Escape to the beach

Yesterday morning I woke up and opened the curtains, as I do every morning to see what the day has given us. I was immediately annoyed because it was STILL windy, so I did what I would normally do when I wanted to complain about the wind, I text my sister. She gets it. You see, we were SO annoyed because we were leaving to the coast for a few days, to our Dad’s place and the weather was forecast to be positively TROPICAL with temps in the mid to high twenties BUT HOW WAS ITS STILL WINDY AND FREEZING IN THE HIGHLANDS?!

Rob was away for a few days so I convinced my sister to bring Archie to our Dad & Step Mum’s place for a few nights for a change of scene (and pretty much just company for me with 3 kids while I was on my own). Plus! No wind and warmth!

So despite the wind and  my hawk eyeing at the trees as we made our way north, we arrived at Pearl Beach yesterday to NO WIND! And sunshine! Seriously, mid to high temps. NO SHOES WEATHER. Mags and Arch instantly red cheeked it up while we slowly defrosted and relaxed. We may as well had arrived in Magaluf we were that excited!


Of course my big two thought it was beach weather, and that we had somehow had time travelled to late December/early Jan so we headed down to the beach for a frolic. Mags LOVED the beach. Loved it!

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There were swims (even from me today in the 17 degree ocean) and ice creams and BBQ’s and Aperol Spritzs and long walks and coffees and milkshakes and games and chatting and dancing and laughing even an adult only lunch for my sister and I today.

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And while we have to leave in the morning, we’ve all been topped up with a taste of summer and of what is to come for the season ahead. And from here? It looks mighty fine.


Anyone been in the ocean yet this season?
Had some warm weather?
Don’t worry, it’s back to reality for us tomorrow…


  1. Lisa Mckenzie says

    Nothing clears away the cobwebs like a beach getaway Beth Xx

  2. I love these pics. Sep the sister only lunch. We just two weeks in sunny QLD and it was back to hail, wind and rain in Melbourne this week. Suffice to say I’ve spent a good amount of time on real looking for houses with frangipani trees in the garden 5 minutes walk from a beach.

  3. I meant esp the sister lunch. Stupid auto check.

  4. During the holidays we went camping for the first time as a family, but that’s another story altogether… On the last day that we were away, it was a magical 20 degree day, not a cloud in the sky and the promise of warmer days to come. My husband and son went fishing in the estuary and my daughter and I went off to find the ocean. She ended up in just her undies and a long top as she played in the water, it was absolutely freezing but it was wonderful to wet our feet and laugh and scream and run away from the waves. Love being by the sea, such positive cleansing vibes.

  5. looks gorgeous to me beth!
    loved the photo of archie with first icecream on insta! priceless!
    waiting for good calm weather here too!
    sun is shining at least! … endless wind! crazy making for me too hun!
    practicing calm! lol m:)X

  6. Yesterday we headed down to Bondi beach for a dip and to check out how the new business is coming along. I think we have officially marked our open day as Monday the 17th of this month. We all jumped in and had a nice swim and today it is CRAZY windy in Sydney. I tried to capture what might just be our last family selfie of four… Come on baby, we are ready for you!

  7. Nothing better than a trip away with your sister! Wish I could just pop away with my sister this weekend, what fun!!!

  8. Bron Blagg says

    We live in Nth Qld and spent a week on Magnetic Island on the school holidays. Kids were either in the ocean or pool everyday that week. We are already having 30 degree plus days.

  9. Fecking wind! Be gone already…

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