
People that know me would know my love of a simple lunch with people that you love. Yesterday we had one of those lunches at my Brother’s place. Good food. Good company. Good weather. Good wine. Good all round.

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Would you take a lunch over a dinner? Me too.


  1. We love our long lunches 🙂 and sometimes they go late into the evening 😉 Great way to spend time with family / friends

  2. Long lunches are my favourite kind of social activity … because you can be tucked up in bed at a reasonable hour like the nana that I am! x

  3. shoppegirls says

    Love long lunches and I remember when my girls and their cousins used to put on dance shows all the time. Always a highlight. Memories forever.

  4. Alli @ ducks on the dam says

    That’s why we had a wedding brunch…… none of this late night stuff for us

  5. julie mcdonald says

    What a lovely day. Yep, we love lunch over dinner too. You are much fresher at lunchtime and yes, you can still have an early night. My hubby is having a long lunch at a winery for his 50th – hop on a bus, have lunch then bus home again, bed by 8pm I’m guessing! Perfect!

  6. There is nothing I love more than a long lunch. Friday in Dubai is the day expats go for a long lunch. It’s something I’m getting a little too used to. Cx

  7. murphycl1 says

    Lunch over dinner any day. We had a morning wedding followed by lunch on my Mum & Dad’s property. It was PERFECTION! We waved the last of our guests off at 6pm. Claire

  8. LESCURE! *dies*
    meanwhile, i like your new digs. Fancy-like x

  9. Love a good lunch. And the joy of roasted marshmallows. Equally.

  10. What_Sarah_Did_Next says

    How wonderful. So glad you’re having a special time with family and friends, Beth – and I am SO with you on the merits of Melbourne shopping – it’s fantastic!

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