Fashion, turn to the left

I had an adventure this week with Rob helping him shoot a big campaign job for Arlington Milne & Elms & King up at the beach. My word does fashion involve a whole lot of moving parts, an insatiable beast that requires endless feeding…ideas…I have such an appreciation for the work that goes into something I like and buy in a shop or online and just how far that one piece of clothing has been through.

It’s a lot.

I got up there Monday morning after I dropped the girls off to school…the sun was shining and it looked like this:

Before the southerly came in and cooled things down a little and it looked like this:

I spent time feeding and watering people, ironing (my word did I do some ironing) I held a lot of things, passed cameras to Rob, helped get the model dressed on the fly and generally tried to cheer everyone on. I never knew that standing around watching someone get their photo taken over and over and over again could be so exhausting. For real!

I ordered a lot of coffees, I cooked dinner for us all a few nights in a row and if course I cherished being somewhere different, doing something completely different, working in something I only ever dreamed about years ago when I worked in a big corporate office in finance or in small financial planning office completing clients statements of advice. It’s been such a tough year for some many businesses out there – the uncertainty and fear that has come from covid has hit so many people all down the line…who knows when we will see the effects of it all in months and years to come economically. I take my hat off to anyone in this industry or any industry who continues to work through these tricky times. Saying yes to orders without knowing what is to come, chasing suppliers around the world as they all deal with the shitshow.

That end of the day wine was a winner that’s for sure (even cooking was a joy when you are somewhere different and don’t have to do after netball training). I left yesterday morning, got home and hit the ground running with my own work stuff that was put on hold and kids and after school stuff (like braces for Harper). Rob got home around 7.30pm last night absolutely shattered, until he starts to ginormous job of editing it all. I do not envy him there!

So today it’s back to Add to Cart, the girls, school, running around before a very quick trip to Sydney tonight for dinner (up and back) I tell you what….bring on the weekend! Hope you get some of the warmth and sunshine that is predicted today…I have a serious date with my washing machine…over and over and over again.

Hope you have a good day and rest of the week guys…


  1. What a fabulous adventure and how great to learn about the ins and outs of another side of retail. Goes to show that ironing, coffee-fetching and cooking are important life skills that should never be underrated! We tend to assume that other people’s jobs are more glamorous than our own and that’s rarely the case. When I was little I used to think that airline stewardesses had a glamorous job. Now, after several more decades on the planet and a bit of overseas travel, I know better 😉 As always, thank you for sharing; I learn so much from your blog and Insta.

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