The summer that was

Summer is hydrangeas and thick green grass that you cannot tame or keep up with. It’s big leaves, growth and colour all around the garden.

It’s end of year exhaustion with school events and assemblies and sweaty legs stuck to chairs under fans in school halls. It’s parties and catch ups, too many drinks and too many late nights.

It’s Christmas lights and the smell of fresh pine in the lounge room, of threats of Santa not coming and of course the too early start of Christmas morning. It’s family lunches of hot food in hot weather and swims in pools and late warm nights under the stars .

It’s slow days at the farm, it’s reading and slowing down. It’s days at the beach, hot potato scallops and ice creams and icy cold gin before dinner way too late.

It’s a full clean out as we start a new year, a cleanse and reorder before the routine of school starts again. It’s tiredness and exhaustion from kids as they try and get back into school, it’s tears and angst of new beginnings.

It’s endless hot days and long nights with the odd southerly change and mist rolling through town. It’s beautiful, and harsh and tiring filled with ends and beginnings. And tonight, it’s gone for another season.

What was your favourite memory from the summer that was?
Are you as ready for Autumn as we are?


  1. Summer for me holds many great memories. It’s when we were married, on our 1st anniversary our son was born. Way too many January birthdays but most of all watching the sun come up over the water on my 40th Birthday.

  2. Linda Jenkins says

    I have loved the Summer this year !
    * First summer in our new home just a stroll from one of Melbourne’s bayside beaches
    * Housewarming party on a perfect Summers day
    * Christmas celebrations over a few days
    * A quiet but special New Years eve with our very pregnant oldest daughter and her partner
    * I started a new job which brings together my skill sets achieved over the last 30 plus years
    * We welcomed our first grandchild – a lovely little girl
    * Many gatherings of family and friends for special and just because occasions
    * Time spent creating the home thats suits us just right for this stage of our lives
    * Time feeling grateful that this goals as a couple moving to the beach has come true

  3. Summer is holidays sun sand beach. Food and drink a plenty. Its humidity and sweat and cranky kids and adults. Roll on Autumn, my favourite time of year! Both my boys birthdays, cooler mornings and nights and not too hot days, heaven.

  4. Pauline Walden says

    As I have said before Baby Mac – write a book! We’ve all seen those fab books about life in France and Italy with beautiful words and pictures but nothing much about a life and place where you live with your stunning suroundings, friends and (maybe haphazard) but genuine family. You have a beautiful way with words and the photos are soooo good. Love your posts, but I’d but the book! X

  5. Pauline Walden says

    As I have said before Baby Mac – write a book! We’ve all seen those fab books about life in France and Italy with beautiful words and pictures but nothing much about a life and place where you live with your stunning suroundings, friends and (maybe haphazard) but genuine family. You have a beautiful way with words and the photos are soooo good. Love your posts, but I’d buy the book! X

  6. Summer is Balmoral and Curl Curl, mangoes and coconut, salty sea dried skin and crusty curly hair, hot wind blowing in the car to your favourite song, kids whinging in the back in a traffic jam, summer floral dresses, cartwheels on the grass and rosé..

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