Maggie is 3 months old!

THREE. We’re both shocked.


That newborn babe has disappeared (my goodness this all goes by too quickly). We’ve got a little lady on our hands, one who is just about to bust out of all her 0000 jumpsuits that she’s lived in since she got home from the hospital.

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She’s got to be the happiest little poppet around. Nothing to complain about…only when she’s hungry and that boob is not into her mouth quick enough. She spends her days sleeping and when awake kicking back eating her hands. And I spend my days chatting and singing to her. We’re both very happy.

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Harper adores Magaluf (as she calls her), reading to her and cuddling her before she goes to bed every night. We’re trying to get into a better rhythm of her sleep…stretching her out until 7 in the hope that she sleeps longer in the night. It’s not working. She’s been awake every 2-3 hours for the past few weeks feeding more than ever.

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Maggie makes everyone she meets smile. Those smiles back and of course the dirty giggles that have started…how could you not?

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She’s starting to be a little more interested in her surrounds too…there’s a whole world out there outside of the bubble of our house! Who knew?


And it would appear that all she wears are stripes!

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Whilst we’re on the least amount of sleep we’ve had since she arrived, it’s impossible to be cranky when you have this happy little smile bursting every time she looks at you. It’s a love affair between her and I, and I am soaking up every single second.

I can only apologise for my singing.

How wonderful indeed sweet girl.



  1. Lisa Mckenzie says

    So beautiful Beth I loved all the pics and you singing to Maggie,I used to sing to my babes till my daughter told me to be quiet Mummy (I can’t sing) enjoy every little moment, Maggie is so sweet ??

  2. So sweet. Love the update. Happy birthday!

  3. How sweet, Beth! I see Harper and you in her face. πŸ™‚

  4. Can we just look at Daisy for a moment…. She is so grown up!!!

  5. I cried when I played the video………. Thanks for sharing your joy

  6. Jeez, crappy singing or not (you’re awesome, you haven’t heard me!) but you just made me tear up watching that. She beams at you Beth!!! Absolutely gorgeous xx

  7. Your Maggie is just perfect. That is all I can say. Just perfect. (I cried when I played your video too! That is the “perfect” song for Maggie). Beautiful photos. How lucky are your daughters to have a real live doll to play with and enjoy? How lucky is Maggie to have such doting big sisters to grow up with? So special.

  8. well done, I loved that age, and there is nothing better than a baby x

  9. She looks absolutely adorable πŸ™‚ Well done on 3 months, to all involved! xoxo

  10. Margie Ting says

    Thanks for sharing your happiness. The video just topped it off. A sheer pleasure to watch πŸ™‚

  11. Gorgeous Beth, just amazing how quick the time goes! And there is absolutely nothing wrong with stripes!!

  12. Oh my go Beth, she is that bloody cute it isn’t funny! Look at that smile, too cute for words!

  13. Hi Beth. I’ve been wondering how you are finding the first few months this time ’round. You’ve written before about being concerned how it would go- especially compared to the city life you had with your eldest?
    Speaking of that- gosh your big girl looks grown up.
    I’m loving the photos and posts about Maggie. My third was the easiest of the lot. X

    • It’s been so different to the other two- a joy. I feel so much more relaxed and have really enjoyed it. Daisy is SO big now. My baby!!

  14. Grammy award winning singing I say … what does Rob say about the vertical video? πŸ˜‰

  15. Margaret Elvis says

    I can’t believe how the time has flown and she is adorable. In fact, you are all adorable and thank you for sharing such beautiful photographs.

  16. Beautiful photos Beth…..such a gorgeous little person……love that song and I still belt it out at the top of my lungs in the car…..with quite a few missed notes…..and guess what?…. My 15 year old is still singing along with me! I’m sure Maggie will do the same in years to come.

  17. I think you got a double helping of cute there. It’s insane how gorgeous she is!

  18. I can feel the happy in all your words and then the happy in your actual singing too. And I am so gosh darn happy for you all. What a joyful life Beth. And I couldn’t be more thrilled for you. xxxx

  19. How can she even?


  20. So much swoon. I can’t get over how much she’s changed in such a short time! What a blessing, Beth, she just oozes happiness! The pictures are just fantabulous xx

  21. Babies are Mother Nature’s proof that magic exists.

  22. She’s absolutely gorgeous πŸ™‚ it does go so fast! Our little guys is 4 weeks, and getting too big for his 0000 jimmy jam jams.

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