Saturday morning sunrise

I managed to sleep in this morning just before 7am which is a miracle in itself. I did however, have a small baby wedged next to me on my pillow who had fallen asleep next to me some time in the very early morning so my position was not comfortable. I got up to get her a milk and looked out the window to the most beautiful winter’s morning here. The sun was just popping up, a low fog in the valleys and on the river, I was out of there with my camera to try and capture the moment.

IMG_8016 IMG_8012 IMG_8015 IMG_8017 IMG_8020 IMG_8021 IMG_8022 IMG_8024 IMG_8026 IMG_8028 IMG_8029 IMG_8031 IMG_8034

And I think I may have just seen the best part of the day.
Are you an early worm riser or night owl?
Give me the morning any day (even without much sleep)…
Have a great Saturday friends…we are hitting the road further north!


  1. Your photos are gorgeous!!! I’m so not a morning person…. Maybe I will be when I get a solid chunk of sleep.

  2. just gorgeous beth!
    definitely mornings for me! … I don’t function after 6pm!
    enjoy your trip!
    love m:)X

  3. Used to be a late night person but my kids changed that!
    Now menopause has changed me once again ….. I’m both!!
    Sleep just evades me totally!!!
    Such gorgeous pics – thanks for sharing such beauty in a world that seems so full of hate and ugliness at the moment.

  4. I think I’d be a great early riser if I wasn’t an adult haha. I do love that early morning feeling – a new day ahead. Seeing the sun for the first time that day. But only if I’m not bone weary tired!! x

  5. natalie arditto-duncan says

    You certainly managed to capture a beautiful morning perfectly. Lovely shots Beth.
    Afer seeing these images it has inspired me to book a weekend away down your way.
    It’s been a while since we have visited, can you recommend anywhere to stay? We have 2 kidlets.

    As for sleep, I just take it wherever and whenever I can!

    Thank you


    • Best thing I reckon is to check out Stayz they have heaps of great places. Or check the guide post I wrote of places to stay. Good luck!

  6. What amazing photos!! Just beautiful.

  7. Utterly gorgeous.

  8. What a spectacular morning!

  9. Lisa Mckenzie says

    Captured it perfectly Beth…simply stunning!

  10. Wow!!! Breathtakingly beautiful Beth!!!

  11. Beautiful! I love being awake early in the morning but hate being woken up early. That probably only makes sense to me.

  12. Stunning Beth!!!!

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