This morning my sister and I took the kids to a local kinder gymnastics class. It had been a few years since I had been there with Harper, in fact, it was the place where I was when I realised I wasn’t done with kids just yet.
I wrote a little about it here, but I clearly remember seeing little Harper (almost ready for big school) in a circle singing nursery rhymes and thinking, no, this can’t be it. I’m not ready for this to be it. I sobbed in the car on the way home for this baby I knew was waiting to be born, the one I thought I was too selfish to go back and have.
Anyway, you should have seen the look on the teachers face when she saw me again, with a new friend in tow who ran around, shaked those shakers and had the actual best time of her life. She now knows that there is this whole world of other kids (outside of Archie) out there, so I’m also screwed. I certainly have those nursery rhymes ahead of me for a few more years yet.
Last Friday night we went and saw John Waters perform his Lennon show at the rissole (loved it, you should totally go and see it if you can) where he sung Beautiful Boy, oh my goodness the tears were flowing again, as I remembered when I was pregnant hearing that song and weeping at the fact that there was a baby, maybe even a boy, on their way to join our family. I still get teary thinking about it.
I was pretty sure that Mags was going to be a boy. I mean there was the outrageous sexual appetite (sorry Mum) that surely meant that there HAD to be testosterone on there somewhere and everything just seemed so different that time around. We chose the name for Maggie but the boys were where we spent most of our time. She was going to be Woody, but there you go, not to be. When we were pregnant with Daisy and Harper, they were always going to be Fred. I saw them in my mind, visualised them in our family, practised their names, imagined them as real as those little girls actually became.
Got me thinking about those names we had, that never got to see the light of day. What were yours? The boy or girl that actually became that other boy or girl.
Care to share?
It’s also nice to know the Wiggles are still getting a run out there too, nothing much changes.
We didn’t learn the sex of either of our babies until the delivery room.
Had Lillian been a boy, she’d have been Thomas.
Harriet was going to be Henry – so we’d have had a Harry either way! 🙂
I’m so glad Maggie arrived to be the baby you were waiting for.
A xx
Amanda, we are so on the same page! When I was pregnant with my Harriet, we had it narrowed down to either Harriet or Lillian. And my son is Thomas Henry!
When I was pregnant with my eldest daughter Spencer, I was sure she was a boy. She would have been Ellery. But that boy wasn’t to be.
I wished hoped that my twins would be boy and girl.. i could see it Charlie ans Mia…but its Charlie and Patrick. With 3 boys already i just thought 1 girl would be nice. Wasn’t to be x
When our third child (a girl) was born our little son was two. We had told him and his sister that the baby would be Isobel or Oliver. When Josh was introduced to Issy, he kept asking, “but where’s Oliver? Where is he?” It took him a while to realise the fact that there was an Isobel meant there could be no Oliver. Poor guy, no brother for him. I think he’s over it now (she is 9).
Love this! 🙂
Lost baby number one was going to be Xavier or Eloise.
Lost baby number two was going to be Jasper or Eloise.
Real live baby is Hugh, was going to be Eloise.
Lost baby number four was going to be Arlo or Eloise.
I eventually named our cat Eloise, Lulu for short.
So sorry for your losses. What heartache you have endured. All beautiful names ?
4 losses here also. Two before and two after my beautiful, beautiful, beautiful…beautiful boy – Brenton Anthony (23 this year) was born. Jessica, Sophia, Joshua and Caleb were names I had tucked up my sleeve. I had hoped for 3 children. The Universe had other plans for me it would seem. I divorced then remarried (when Brenton was 7) and gained a child of my heart (hate the term step) same age as my son. Her name is Rhiannon Kimberley Rose. Rhiannon was named after the Stevie Nicks song Rhiannon by her Dad.
And you too Kim, 4 is heartbreaking, well one is…you know what I mean x
Sorry for your losses Julie x
Nearly had a Rosie or a Daisy (love that name) but it was the husbands turn to pick the name (2nd baby) and for some reason flowers and colours were out. Ended up with Ellie which I cannot imagine her not being now (although I do secretly use Rosie and or Daisy when ordering coffee and they yell it out the name and I can get a fix….is that weird??
Love that!!!! Not weird at all
That is so funny! I am going to try that next time I get a coffee. I’ll pick my own name 🙂
2 boys here, James & Thomas but if I had a girl she was going to be Emma. I think of her often…. Not sure I could do a 3rd! 3 boys is a high possibility lol
Oh me too Emma! Two little boys here, our girl name both times was Polly. I sometimes wonder if she is out there but cannot bear the thought of another baby right now.
I always liked Joanna or Marian or Marybeth, none of which would have been good for the two boys we had!
My husband didn’t get a say in our daughters name. I had read book in my late teens/early 20’s called Outlander. I was going to have a blue eyed red headed curly hair daighter if my life depended on it and her name would be Bree. For those who have read/watched, she appeared briefly a few episodes ago. If I had a boy he would be James. This idea was rejected when we had number 2 and Caleb was agreed upon instead
Oh my gosh! I love the TV show Outlander!!
I always thought I’d have a little girl called Scarlett, everyone kept putting Clint off it, now he says he loves it.
Darby was Darby for 10 years before he was born.
I have a Darby too! The name came to me the day before he was born which was 10 days past due date! He was going to be Hal but he’s such a Darby!
I love this post, Beth. And I am following with great interest. Especially since I announced on my blog yesterday that I am expecting BABY NUMBER 4!!!!!!!
I am 16 weeks along and needing some baby name inspo – especially for boys. After having three girls I think surely I am due for a boy. But we are not finding out, so I need to have names for boys and girls ready!!
I can think of another dozen girls names that I love. But boys names fail me. I am going to read the comments with voracious baby name appetite. The outrageous sexual appetite you speak of has not yet made an appearance!!!! 🙂
Ooh we have just decided to go back for #4 as well! We have boy girl boy already and we already have the girl name picked but we too struggle with boy names! How have people reacted to your news??
Oh you need to check out Emma’s blog at She Sows Seeds. She wrote a great post about baby names last year and the interaction was awesome…So many ideas…
Oh thanks! I’ve recently written another one as I’m due with baby #2 in 3 weeks (HOPEFULLY 3 weeks?!) Baby name conversations can just be endless can’t they?! This post is quite timely!
Im 25 weeks pregnant with baby number three. I have a 3 year old, Maxim Peter, and a 20 month old, Oliver Stipe. I have bets on number three being a boy – I have his name in my head and I use it all the time. I am stuck on girls names! Maxim would have been Cianna Grace and Oliver would have been Grace Beth… but I am not sure I like any of those girls names now.
I cannot WAIT to hear this announcement. I’m guessing a boy!
1st was Ryleigh boy or girl – he is 17 now
2nd was Reece or Paige – Reece would have turned 10 this year
3rd Hamish or Remy – Hamish is 4
4th Angus or Isla – Angus is 2
My brothers top name for a girl is Isla and this baby (sex unknown) is due in January. I’ll settle for a little niece because we sure as sh*t aren’t trying again for girl. I’d get Arlo and Hudson for sure ???
I didn’t find out what I was having either time.
Hubby picked the names, which I was happy with, as he has great taste.
Alexander Jack would have been either Audrey Mae or Lillian Mae (Audrey after my godmother, Lillian after my Hubby’s grandmother, and May was my Grandmother’s middle name)
Joey Thomas would have been either Ivy Frances or Edie Frances (Frances after my amazing and beautiful PA who passed away from cancer years ago, and who I think of all the time)
My nieces name is Lillian Mae! Ha! She turned 6 yesterday!
We have 2 boys. My eldest, James Owen, was an easy name to choose. He was always going to be James. Our 2nd boy, was a little harder to name. It was only after about an hour after he was born that we decided on Charley Ethan.
Both these names suit our boys beautifully and I cannot imagine them as anyone else.
I’m not denying though, I would have loved the chance to name a girl. I love a bit of old fashionedness in names.
Olive, Mabel, Elsie, April, Laura, Eliza, Mila, Ivy, Mae, Adeline, Genevive. I have a lot I still love! If only I was as brave as you Beth to have another.
Love those names!
Lane for a boy and Lola for a girl… there’s still a little hope that these babies might eventuate, I have prayed on it, and done some secret manifestations and begged the universe in general, but having ovaries that hate me and the inability to attract a man for more than 2 minutes is kinda hindering my efforts!
My Mother passed away when I was nine, her name was Margret. She hated the name and wouldn’t let anyone call her anything other than Peg or Peggy. From about 15 years of age, I was determine to honour her and if I was lucky enough to be blessed with a girl to call her Meg. (a derivative of Margret because I know Mum would have hated me calling her grandchild Margret). When it was announced that I had had a baby girl an old boyfriend called my parents to offer his congratulations and asked if I had called her Meg…. There was no way it wasn’t going to be the case.
I also have a Meg. I love that name!
Our daughters name is Georgia Amy (affectionality known as George, Georgie, Georgie Girl, GG). I also liked Meg but our surname starts with G so its sounds like one word when you say it MegGalea. My #1 boys name is Paddy – not Patrick, just Paddy.
I have a Fred. He was going to be a Polly. I’m so glad he is Fred though. Other names I didn’t use were Lilly, Willow and Ralph.
We have three beautiful boys, which we didn’t find the sex of until they were born. They are Gus, Eddie and Billy. They could have been Matilda. Or Rose. Or Billie. I often think about those girls out there…somewhere! Maybe they’ll appear as my granddaughters someday xx
Great boy’s names! May I ask- are their names actually Angus, Edward & William?
Chloe and Sam never made the cut for me.
Van was going to be Bowie (boy or girl, which I’m relieved about now considering how popular it has just become!). Ginger was meant to be Penny or Josie but they just didn’t fit.
Oh gosh I love this topic! I’d always loved the name Audrey since I was much younger, but with our first child, hubby and I decided on the name Hannah, as it was a name we both liked. I had slight regret about Audrey, so when we had another girl I was stoked I could use the name! I don’t know what I’d use if we had another girl (if we had another), although I have no idea on boy names either, all of my faves have already been used by close friends and family!
If my first had been a girl, the top 2 names on our list were Audrey and Hannah!
My first born Sophie was either going to be Stella or Corbin. While I was pregnant I dreamed I had a girl & named her Sophie. Dream was so vivid I couldn’t shake it. We didn’t find out sex either so as soon a we found out she was a girl it had to be Sophie.
Found out with my 2nd one. She was always going to be Kate. Although from about 2 hours old we were already calls her Katie
no kids but i think i have struck one of my favourites off. I love the name Dusty for a girl for some reason but i think there is just too much potential teasing..
Love that name Dusty…original but not weird
I have 2 sons the oldest is almost 17 and is Brayden. 12 years later along came another baby and I was desperate for a daughter and she would have been called Harper Leigh but along came my gorgeous little man Ryan who is now 4.
After 2 years of trying for another baby we were told it was no longer possible to conceive anymore children. I think I would have loved a daughter because I love the relationship I have with my Mum and oh how do I love to do little girls hair. I have 7 nephews and 1 niece who luckily for me loves having her hair done by me ??
I was so glad we had a boy first because we actually didn’t even have a girls name. He is Hugh. We then had Edith or Patrick picked for number 2 and we had an Edith. Number three was an Oliver who could have also been an Alice, April or a Mae. Patrick was off the list as we had 3 friends/family who had boys called Patrick in the year after Edie was born….Number 4 is somewhere in the distance and I have no idea what a boy would be called..The girls names still stand. I will be following this post with great interest!!
I’ve got a James and a Caitlyn and still love their names!
Woody is my hubbys name! Good name!
My first was going to be Bella, Second Miles and Third Arlo. We used Arlo as a Middle name for our little girl as I loved loved the name and couldnt let go of it!
I was a little disappointed when you had another girl, Beth, but now I cannot imagine you with anyone but Maggie.
I had girl, Amy, boy, Thomas and thought the third was a girl again but no, a boy. I wanted Lucy so called him Lucas and I still call him Lucy, but only me.
I have a boy called Arlo I love the name x
I have a Tulley Harriet (Harriet is a family name) 12, could have been Charlotte – McClouds Daughters anyone!! Or Scarlett or Makaydy – character in Tara Moss’s books. Eliza Jane is 5, and I was determined she was a boy who we would call Archie George. I was seriously unprepared with girls names when she arrived but happy with Eliza, another family name. Our little Christmas surprise is 18 months and because I’m old we had lots of testing and found out she was another gorgeous girl. I wanted Jean as the middle name after my mother, and loved Frankie, Mabel, Ivy, Elsie and Mae. We decided on Sadie Jean after she was born when my husband decided he did like the name, and the John Farnham song was playing in the recovery room while he was having skin on skin with her! Adore all our names 🙂
I loved this blog. We have two boys and a girl, Tom, James and Louisa. My other names were Lucy, Henry, Joseph. Louisa was a no brainer as she was named after my Grandma the boys names were harder choices as I didm;t want them to sounds cute as boys but wanly as adults. xx
When pregnant for the first time Father in Law teased us with the name Declan for months which spoiled the name for me unfortunately. First was to be a Son named Connor Austin who actually came out a Dort. We were so shocked at first because we were told a boy was coming. We played around with the name Jamie Lee until about day two when I was watching the movie Pinocchio where Geppetto was in love with a Leona, a name which I loved. Leona came to be Leonni Rose and it is so lovely, even on a now almost 18 year old. Leonni has been Leo to some of her friends over the years. Seccond Dort was to be a boy as well (never should have believed a seccond time) so we played around with James Austin and Connor James. When little Dort # 2 appeared we had no idea of names and went from Ariel to Zilla and back before Sophia was mentioned. I thought oh, like Sophia Loren. Than the name Loren had me spell bound. Unfortunately a few older family members struggled with the name and after hearing them screaching Laweeeen and Louweeen so many times I opted for Lauren Francis which is beautiful on my now 15 year old. Lauren now gets Loz which I don’t mind. Same older family members still pig headed enought to say Louwen.
I have Harry Bloore (he is 4th generation Bloore…it sounds unfortunate, but the name does grow on you!) he was going to be Henry or William but when he was born we couldn’t bring ourselves to name him either – he is the PERFECT Harry!
We also have Maisie Mary who again suits her name to a T!
Number 3 and possibly the last ? is due any day now and I’m still not confident with the names we have selected – Alice (no idea for a middle name) and Edward Daniel
Pregnant with identical twins, I swore we were having boys. So did most of our friends and family. But nope! Angus and Jack ended up being our beautiful girls, Charlotte and Ava. And now can’t imagine things any other way! ?
thank God it was a Joshua (nearly 18) and not a Michaela as we would have chosen then (cannot stand Michaela now!). Both Kieran and Ryan would have been a Harriet Millicent Ann. We REALLY REALLY REALLY loved the name Rowan for Ryan, but with Atkinson being the surname, couldn’t quite do it… he would have really suited being a Rowan Atkinson too … hmmmm 😉
I had two boy’s names picked out before the Little Mister was born (we knew he was a boy). I actually liked the other name a lot but he was the name we gave him for sure. Could never have been the other lost name. I continue to be vague because we had SO much trouble creating that shortlist the first time around, I might still need the lost name one day (I hope – fertility issues blah blah)! Don’t want to jinx it!
We have a Mabel – who might have been a Frankie, Elliot or Clementine. Can’t imagine her as anyone other than my Mabey baby.
If Mabel was a boy, he might have been a Nash, Marshall or Micah.
First baby was going to be Elijah, Isaiah or Imogen. He ended up being Zane. Second baby was maybe a Lennon or Harper ( for a boy & after John & Ben) but we settled on Isaac ( Lennon as a middle name). Third baby was going to be an Evie or Blake & he was anothe boy so Blake it was. And when the fourth snuck in we tossed a few boys names around – Sonny, Cash- but we knew she was a girl so I had a list of 20 or so names. Evie & Rose were my front runners but once she arrived they didn’t suit her at all so she got Sadie.
And now we are done forever!
Baby number 1 turned out to be a girl and we named her Freya, she was going to be Oliver or Finley if she was a boy (it was going to be a decision made when we saw baby, had it been a boy). Our 2nd baby was another girl, Lottie, who would have been Jude if she were a boy.
My Rhys and Caitlin would have been Grace and Cameron. My little lost Ethan would have been Evie.
Lovely names all. x
Matthew Lyle I chose, but she’s Iris Chantal. Didn’t know beforehand-no sonos in the mid-80s in Key West Florida.
Our Genevieve was always (like for about 10 years before I even met my husband) going to be Genevieve, and our lad was going to be Toby (he’s Tobias) for just about as long, as I wanted twin boys and I wanted to called them Mich and Toby after the twine in a childhood book called “The Ragman of Paris”. If we’d been blessed with a 3rd and another boy he’d have been a Mich. Probably pronounced Mitch, and short for Michael as I’m a sucker for the Full Name Option, Mary being such a short full name!! I used to want a Darcy and a Tyrone, back in the teen aged years!! If Toby had been a girl (we didn’t know for either of our kids what we were having) there wasn’t a name ready at all, just disagreements!
My little Oliver (whom I was certain was a girl) would have been Amelia, and my little Henry would have been Violet. I adore my two boys but sometimes lament the long list of pretty girls names I’ll never get to use!
#1 we had Eden picked with Brady as a back up. He definitely didn’t suit Eden, so Brady it was. #2 i loved Isla and April but hubby not so sure…Jorjee we came up with after she was born and love it. #3 our surprise twin boys we chose Sonny (a spare name from #1 that i never let go of) and Abel, with Arlo as a spare. Bonnie as a girls name – just in case. Love all our names (and the kids ?)
I chose Hannah for a girl very early on but never found a boy’s name we loved. Driving to the hospital late at night down a really windy steep road, C asked me mid contraction what we should call the baby if it was a boy. I used some rather unsavoury language to tell him to just keep driving and we would worry about that if it were a boy. Fortunately it was a girl and we never had to choose a boys name.
I always wanted to name a daughter April, but first baby was due in April and I just couldn’t do it, so despite her being born early in March we had already decided on Olivia. Second Bub was due in April again, so again that name was out, and we called her Maya (pronounced may-ah, not My-ah).
So two girls and neither got my favourite name! But it was only later that we realised if we’d called our first April, we also could never have had our Maya, it would’ve been way too cheesy! We just liked the names, nothing to do with months!
I dearly wanted Sophie or Amelia for a girl, but my then husband vetoed both. He wanted Fergus or Angus for a boy, thankfully we had a girl called Molly. Found her name in Marian Keyes book I was reading when I was so pregnant I couldn’t be bothered leaving the house !
My daughter Caitlin Paige would have been Patrick Edward (known as Paddy). She has a very Irish surname and I loved Paddy with it. She’s Caitlin because when I was a little girl I wanted twins called Cate and Ruby. My daughter won’t let anyone call her Cate though! Other girls name ideas were Olive (after my great grandmother), Edie, Astrid and Lillian. I never had another boys name and would have loved the chance to have another baby to see if I could get my Paddy. Wasn’t to be.
Once we decided to start our family, it took 4 years to settle on a girls name. Norah Rose. My great aunt’s name was Nora and I had always loved it and Rose after my mother in law who passed away when my husband was 10. We also like Cassidy for a girl. Boys names were so much more difficult to agree upon. Made all the more difficult when we found out we were having a boy! We liked Van, Ruben and Layne but eventually settled on Miles Mariner. Miles we just liked and hadn’t met anyone to ruin it and Mariner was a middle name in every generation of my family for over 400 years, except the last two, so we remedied that. Great post ?
Seven years on and I’m still annoyed that I wasnt strong enough to fight my corner ( read husband ) and get our son named Miles. I still won’t let it go! I think there’s a baby Miles somewhere for me!
I didnt know I was having a boy but thought I was so he was Miles throughout my pregnancy. Husband hated it, detested it really but I thought he’d waiver once he saw what I had to endure giving birth! Not so.. He never relented. Why not? ( he’s been asked a lot )
My all time favourite girls name is April..Ah April, so lovely.
my son was due December , so this girls name was never a contender anyway if he had been a girl as felt April HAD to be born in April…. but it’s gorgeous without being too fru fru pretty.
I have a Miles – unpopular with my husband at the time. He is the light of our life. Have another baby and just use the veto power that child birth entitles you to!
Impeccable timing Beth! I’m 3 weeks away from baby #2 gracing us with his/her presence and I think we’re decided on names – after months of tossing around all sorts of theories/suggestions, of course we’ve just come back to the seconds ‘leftover’ from Eleanor – what she would’ve been if a boy, still the same, and our #2 girls name. Although, I was always, ALWAYS, going to have a daughter named Alice. It wasn’t until about this stage in my pregnancy with her that we decided on Eleanor, more of a Matt suggestion (we’d tossed around Elsie/Elsa/Ella/Ellie/Nella/Ellen) Now of course I can’t imagine her as an Alice AT ALL – she is an Eleanor. I thought I could still use Alice if we had another girl, but now have gone off having two El/Al names (so no Elsie/Elsa/Ella/Ellie’s to go along with an Eleanor!) Of course, I completely thought Eleanor was a boy so didn’t entirely expect to have to use the girl option name – ha! And this time I think it’s another girl, which of course means we’ll be using our boy option! I quite like Theodore, but not Eleanor and Theodore?! Matt also liked Sophie, but we decided Sophie Steendam was a bit much if the poor kid had a lisp. Patrick was also high on my boy list, but decided we couldn’t have a Matt and a Pat. Unfortunate.
I always thought I’d have 3 kids, 2 girls and a boy. And the names were picked out for years: Toriah, Icarus & Allegra.
I now have 2 boys, neither of them an Icarus (hubby balked at that one). I’m done, but I still sometimes wish for a little Allegra.
Some great names here!!!
My firstborn was Alice Margaret – Margaret after both Grandmothers – she would have been 21 two weeks ago. Husband wanted Phoebe but I said hell no.
Second was a girl also – Phoebe Rose – and no nothing to do with friends nor if she was a boy would she have been called Chandler as we were repeatedly asked. She was actually Rebekah (or Beccy for short) for some 19 hours and I decided that she was no Beccy and Phoebe it was hahaha still adore the name and the child!
Boys – well I was convinced both of them were boys but we never came up with anything that we could agree on other than Jack and the 2nd born cousin beat us to that by two months!!!!!
We discussed Atticus, Oscar, and Winston. I’m such a fucking hipster.
I love the ‘name game’! We had so many names on our boy and girl lists when we had both our boys (Otis Bailey and Felix Eddie). I don’t feel like we have any ‘lost’ names, because we really only wanted 2 kids, and are blessed with them both, but now that we are done, I share my name list with everyone in the hope that those names will make their way out into the universe!
I know, there’s GOT to be a few more Winstons so I can be happy!
I have no idea why my comment ended up as a reply to yours…possibly because I was drawn to your names! Despite being a total suburban mum…I love hipster names! There was an Atticus in my mothers group!
My first born is Ewan John (Felicity Grace if a girl).
My second is Suzannah Rose but gets Suzy or Suze mostly.
My third is Benjamin Sydney – after two brilliant men we love a lot. Other contenders were Harrison & Oscar…
I’ve been told by the littles this very week that they are waiting for a sister called Lily Grace… haven’t the heart to mention it to the husband!! ?
Love this post – bawled my eyes out thinking about my third baby that will never be. But so lucky to have my two girls.
We have a boy but if he was a girl we had picked out Harper and I remember the Beckhams had their baby girl around the same time and I was so pissed they’d stolen our name ?
We knew we were having identical twins but chose not to find out their sex. I always wanted a Maggie, and our boy options were Montague – Monty for short- and Edward. We didn’t really decide on the girls names til after they were born- Maggie Simone and Elisabeth Hazel. Rob still jokes that if I did get pregnant again they only come in pairs and so he calls the imaginary boy twins Monty & Edward.
Oooh, I’ve sung beautiful boy to my boy since he was born, and I tell you the sweetest thing ever is when he one day found the words whilst sitting in my lap, held my face in his tiny little sticky toddler hands, looked me in the eyes and said “beautiful mummy” ?
Our first baby is due in October. We have very different ideas on names so it is proving quite a change. Combined with me being a teacher….loving the ideas here!
Love talking names!
I have a Ted (3) who would have been Frankie, and Fletcher (1) who would have been Adaline. Pretty certain we’re done with our two little men but should number three make a surprise appearance one day I still love Adaline and Jasper should it be another boy – which it most probably would be!!
The girl I was destined never to have would’ve been Elise, as my 2 best friends were Kelly and Lisa and it combined their names perfectly.
What I have is 3 amazing boys (now young men) Michael Scott, Matthew Iain (Scottish for John) and Adam Stuart. It was easy after the first to continue to give biblical first names and Scottish middle names, though I wish we had included a Robert there somewhere to honour my Dad.
When Adam was expected I got so sick of people pumping our oldest (who was 5) about the baby’s name I told them he was going to be Fred. That shut them up, no one would speak up and say they thought that was awful, though it showed on their faces. Such fun, grins. He was pretty much always going to be Adam. What we had trouble with was the middle name, he was Adam Something for the first 16 days of his life. I resorted to borrowing name books from the library and Adam was chosen the morning we left for a short holiday up the coast. Yes I was searching for names instead of packing, grins. We still joke that going from Adam Something to Adam Stuart meant he kept the same initials