I have been pondering over the past week about this time of the year. I knew that it must have been about this time last year that we made some pretty big changes to our life. This morning I trawled through my blog and relived it all over again. What a time!
I remember the first weekend of July was the first time that Rob uttered the words to me “maybe we should just move to the country”. Then the very next weekend we came and saw our house, this house, for the very first time. The next weekend we saw it one more time, I pondered change over and over again and the following week? Well, we went and bought it.
I know this post reads like a rewind episode in a sitcom, but wow! It has all come back to me this morning after reading all those posts. We really did it. We packed up, changed our lives and we did it. Whilst it’s a few more months until we would have been here for a year, it’s this time that I want to stop and remember, and celebrate.
We’ve come a long way baby!
Thanks for coming along for the ride. I still honestly believe that I would never have made the move without having all you people with emails and comments every time I opened my laptop. And for a little blog? Well, that’s something.
I think I need to spend a bit of time reading your blog posts as I don’t know much about your journey! Congrats on your year x
Blogs are so great for that – reading back over what was going on in the last year, two years, however long ago, and realising how far we’ve come. It’s very satisfying.
Good on you for making those changes!
How wonderful to be able to go back and live that moment again … blogs do so many wonderful things don’t they!
Wow, that feels like such a short time ago. We had dinner and you had just exchanged contracts that very afternoon. What a year it’s been!
Well done. x
What a year you have had Beth! Have just had a quick catch up on your old posts. Good on you for being so brave to try for an AMAZING life xx
Damn you putting that damn song in my head! Damn. Okay now Im gonna go back and actually read your post, but I thought you should know Im virtully shaking my fist in the air in your general direction! love love *s*
What a year!! 🙂 Loved being able to share the journey with you.
Ah, Beth. I started following you just as you were about to make the big leap. Which means my 1st blogoversary must be coming up ☺. What a huge year for you as a family. But is certainly seems to have paid off. J x
A whole year? Time really does fly… especially in the country (or so I hear) x
Happy first year in your new hood, i’ll meet you closer (between Canberra & Goulburn, that’s closer) in a couple of years. We have no doubt about it, we’ve been hatching the plan for years now, love Posie
Definitely a time to ponder and relive… because you made the right choice! Always good to reflect on the positive decisions in life my friend xo