Maggie is 17 months old!

So Mags, how you feeling about being 17 months old now?

Yuh HUH I am feeling you GF.

It’s like you have been working all this time, these 17 months on just perfecting the mullet which you now have. I get it. And I like it.


As Daisy said to me last week “Mum she has new strategies now. Like when she doesn’t want to get picked up she just puts her arms out straight so you can’t get her!” And boy does she have some strategies up her sleeve at the moment.

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I saw her a week or so ago with her cousin Archie, who is bigger and rougher than her, and she just snapped. She pulled something out of his hands, almost pushed him over as SHE HAD HAD ENOUGH. Don’t mess with this kid, she’s getting braver every day and it’s truly frightening and exciting to watch.

Butter wouldn’t melt though.

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She’s been well this month (about the first time EVER) and she has just been getting on with getting bigger.

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Just in the last week she has completely forgotten how to go to sleep in her cot though. THE FUCK MAGGIE?! Why do they do this? Know something completely and utterly their whole life and then just stop?! It never fails to surprise and bewilder or piss me off. Kids huh.

Lucky they are cute.

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We’ve had first trips to the beach which she LOVED, more than any 17 month old I’d seen.


Time with her mate Frank obvs….

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And lots of time at home with the girls on holidays and then just back to the two of us pottering about in the garden and the spring sunshine most days. Geez they are good days.

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Whilst she might be growing way too quickly and working on new strategies EVERY DAY I know that there are 5 of us (including Frank) who still sit back every day and wonder what we ever did without her?


We love you Maggie Macdonald. So much. Thank you for being 17 months, feral, mullet-full, non sleeping and everything in between x


  1. God love her. But yeah, the cot abandonment thing? BLOWS. I think the youngest sees the biggests NOT sleeping in a cot and goes WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING IN THIS CAGE? Totally unsatisfactory.

  2. too adorable for words beth!
    some great moments captured!
    loving the hair!;)) … she will have a full mop soon! it’s in her genes!
    just gorgeous! love m:)X

    • She will indeed – I think I have to give it a trim though>?!

      • i have cut many a toddler’s hair! some mothers nearly hysterical that they were loosing the baby curls! … and the hairdresser ruined it! I know! but that’s not true!
        but with maggies hair seeing as she doesn’t have those curls I would advise to trim
        basically straight across the back! … a little bob and then the hair will thicken up or appear to because all one length!
        I wouldn’t mess with the rest just yet! only fringe if getting in her eyes!
        totally your call! love m:)X

  3. The hair/mullet made me laugh so much. I know my daughter follows you so she may well see this comment. Recently, whilst we were looking at her baby photos, she asked me why, at aged eighteen months, did she have a mullet. I was just so happy that her hair had finally started to grow that I hadn’t even noticed it resembled a mullet! I seem to be reliving my kids baby years through you ?

  4. Such a gorgeous post!
    Made me teary!
    Mostly because my firstborn had his first shave this morning! Nooooo!
    Blows me away daily how bloody fast they grow!
    Mags is a bloody champion, I love her adventures!

  5. Gibbergunyah says

    Wasn’t the Playschool concert fantastic? Sorry not to see you there.

  6. What an absolute cutie Maggie is. I can’t get over those dirty face pics, so sweet and innocent. Oh to be a toddler again, discovering the world for the very first time, content with playing in the dirt.

  7. Do you think, of the 3, she takes after you the most? Coz from where I’m sitting….! She’s so stinkin’ cute… wish I could go again

  8. She is adorable! If it makes you feel better my 3rd basically never slept in her cot and it was such a beautiful cot. It ended up a large overpriced room decoration so I sold it before she even hit 1

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