Monday meal ideas: sensational sides

My mid week cooking is pretty much all about the sides rather than whatever protein we have. There could be some good sauso’s on the BBQ, some chicken thighs, a roast something, but the sides are where its at. Here are some ideas for some sensational sides for your mid week cooking (which if you are anything like me at this stage of the school term it’s actually sucking the very life out of you).

Eat them on their own or as a side and enjoy!


One pot roasted goodness
Sunshine rice
Cauliflower crack
Wilted spinach and tomatoes

What’s on the cards for you this week? End of the school term for those of you in Vic & Qld…why haven’t they co-ordinated holidays all year? I’ve got a pretty regular one and that’s about alright with me! Hope you all have a good one x


  1. Sunshine rice has become a staple in our house since you posted the recipe. We love the one pot wonder. I do a version with pumpkin, capsicum, onion, sweet potato (basically any left in the fridge veg) plus cherry toms and spinach. It’s a great way to eat lots of veges.

  2. That one pot of roasted goodness sounds pretty good to me. Minimal washing up was never so important in my life! Hubby away – AGAIN – for this week… Baby just about to hit the ‘go-any-time’ marker and I can’t believe that I am single parenting for the week again. And it’s not like you can actually give a 3 year old a proper job whilst the hubby is away {their ‘helping’ often requires you to actually do the job again and some cleaning up}. Argh, to owning your own business – why are we opening up another???

  3. inspirational! … they look delicious thanks beth!
    love m:)X

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