Things were looking pretty dire in our fridge earlier this week. Considering we are deep into School holidays this was not a good situ. At all.
I can tell you that my PCL’s were right up there in the discomfort level given that I was down to my last tub of Lurpak and dinner was going to have to be made from chicken breasts and tonic water.
But! Earlier in the week I had been given some zucchini from a friends garden and I had a hankering to do something with it besides zucchini fritters (plus that required dill and fetta of which I had neither) so I decided to whip my some zucchini chips for arvo tea.
Now everyone in my family has an aversion to zucchini. Even Frank will turn his nose up at it when it drops on the floor but me? Well I love it! I’d seen variations of these things online and being the bull at the gate that I am, well I just kind of made them up. This recipe needs tweaking no doubts about it, slower cooking time, less seasoning etc, but I was pleasantly surprised with the results and the very best thing? The girls ate them. Zucchini chips. ATE. THEM. Enough said really.
Zucchini Chips
3-4 zucchinis finely sliced on a mandolin (this made 2 trays)
Olive Oil
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Finely slice the zucchini on the mandolin and place between some sheets of paper towel to try and remove some of the moisture in them. I was time poor and as I said, a bull at a gate as I am with most things so I didn’t do this very well, or for long enough
2. Throw into a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil and some salt flakes and toss well to coat
3. Onto a lined or non stick baking sheet place the zucchini slices evenly across the sheet. I did one nicely and evenly sliced…
And then one just piled on because: deep into the school holidays
4. Place into the oven for 10-15 minutes until golden brown and crispy. Here’s my two mistakes with this: I think the oven was too hot (a lower and longer cooking time would crisp them better). I even read a recipe that cooked them for 2 hours (ain’t got time for that) and the second I added extra salt on here because: salt and it was too much. And you know I love salt. What I’m saying is, don’t add extra here, if you still need some at the end add it, you can’t take it away and I wish I had.
The crispy ones were the best (not too dark though) all light and crispy and DELICIOUS kind of like a kale chip is (if that’s your thing). I could have rolled the entire two trays. The greener ones in the middle were still a bit soggy but I was keen to eat them because I have no patience.
And as I said, the girls ATE THEM. And enjoyed them. A Christmas miracle in January.
[gmc_recipe 16522]
Have you ever tried to make zucchini chips before?
Had better success than me?
Got any other good recipes for them you’d like to share?
YAY another use for zucchs that produce by the ton! Loving it!
You’ll love my post tomorrow!
I wonder if you could use olive oil spray or a mister (pump device in US that turns olive oil into a spray).
Of course you could!
good idea beth!
they look tasty and they ate them!!!
all good!
love m:)X
Enjoy your weekend! x
I’ve seen a recipe somewhere where you cut the zucchini into batons and then cover it in Parmesan (I think) and probably salt and pepper and cook in oven. Will google it now because I NEED TO KNOW EXACTLY…
Hope the link works 🙂
Oh I saw something like this too – with panko bread crumbs too? Anything crumbed tastes good – even tofu!
Dearest Beth,
I just wanted to say a big thank you for your Monday recipes. it’s great receiving your email on a Monday when i have nothing left in the tank after cleaning all weekend, and i haven’t got the patients to flick through my recipe books for inspiration for an easy recipe, to find out i haven’t got half the shit in the cupboard for any of them! I particularly love your Risoni Soup and your Sunshine Rice, a fav in my house from the first cook, i even tried your cabbage salad the other day and master husband even enjoyed it too (which is huge as he’s an old fashioned 3 meat and 1 veg kinda guy).
I also love that you’re so honest in your blog, it really takes courage to put yourself out there and be honest, it shows the rest of us that we are all normal, and we can be more supportive of one another learning from someone else’s perspective. As someone who hasn’t got kids as yet, i enjoy your blogs about new mums and how to help, really helped be connect with my sister in law when she had her first baby about what she needed and how to help.
Merry Christmas Beth.