One thing: The chair {and the photo book}

So you’ll recall that last week I talked about how I was going to start “a thing“. A thing where I did just ONE THING from your to-do list, but not your every day to-do list. Oh no, this is the list of non essential items that sort of kind of need to get done but it’s no biggie if they don’t get done until next week, or next month, or um, next year. Those things. Last week was the herb patch which was about 6-8 months overdue and in dire need. DIRE. This week? I did 2 things! Look!

The Chair


You may recall in APRIL 2013, (yes that April that would be almost 2 years ago now)  I wrote about how my beautiful chair was starting to fade and fall apart at the seams. Well, fast forward a few more years and getting a puppy THAT CHEWED MY CHAIR ARMS I finally got around to calling an upholsterer, choosing new fabric and getting it taken away. It should be done in 2 weeks. A new chair! MY PRECIOUS RESTORED TO ALL HER AQUA GLORY. Tick!

The holiday photo book


And then you may recall that we went on our big holiday last year to the UK & Croatia. Missed that? Just trawl back to mid June-mid July last year in the archives for ALL the details….well when we got back I started making a photo book. iPhoto tells me that the date was the 20th July in fact when I started it. And then, well, it just sat there, unfinished for all those months making me feel terrible and guilty that it’s now 2015 and I STILL hadn’t finished it. And then now I have the 2014 photo book to do but I couldn’t do that because that other one was still sitting there, mocking me. Well on Friday I had a spare few hours and I was going to lay down on the couch and watch a movie but no! I did ONE THING. I finished that bastard, I finished it good. Took me 2 hours to do it, but it’s been ordered and it will hopefully be there this time next week. Tick!

I make these books through iPhoto and wrote a post about it here once before.

So there’s my thing! Well, two things. Two annoying, well over due things that can be crossed off that long list. So many more to go….wardrobe, cupboard upon cupboard of over spilling doom in my kitchen in desperate need of cleaning out…it goes on friends, it goes on. But now I have 3 things done, actually make that 4, Rob changed the light globes on the front verandah for me too AND cleaned out his office, so 5 things. FIVE.

What was your one thing this week?
Go choose something, right now, bet it takes much less effort than you thought!


  1. As a follow up to my decluttering I am going to drop off those bags to the Op Shop and the big pile of Magazines to our Doctors surgery so I am not looking at them any more.

  2. 2nd coat of paint on the front door! The first coat was done in September 2014…. Took an hour including clean up!!

  3. I found my iron and iron on labeled all the kids daycare/school things. Also bought a replacement dymo refill and are about to label everything in sight! Xx

  4. Beth, for the life of me I can’t find where your archives are located. Can you help?

  5. can’t wait to see the chair beth!
    I have two wing backs that need serious attention!
    but I have put throws over them … looking good and that will do for now!
    I foofed up my open space lounge which I love doing!
    sorting my studio and wardrobe still ongoing projects! … tick … “good girl!” I say!
    enjoy your day! love m:)X

  6. I need to get rid of my mental list and write it down Beth. But do have a typed list or handwritten. Also where do you keep it? Simple things but needs clarification before I start, lol. I’m a procrastinator!!!!

  7. I did a photo book at the end of last year to mark my daughter’s final year of primary school. It nearly killed me going through every year of her schooling to find photos representing every year. Not to mention the tears streaming down my face with all the memories. Anyway when I gave it to her and she was delighted every minute was worth it. For the high school years I plan to have a folder and dump pics in as I go. That is the plan anyway. Hopefully I stick to it. Well done to you getting it done before the baby arrives. Julie

  8. Well I ummmm took the Christmas decorations downstairs and back under the house where they live for the rest of the year…go me

  9. Go Beth!!!! You are on fire girlfriend!!!! That is super impressive about the photo book too. Can’t wait to see your gorgeous chair. Now – thanks for the motivation….before I was allowed to write this comment I made myself clean out my fridge – properly. Took me 27 minutes and 47 seconds from go to woe!!! I know, so sad that I time it, but hey, what ever keeps you motivated. Done, all washed up and kitchen clean!!! Next challenge job is my freezers. Thanks!!!

  10. Hi there.
    Good or you for finally knocking some things off the list! I know the feeling of having heaps to do but not having the time or motivation. I finally wrote my daughter her 2 year old letter (I write one to her after each birthday documenting things that have happened throughout the year) which I had been putting off for a couple of month as I felt the task was too big! I stayed up in bed last night until it was done and what a load off!

  11. Lisa Mckenzie says

    It’s good to do things isn’t it!

  12. I did my citizenship application! Woo hoo! I still have to take the test but I think I am over the biggest hurdle.
    I need to do my 2014 photo book too…maybe that will be next!

  13. I sooooooo need to organise all the tens of thousands of photos I have taken of my children in the last almost 7 years and make photo books of every year. The job is now bigger than ben hur. I haven’t printed a picture since my eldest was 3 months old (he is almost 7). I am usually very good at doing these sorts of jobs, but this one feels beyond me

  14. This past week we were away camping and I finished reading a book! A book. I know. Outrageous haha. Still, a goal is a goal and I felt very accomplished!

    I give my husband a photo book of the whole past year with our Little Mister each Father’s Day. That way, I know I HAVE to get it done 😉


  15. I spent all SATURDAY decluttering my lady room/office. So refreshing and overdue. This week I’ll book my overdue optometrist appointment!

  16. I have a pile of filing that I almost can’t jump over. It has been on my list for way too long…..maybe next week.

  17. I disassembled and washed 3 floor fans!! Gosh, they collect some dust.


  1. […] My precious chair has come back from the upholsterer and it’s looking a picture! I’ve got my new […]

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