Well good afternoon friends! Hope your Monday morning is travelling OK? I am up to my eyeballs in life admin this morning…I’ve been going non stop and still feel like I haven’t achieved much at all.
I was making the bed this morning and realised how ridiculous my bedside table is looking. Check it.
While I have read some of them, and am almost finished one there’s still a few more to go. Got me wondering what we are going to read next for the last and likely holiday edition of BabyMac Book Club. Do you guys have any suggestions for me of what we should tackle next? It will likely be a bit longer (like let’s give ourselves the summer to read it shall we?)
I’d love to see what your bedside table is looking like at the moment…what have you read that you love that you think might be good for us too? Share a snap on FB if you like…or list below and let’s try and keep reading!
Great pile of books! I am currently in the middle of Mummy Bloggers (holy crap that book nails all the stereotypes and as a bloggy person myself I nod along knowingly with every page) and also In Order to Live – a book about a North Korean defector. SO INTERESTING. But I do not recommend reading it in the middle of the night while being an insomniac. Your dreams will be whacked out. I am a slow learner and have done this a few times lately haha.
Haven’t started the Mummy bloggers one – I am too scared to!
Just finished The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty and The Dry by Jane Harper and am itching to get my hands on the new Dan Brown!!
Both great books Suzie!
I enjoyed The Atomic Weight of Love by Elizabeth Church. Finished it in a few long, late night sessions- always the sign of a gripping read!
Thanks Mandy will check it out!
I’ve just finished Jane Harper’s 2nd book Force of Nature. As good if not better than The Dry!!
I’ll be grabbing that one for the holidays for sure.
Currently reading The Golden Child by Wendy James, similar style to Liane Moriarty. Really enjoying it so far.
I’ve just finished The Golden Child, loved that it was set in my hometown !
Thanks for the recommendation 🙂
Are you still doing your live facebook feed for Eleanor Elephant. I would love it !!
Oh Georgia I so need to do that – thanks for reminding me!
Hi Beth
The Dry is s great read. Save it for when you can read it and not have to put it down. Am reading her second book at the moment which is also great. The Mummy Bloggers is a good read for by the pool. Not too serious. Sx
Yep defo on the light reading list. Loved The Dry!
Just finished Magda Szubanski’s memoir. Quite fitting as finished day before vote announced! Was great to get to learn all about this incredibly deep feeling and interesting woman. Good to switch the book pile up with an autobiography too. Just started Eleanor as hubby beat me to it!
Mum is going to lend me her copy she said it’s a great read.
Loved both Jane Harper’s. The party by Robyn Garding is a good one & home Fire by kamila Shamsie was fantastic. Rosie Waterland is hilarious too.
Keen to read Jane’s latest – its on the holiday reading list.