I celebrated the first weekday morning of the school holidays of not having to get up and rush out the door with…getting up and rushing out the door for eye tests for the girls that I had booked in. Probably not my smartest move, but I had been told by the lady at OPSM that I needed to get them in early before they were tired, so 9.30am it was.
This was a perfect #onething that I had been meaning to do for the past, well, 5 years for Daisy and about 2 for Harps. Yes, that long.
For those of you not playing along, #onething is where I do just ONE THING from my to-do list, but not your every day to-do list. Oh no, this is the list of non essential items that sort of kind of need to get done but it’s no biggie if they don’t get done until next week, or next month, or um, next year. Those things. Just one. Every week.
I asked the optometrist when kids should get their eyes tested, he said before School, so I was a little, um behind with it all. I suppose if I had noticed any problems with them before now I would have had them checked, so I was guessing all was OK.
Some photos of eyeballs (gross and excellent at the same time) some reading of letters, 3d shapes and images, long and short sight tests and we were clear to go with perfect eye sight for the both of them. I wear glasses for all computer and reading and my poor Dad has had a terrible time later in his life with glaucoma (the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world) so I was happy with the kids.
And now? Well, another #onething crossed off the list for another 18 months. And for $30, it’s not bad is it?
What was your one thing this/last week?
Anyone else about 5 years behind on maintenance things like this?
Go choose something, right now, just have a look around and there will be something waiting…
Image from Michael Craig-Martin
My 20 month old has worn glasses for long sightedness since about 6 months old. Baby #2 due in July..already has first opthomologist appt booked for August!! Not dealing with an upset baby who hates everyone except mum and dad for any time this time around (baby relied heavily on smell as her sense of who was holding her, and smell is so overpowering that as soon as someone new, i.e. a grandparent ? held her she would scream like she’d been abandoned by the parentals)!
Well done for getting the girls tested, we are so fortunate to live in a country where issues can be picked up and managed early 🙂
My one thing was taking the kids to the dentist, done. Now my next one thing is booking the 3 of them in to the orthodontist! I can’t wait to be paying for 3 sets of braces, faaark!!!
Jeepers I am NOT looking forward to that one either…we know Harps will be up for them for sure. Daise might get away without them (fingers crossed)
I thought you could get free eye checks under Medicare every two years.
My 8 yo daughter has had glasses since she was four so we have had many many visits to the ophthalmology clinic at randwick and at last great news we don’t need to patch at home any more xx
It was picked up at preschool via NSW STEPS eyesight preschooler screening (not sure of other states?!) and she had not displayed any symptoms prior to that!
Yes I thought it was free also?
I was also going to mention the STEPS testing. Glad that’s covered. I would however like to learn more about the every two years free testing, is it much like the dental program?
Yes I didn’t know about it either…
I thought everyone got free eye tests every two years under Medicare.
Everyone gets a comprehensive sight test every 3 years under Medicare (for under 65’s, every year for over 65’s!) . Up to the practitioner whether they bulk bill or not.
Opsm like to charge for the retinal screening.
I didn’t know that. Harps had the preschool test I think too now that I think about it.
Oh god I really have to do this. Sometimes my vision is kind of blurry when I look in the distance (it more feels like someone has rubbed vaseline on my eyes rather than a sight thing) but working on a computer 43054386 days a week for 9043863596903485 years means I really should get that shit checked out.
Dude, you need glasses. You’ll rock them obvs.
Good job Beth I have to go yearly because my Dad has macular degeneration,best off catching these horrible diseases as early as possible!
Indeed it is…we are lucky to have the facilities to catch them x
Oh yes I did this late last year with my 7, 9 & 12 year olds. Turns out the 12yr has an underdeveloped optic nerve and is practically blind in the left eye and should have had glasses since she was 6 to correct it! Who knew, not me! She does well at school, plays GS on the netball court and has never complained. Then came the 9 yr old who also had to get glasses to correct his eyesight. So then I thought I should get tested as approaching the 40’s and guess what I got driving and computer glasses! So yes people take your kids to get tested at about 5yrs of age
Goodness! Thanks for sharing Naomi x
Today officially is “get it done day” to kids and “get shit done day” in my head. Last 2 doors painted and handles on. Towel rails replaced but due to non-standard sized house they needed to be cut down. Next is figuring out blinds. If only dr wasn’t booked that would have been done also.
Well done Sandra!
I booked an eye test this morning and felt I’d scaled Everest.
So satisfying.
Bravo! x
We did this a couple of weeks ago – my ‘one thing’ list is working through getting my husband to finally look after himself. So far he has had eight fillings and had three wisdom teeth out and last week he got new glasses. I, on the other hand, am regular to my dentist and am yet to have a filling in my adult teeth and have perfect vision. I’m think we need to have our skin checked for cancers next.