Monday meal ideas: Lamb

So, tomorrow is Australia day which never really means anything for us around these parts. We are going to be home, trying to get over these sicknesses that are just going on and on and on and did I mention on? We are in week 4 of it this week…that’s FOUR weeks of someone being sick, coughing, spluttering etc. We need to get better by Thursday!

For those of you that ARE doing something interesting tomorrow, you may need some ideas for entertaining. And we all know what is expected on Australia day…lamb!


Here’s a few lamb ideas I have from the past – that slow cooked lamb recipe was the most popular post on the whole blog all year!

Slow cooked lamb
Maggie Beer double marinated lamb
Slow cooked lamb shoulder
Lamb roast
Moroccan lamb wraps

I hope you guys enjoy the holiday tomorrow and then the prep for the return to School later in the week. I’d like some healthy vibes on our house please! Have a great week friends, it suddenly feels like the year is beginning right?


  1. Sending you healthy vibes my friend! We’ve got 12 adults and 15 kids for lunch here and new-school orientation on Wednesday for F. x

  2. thanks beth! these look great!
    we are going next door she is having finger food all day bbq lunch then pizza later!
    she loves to cook! there will be about 40 there! omg!
    i’m taking a salad and a plate of finger food! too easy!
    the mags is looking super adorable on that gorgeous chair!
    she looks like you in that photo!
    hope the sick ones in your house get well soon!
    love m:)X

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