  7. Welcome home Beth and family, little Maggie sure has grown. Whilst taking kids overseas can be pretty full on and tiring, your girls will remember this amazing trip, best education ever!
    Your garden sure is yelling ‘Spring’, looking gorgeous.
    Our garden is looking it’s best ever, I do so love Spring here in Sydney, before the summer heat burns everything!
    Busy weekend for me, meeting up with friend from Queensland, then Sunday more gardening, which I love!
    Happy weekend everyone

  8. Beautiful garden Beth, welcome home to Spring.

  9. Welcome Home. Thanks for sharing your adventures over the past 3 weeks. Sorry to hear you lost your last lady (chook) .
    Have so loved finding your blog Beth? Cheers to the weekend

  10. Lisa Mckenzie says

    Welcome home Beth I hope you get some well needed sleep and your garden looks beautiful Xx

  11. Welcome Home, Beth. Your home and grounds are lovely and Spring is definitely arriving in your neighborhood. The baby is just as cute as the day is long-I could snuggle her until sunset for weeks !~!

  12. Amanda (Archie Lane) says

    Maggie looks like she has been enjoying those Italian carbs!! LOVE it! God knows I love your home also….picture perfect always!

  13. It is more like unpredictable rains and autumn in this part of the world! I wish winters would speed up and leave soon, so that spring can come around!!! Welcome back home Beth, and Maggie looks so adorable that it is hard to believe she wakes you up every hour in the night πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

    P.S – Did I tell you that I look forward to your post EVERYDAY??? πŸ™‚

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