I got you girl

A few days ago I was standing in the subway with Rob when I said “I feel like (but of course I felt like!) I need some gold high tops from NY” and he probs rolled his eyes but then said “yeah you do”. So it came as no surprise a few days later when I found myself rushing into a sports store a few days later chatting to Enrique the world’s most enthusiastic salesman and trying on some gold high tops.

I bought them. Of course I did.

Enrique was fantastic. He was yelling and high fiving and when he went downstairs to get me a size 9 gold and black high tops he yelled out “BETH I AM GOING TO GET YOU A SIZE 9, I GOT CHU GIRRRRRRL!”

Sums up everything this place is to me.

A Mum of 3 from Burrawang can be in gold high tops OF COURSE SHE CAN BE. That’s what I love most about this magnificent city filled to the brim with people and life and history and culture and city-ness. You can be whoever or whatever you want to be. For a little time, or for a little longer. It’s packed with diversity and stories and struggles and success, it sums up everything good that America has (or had) to offer. Offering hope and prosperity and a go to anyone willing to have a crack.

And while I’m just here for some time out from my normal life. It has given me this time (as it did last) so much more.

As Mum’s and wives and people with careers and work and you know, Monday to Sunday life, this gift we gave ourselves on this trip of time has been so special. Time to step away from all we do and are. Time to reconnect as a couple. Time to get some distance from the demands of kids and life. Time to just be ME again.

What a gift.

I’m filled to the brim with happiness and memories (and food). My legs are aching from the walking we have done. My mind stretched by what we’ve seen, the people we have met.

We put ourselves into time out, and it’s been so good. Thanks to friends and family who have looked after our precious girls at home who have been loved and happy and supported and FINE. Your kids are going to be just FINE if you are thinking you can’t ever leave them, you can. Of course you can.

Tomorrow morning we will be back home, a little weary after 24 hours travelling back around the other side of the world, so excited to jump back into life and routines and fighting kids and school holidays. Same, same but different. A fuller heart and mind, a stronger connection with Rob and so many wonderful memories to tap into whenever I want.

Thanks for coming along for the ride. New York, she’s got me alright.

See you on the flip side x


  1. I’ve so loved virtually tagging along on this magical adventure – it has been quite a ride. The Big Apple has filled your cup to overflowing! Happy homecoming!

  2. Robyn Jokic says

    I’m sold saving my pennies and going to NY….wow what a wonderful trip you’ve had, hope you get to hide away for a few days when you get back to get over jetlag before you head home!

  3. Thanks for your post Beth and loved seeing New York and reading about it from your eyes. I was in New York in Late September 2001 just after September 11. It was a shock and New York was probably a different place then. But I loved the same things you mention museums, culture, food and the people. I will go back one day soon hopefully and revisit. Have a great trip back and hope to see a photo of the gold high tops too!

  4. Yvonne Duke says

    I have just loved seeing your photos and reading your blog posts about your trip to New York.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Sometimes we do have to step outside our normal lives just for a little while.
    That last photo of you and Rob is fantastic !

  5. Love it Beth. Good on you & Rob for taking time out for yourselves, as they say it takes a village to raise our beautiful children not just two people!! Thanks for sharing. Xx

  6. Isn’t it great when we get to shake off all the stuff and years that shadow who we are…who we were…who we imagine ourselves to be. Mumming is the best but underneath all the piles of washing and crusty weet bix there is still that badass chick and allowing her room to breathe and shine is invigorating and refreshing. Same goes for the Dads too. You’re shining Beth, and it’s not just your gold hi-tops (great choice by the way).

  7. I’ve loved this virtual trip you have taken me on. NY has never been on my desire list, but you have made it so much more interesting.
    Hope you are going to feature those gold hi-tops some time soon,

  8. Rob Favelle says

    Thanks Beth for taking us along on your trip…I was in NYC in 2011 and 2015 and absolutely loved it…. it is an amazing place as you have so beautifully described ??
    Safe travels home ?

  9. How wonderful! Just as you knew it would be! A gift indeed. xx

  10. Thanks for this post Beth. On a little family break ourselves and grateful to be here but peppered with frustrating kid moments. Your post Jas reminded me that one day we’ll get a chance to be just a couple again for a short while (if it’s in New York, that’s a bonus!)

  11. Thank you Beth for your amazing posts, loved every one of them and am storing away tips for when we go in October. Enjoy your homecoming with your girls. xx

  12. Noooooooo, how can our time in NYC be over already. I am not ready for you to leave NY, not at all. Have a great trip home and thanks for taking us to NYC. xxx

  13. Loved loved loved sharing your journey. Thank you for taking us along for the ride. Xxx

  14. thankyou beth!
    I’ve really enjoyed your journey into other realms!
    i’m always up for a virtual ride!
    it’s lovely that you and rob enjoyed your special time without kids!
    always the self underneath the outer facades, masks and different hats!
    much love m:)X

  15. I am DYING to take my hubby to NYC, show him my local haunts back in 1999 – gosh you’ve taken me back. #muststartsaving #yeskidswillsurvivewithoutus!

  16. sonia south says

    Thanks SO much for taking us on the ride and keeping it so real- I almost feel as though I was there with you guys!

  17. Thank you, thank you , thank you Beth for taking me to NYC with you.
    I had read about the High Line myself a while back and it is the item (along with the Empire State Building) that I have on my list of must do’s if I ever get to New York. It’s also a relief to know that I will have access to decent coffee. Enjoy your homecoming (gotta love the view of Sydney from the plane – it’s a very special welcome home).

  18. jelly. that is all.

  19. Yes Beth!! Flashback 12 years, buying jeans in Barneys, sales lady shouting “BRITTZ!! BRITTZ!!! ARE YOU IN THERE BRITTZ?!?”…. I was in there, jeans around my pregnant ankles, wondering if i would ever wear normal clothes again… Anyway, i got the jeans, a new nickname and years of laughs from that one New York moment. Thanks for sharing, loved reading x

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