Round the grounds

We had plans to spend the weekend up in Sydney that were cancelled this morning at the last minute. All of a sudden we have a day at home with no plans (besides hockey this morning…thanks Rob for taking Daisy without us!). It’s chilly outside. The fire is on. Harps is still in her jammie’s. It’s starting to rain and I have some diced beef in my fridge that is destined for a curry, or a casserole, or some kind of slow cooked action. It’s going to be a slow kind of day…

It’s been a funny week this week. Big ups and icky downs and here I am at the end of it feeling decidedly cranky, and for no reason at all. I’m in a funk. I keep getting surprised by human beings. I’m tired. I’m sick of hearing the words “Mummy blogger” and I think I need to bake. And then eat said baked goods.

Yes, this quiet day is just what I needed…first stop kitchen, then couch!

Hope you all have a great Saturday!


  1. Baking is definitely the answer for a funk. Enjoy your couch.

  2. Why are you sick of Mummy Blogger Issues?

    Is it because Emotionally you do not wish to be Labelled? Do you think Mummy Blogger has negative connotations?

    I spent a good 5 minutes of my life this week wondering if I was a Mummy Blogger.

    Soudns like you need to action some Serious Baking. I always find that repetitive stirring and mindless measuring are very soothing in Times of Stress.

    I’ve just been to Anna Spiro’s Pop Up cushion sale at Black and Spiro. It was 11/10. x

    • I was contemplating driving the 838km’s just to get to that Pop Up sale. SHOW ME YOUR SPOILS!

      No, I don’t think the term has negative connotations, I’ve just heard it a whole lot this week. It’s taken up waaaay too much of my normal life time. I need to refocus…one quinces or something similar!

  3. I hear you beth. I’ve been shitty since I stepped out of bed. this mama needs a time out today.
    baking is sure to cure your funk – at least for as long as it takes you to eat your baked goods ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I hope this week is steadier for you x

  4. I don’t think you, or any of us, are mummy bloggers…we are life bloggers. Think about all you’ve done this week, and last weekend, and give yourself a pat on the back.

  5. Dear Beth
    I love your blog. I love the pictures you take of your home, they inspire me to get my shit together now I’m 30and become more tidy and Home Beautiul. I love your photographs of your gorgeous girls. And I love that you share a piece of your day with us. We are very privileged.
    I hope you feel better today. I can empathise – it is often with success that the negative feelings are felt the most. Just be who you are, run your own race, and not let labels define you. That’s what I’m doing.
    Lots of love x

  6. Oh no, I don’t know what the icky downs are but hope nothing serious. Hugs.

  7. I hope they were surprising you in good ways. It’s always hard when you put yourself out there in good faith and human nature gives you a big whack in the face. Breaks are good. Indulge xx

  8. Sweet Beth. Some days are made for reflecting and just being. I love your blog, your words and your honesty I really do. Let today be that day. Get into that kitchen and bake up a storm! Just make sure you share the produce with us xxxx

  9. Anonymous says

    I love your blog Beth. Beautiful pictures and inspiration for the home. This is completely unrelated, but would you mind telling me what app Harper is using on your phone, looks colourful and education. I wouldn’t mind downloading it for my daughter. Once again, I love reading your blog, it’s always one of the highlights of my day !! Love Georgia

    • No worries Georgia! It’s called I write words (iWW Lite) Harper likes it. I think I discovered it from the Babyology website as they always do reviews of good apps for kids – search their site too.

    • Anonymous says

      Thanks Beth, hope you have a lovely weekend.

  10. Bake and bake and bake some more! x

  11. Baking cures everything (except your hips!). I’m baking break and rising pizza dough. Now my boys are down for sleep, time to fire up the sewing machines and spend a few quiet hours creating! A beautiful Melbourne day.

    Love you blog! L x

  12. I love days like that! But not the icky, grumpy feelings! Bake away, lady! xx

  13. Hi Beth, you know you could have kept all the beautiful things about you and your family wrapped up tight in a big embrace…but you didn’t… you shared that joy with all that visit here…and I’m feeling a lot of warmth as I always do when I read your blog…..and I’m not talking about the heat from that big ole Norseman fire! Have a creative baking day x

  14. melbourne rainy days… perfect for snuggling with a newborn, as i have found…

  15. Sorry you feel like that Beth. I always bring out Maxabella’s phrase “cranky pants” whenever Rob or I are in a mood. Usually the silliness of the phrase gets us to at least laugh. Although a baked good never goes astray either! I was in a poor me mood last night, realised it was the dreaded day 3, so am feeling a little less melancholy now, or it’s the Anzacs rob made!

  16. Yep, cold, rainy and perfect for a whole heap of nothing. Have just come to your blog, seems I’m a bit slow off the mark but am much enjoying it.


  17. Beth, cheer up and bake! People can be cruel about the whole Mummy Blogger issue, it’s certainly in the news…..but we are mums and we blog, so stuff them! I love your blog because you are so “normal” and I can relate! Enjoy your day x

  18. Baking is the answer to everything, ‘specially in this crappy weather! So is being confined to the house in trackies after a wild week. And for what it’s worth, I particularly enjoyed ep. 8 of OTBF. Made me laugh out loud and that’s what it’s all about right?

  19. Anonymous says

    You have answered some big questions this week, like supporting me vetoing dinner at the friend’s house with box of tissues for napkins at dinner. God I hate that she does that but love her. We will continue to eat out together!
    Indoors with a fire and your gorgeous family and some beef, yum, some pork crackle would probably get you out of the funk.
    I love all you bloggers.

  20. Mummy Blogger, Shcummy Shclogger – You are Beth McDonald. Now get in that kitchen woman! (Im making flathead tail tacos with red cabbage, spinach and jalapeno mayo – bake day tomorrow. Tell us what you make, I need insppppiration)
    Trish xx

  21. actually shcummy schlogger sounds like something I ‘heard’ about on a DVD once…

  22. …so scrap that…

  23. Hockey today was canceled for us… I hope. But today was defintely a day for a hot curry, we ordered ours in.

  24. I do love your gorgeous photos and run downs of the day.

    I WAS coming through to the comment bit to make a joke about the Mummy blogger thing, something like, boo, mummy blogger or something but I couldn’t be assed.

  25. Yep, baking is good for the soul. Hope you had a lovely day enjoying your quiet time lady. It’s been a heck of a week for you, there is bound to be some weariness at the tail end of it.
    Beautiful photos, as always xo

  26. How about a blogger?

    Who Mums?


  27. I was in a funk too. A few little niggly things that were eating at me, plus add in some gastro earlier in the week…and throw in a dash of severe sleep deprivation & I’ve just been feral lately. But yesterday, something clicked & I’m feeling human again…a little less ‘funked’ ๐Ÿ™‚
    And as always, your photos ROCK Beth. I want to come over to your place…..{in a non stalkerish, freak kinda way!}

  28. Looks like a great day in minus grumpy feelings. Not sure I like the term mummy blogger at all. It’s so limiting. More on that later. Hope next week is happier ๐Ÿ™‚

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