Today my blog turns 15.
15 years since I wrote (well, Rob wrote) that first blog post announcing we were pregnant with our first bebe. This will be my 3,511th post that has been published on here. There are almost 73,500 comments written. My entire life as a Mother has been written, shared, lamented and discussed right here. Can you believe it? Me either.
The past year has looked like this:
Even through such a strange time with Covid, so many wonderful moments spent with friends and family. Captured times that will always make me happy: meals and drinks around tables near and far with people that I love. Some trips to the beach, the farm, the snow. A new office for our business. Happy kids that are growing way too fast. It’s been a good one even despite it’s separation and distance and restrictions.
I know that I don’t get a chance to get on here as much as I’d like. I know I don’t share as many new recipes as you or I would like (it’s a miracle I get dinner cooked each day. I know that any paid work I used to have for the blog doesn’t exist and it still costs me over $1000 each year to host it, but I would never be able to NOT come on here and share my life, my thoughts, my heart. It’s been part of my daily life for 15 years now.
You all know how important this space is. I know you get it, and I am forever grateful for you being here with me too. I know that it connects people. I know it inspires people: to make changes to their life whether it’s a tree change, another child, in their sad moments of grief or frustation and uncertainty in the newborn phase, or whether it’s just what the hell to cook for dinner each night. It makes me people laugh. It might make you wonder and marvel at the small things in life: the way the light hits a frosty grass in June, the red of the Waratahs in October. The autumn leaves in March. My words and images have been a constant for myself and others all over the world and that is something I am incredibly proud of.
I’m not sure what my advice to others bloggers would be, any insights or wisdom I have to pass on to others. Mostly, keep going. Remember why you started. Write and share from your heart. Be vulnerable. Do not take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from. You can’t make everyone happy, or like you, but the people that matter will get it. And be there. Keep going.
I stand by the fact that just like in 2006, in 2021 stories, vulnerability and sharing is still important. The world has changed so much in that time. From no social media and smart phones to us all being in them both for such a long part of our daily lives. But despite all the noise, the outrage and overload of information, people will always still seek out the heart and quiet moments, and I am so glad that still exists here.
Thank you for being here.
I saw this last week shared on Instagram and felt like it may well just sum up the meaning of life. And it resonated with me today, as I continue into the 15th year of the blog. Yes, I’ll still be here.
Today I acknowledge this space for its simple beauty. The honesty of writing here in the dark in the mornings. It’s simplicity of story telling, or sharing, of encouraging and for bringing people together. That’s something. And something I am extremely proud of.
Thank you for being here too, truly, it means so much to me, you’ll never really know just how much x
And if you would like to check out some other blog posts on blogging birthday recaps etc you can check these out:
What a beautiful post, Beth. X
Thanks Christianna x
Congratulations! I’ve been following Baby Mac for nearly 10 glorious, recipe filled, laughter inducing, tear wiping, sage head nodding years. Thank you for being you. Your vulnerability and friend next door way of writing has gotten me through the early days of motherhood and days when it all just seemed that little bit too hard. It’s inspired me to be more authentic with my relationships and to try my hand at cooking up a storm. I wish you health, wealth, love, joy and much laughter.
Oh thank you so much Jane, what beautiful things to say. I appreciate it so much – thanks for being here for so long x
Thank you for all your words and photographs. I often quote something you have written to my kids in a way that suggests you are a friend I regularly sit and have coffee with! My kids think it is strange but they don’t know you and your beautiful blog.
But we are friends! Thanks for being there Sharon, Really appreciate it and your kind words x
congratulations, 15 yrs here is quite an achievement.
Thanks for the laughs, the recipes, you’ve saved my family from cereal many a night, the recommendations and the stories. Stories are really what it’s all about, sharing, reliving, including others and connection, so many stories that make me feel less alone, more normal and like I’m doing enough.
cheers Beth and here’s to many more posts
cheers Kate
Thanks Kate – I love that I have helped busy Mums be able to put something on the table, that just makes my heart sing. Thanks for reading and being here x
Happy birthday BabyMac. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
And the little things really are the meaning of life.
They really are – thanks Libs!
Congratulations on 25 years. I started reading here before you had Maggie. I have always enjoyed your writing, the informative, the recipes, the laughs. Here’s to many more years !
Thanks for all your support and lovely comments through the years Heidi xx
Thanks for being here Beth xo
Thank You! x
What a beautiful post Beth. I’m shocked that means I’ve been reading your blog for 15 years! Yikes! I love that you acknowledge the daily little things … you’re right, there’s a lot to be said for just showing up.
Crazy isn’t it? Such a long time and so many changes for me over that time. Thanks for sticking around for so long x
Happy 15th bloggy birthday Beth!!! So many personal blogs don’t exist anymore, I feel like it’s all moved over to the socials now, so congrats on showing up for all these years! Do you think you’ll still be here in another 15? Maybe blogging about being a grandma?!!!! What a thought!
Who even knows?! Crazy to think about! Thank you so much for sticking with me all these years – you have been a constant cheerleader and I love hearing your insights over the years, so thank YOU x
Congratulations on 15 years with your blog…I still love reading blogs as there is more to say than 1 second on IG and also you can go back to that recipe or read about your 1 year move to the country, 2, 3, 4 etc. Keep on keeping on Beth. Regards, Kathy A, Brisbane
Thanks Kathy – it’s the only way I can easily find things and how I still check all my recipes. I google Babymac XUY or Z many times a week!
Thank you for being here Beth. I always love checking in on your life and love your humour and generosity. Happy blog birthday!
Thanks so much Chelsea! x
Congratulations! I’m a recent reader and love your posts. Didn’t realise you’d be doing this for 15 years- I’ve got a big back catalogue to read! Here’s to the next 15!
Just a few posts to trawl through! Thanks Erica x
Thankyou Beth, your words always strike a cord for me. I look forward to hearing what’s on your mind. Cheers Vicki 🥂💐
Thanks Vicki x
Thanks Beth – your chicken cacciatore NEVER fails to impress around here, it’s quite famous. Thank you for beautifully articulating loads of things I have felt over the years, the mental load, the #notafatmole movement, the sheer unrelenting grind of being a wife and Mum (which has many times made me cry) but also the JOY of friends, family, a glass of bubbles, a job well done, sunshine and a nicely mowed lawn. Here’s to your next 15!! I’ll be here for it
All things to make us happy! Thanks for being here Mrs G – appreciate it and you x
Please don’t ever stop Beth… I love following your blog, your Insta… and ohhhh how I love your little catchphase “Good Catchup” I’ve even stolen it for myself. 🙂
Ha! Thanks Heather x
As a older woman than you living in Melbourne, I have followed your blog for a few years. You should be so proud of what you’ve achieved, your blog is inspirational and I’m sure helps so many women in your situation with lots of laughs, recipes, clothing tips, and above all honesty. I’d never heard of Robertson – now I want to live there! Love Pauline
Thanks so much Pauline, appreciate you being here! x
Happy Happy Blogirthday!!!
Thanks Anita x
Congratulations Beth. I always love reading your posts, and trying your recipes, although I am poor at acknowledging that in comments. Thank you for the effort you put into your blog and the evident care you have for the little community you’ve built. Good luck for the next 15 years to come!
Thanks so much Tara! x
Dear Beth, It has been such a pleasure following you over the years. I remember finding you via another blog back when blogs were a new thing and then reading from your very first blog post to the move to the Southern highlands and all your beautiful stories about your family, the styling ideas, recipe sharing and hosting of events etc etc. I am older than you but one of 3 sisters and also a Mum of 3 – now adults- but can relate to many of your challenges. Your travel stories have been wonderful to follow along also wether its a girls getaway or a family adventure ! I would love to see you create a book one day with a focus on styling, entertaining and food ? It would be a huge hit !!! I would also love to have a Buttery Chardy with you at the pub if I can ever make my East coast road trip a reality ??? Bloody COVID !! Cheers to you !!
Thanks so much Linda – appreciate you being here, and for these lovely words xx
Thankyou Beth Ive enjoyed your blog immensely. You seem like a good egg xx
Thanks Megan x
I think I’ve been following you for 12 of those 15 years!!! Thank you for sharing your life – the exciting, the heart breaking, the mundane, the extraordinary. I just love what you do! I remember following you intently when you had Maggie (and the lead up) – my first babe was born just 6 weeks after that and I loved following you during those early days of being a mum! I went on to have 3 more kids since and even though I’ve given my social media a break, I still love your blogs popping into my inbox! Im a stay at home mum on our cattle property and I always say to my husband, the next time Beth McDonald has one of her blogger lunches, I’m going! So book me in whenever that will be in this crazy world. Best wishes and keep writing – you are wonderful xxx
Oh thanks Nicola! For being here for so long and for all these lovely words.Who knows when that next lunch will be but we can live in hope that it WILL be one day! x
Congratulations on 15 years!! In the nicest possible way, I can’t remember when I started reading / following 😊. Your blog, recipes, shop, SM posts and ALL the things are just part of my life now. Thank you.
Thanks so much Melissa x
Well done Beth! You are a constant source of inspiration from your platters to your potato scallop posts- you keep it real and thats what we love. Don’t stop being you because you are amazing.
Love Bee and Stace x
Thanks so much! x
Hey Beth, Happy belated 15th blog birthday. I can’t remember when I started following you but it has been a journey, maybe 10 years, maybe longer….. I simply love the personality you bring to this blog. You are a constant reminder to us all that regardless of what happens, chose life and happiness. I don’t know if you realise how much you give to us followers as well. I love your honestly and brutal truth that you speak, always. You give so much to us on your blog and for that I say thank you. Helen.x
(p.s. Your photo’s are stunning, you could easily be a photographer if you wanted a career change.)
Thanks so much for your kind words Helen x
All I can say is, “thank you” and once again after many years of following your blog, you have made me cry yet again. Please don’t ever stop, you are my first stop on Insta and the blogs. From a wet Yorkshire, Happy Birthday. xxx
Thanks so much for being here (from so far away too!) Sara x
Thank you too Beth ! For always showing up. For finding the inspiration. I’ve been following for years, and I ALWAYS open the post. I love the post! Keep going, don’t ever stop 🙂
Thanks Siobhain x
Hey Beth
Congratulations- I have loved following your story.
I second the suggestion of a book please! I’d love to have your recipes, stories and photographs as a hard cover keepsake.
Thanks for you honesty, humor and vulnerability.
Thanks so much Chris x
Love it