So, Maggie has worked out how to talk.
I mean REALLY. This kid interwebs, this kid. Getting chubbier and cuter by the second. She’s been growing through some kind of growth spurt because the feeding has increased and generally she just seems to know what’s going on a little more.
Lucky for me I am still in newborn land of dazed and confused, walking into rooms with no idea of what I was going in there for and baking, baking and baking too much.
Maggie has however, discovered these things this week. They come into view every now and then and are very tasty.
She has no idea they are attached to her, nor that she has another one. Her mind will be BLOWN when she works out she has feet. Her aim can be a bit dodgy as she tries to get that fist in her mouth. I do believe it’s all connected to this latest growth and mind spurt. Amazing stuff.
So I keep meaning to start exercising again post birth. I keep meaning to just actually get out for a walk during the day but it’s TOO COLD. And I have tea to drink by the fire. So I’ll just leave it to the, cough, professionals. You can read about all the kurfuffle this caused here. Surely having a Lorna Jane layer between your wedgie and the general public is a good thing right? Power to you sister.
The pressies still keep arriving in the mail every day and this week I had a delivery from a village stalwart who lives down the road, Sal. Have you EVER? A knitted bunny jumper with a M on it. I hope Maggie loves this forever.
We had a lovely weekend away with the family…look at Mags…catching up to her cousin Archie who is suddenly about to be 8 months old. How does this happen?
It was a real shame for Maggie though, she hardly got any attention at all. So neglected this child. I did say to my little sister when we were sitting down with the babies that it’s just like when we were little and we used to play with dolls for hours and hours. Except now..they’re real. I am SO glad that we have been able to share this time together. That’s she’s been able to still teach me things even though this is my third and her first, I just know that Archie and Maggie will be trouble in the years to come. Long may they be friends I hope.
Speaking of my little sister she sent me through this VERY funny blog post from Mama said on How to get your baby to sleep last week. One of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time. Read it now.
Another girlfriend of mine this week lent us her old playmate she used for her two kids that was collecting dust in her cupboard. Poor Mags, she was beside herself when she got under it. Toys! Hanging! That make noise! She had no idea this was even a thing. I’ve been letting the girls and Frank be her toys up till now. My game is up.
And in other news, Maggie did her first proper dirty giggle this week so that means one thing: A new fairy was born! Well according to Peter Pan that is: “When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies.”
– J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Thank goodness for fairies is all I have to say.
And thank goodness for chubby babies that talk. Thank goodness for Maggie and all the joy she is bringing me. And the family. And everyone.
What’s going on in your newborn land?
Been for a run in a bikini lately too?
Stopped eating for 47 people? Me either.
Carry on friends!
Oh Beth! That video is perfect! I loved these conversations so much. I miss them ?. Must be time to give my little mate a sibling xx
Maybe it is!!
Can relate, the health visitor at wee ones 4 week check told me yesterday it was “safe” to exercise. Cheers for that, I will pop it on the list. Little does she know, I regularly get up off couch to charge my phone or get a biscuit.
Ha! Love this Meg!
Maggie is just adorable, she so melted my heart xx as did the fairy story from Peter Pan!! Enjoy those cups of tea beside the fire…Spring is not far away, plenty of time for walks 🙂
That’s what I think – plenty of time for that exercise business.
That’s what I think too! (mind you, my babies are 14 and 16….)
I love your newborn updates. Maggie is gorgeous. I am in day 20 with a big boofy boy that was born at over 10 pounds so has sadly already outgrown his 0000. I swear yesterday he giggled in his sleep – but I can’t count that as a fairy birth because I don’t think humour was involved – more likely wind crossed with hiccups! & I believe my boy was sucking his hands on the inside as his hands are always in his mouth so have used your recommendation of the Love to Dream suit so sucked hands don’t get cold (the wings deter the sucking) So thank you. Enjoy staying cosy.
COngarts CC! Sounds like you are doing a brilliant job!
We have a 2 week old! And I’m so looking forward to all the exciting new things he discovers 🙂 At the moment life is slow and gentle, just as it should be. Love that photo of Maggie bopping herself in the face 🙂
I hear you with the exercise. It’s an achievement to even go outside let alone exercise!!
Congrats and enjoy this special all passes by too quickly!
She totally knew what you were talking about when you said milk. Gifted.
Of course she did! It was food related. She’s like her mother x
Oh that video is precious. My twins are 8 months old and they don’t talk like that anymore. That do lots of other awesome cute melt-your-heart things, but it makes you realise how quickly they move to the next thing.
Oh, and in addition to Peter Pan’s fairy thoughts, my Grandmother used to say newborns who were (windy) smiling or gooing were “talking to the fairies”. I’ve always loved that thought.
I love that!
Sooooo cute Miss Maggie!! Loved the cute grin when she heard you talking about milk! Xxx
Wasn’t it ADORABLE?
Lovely post Beth, My 11week old is trying to talk too it is just the cutest thing!
New babies really do bring so much joy, gorgeous Maggie and her giggle.
Lorelle 🙂
They sure do – best thing we ever did!
She is talking wow – so animated – precious memories you’ve captured there – wish I’d done more of this back in the day. I spy jasmine – it’s my favourite smelling flower!
She is so beautiful!
I love when babies talk it is so sweet,Your Maggie is so beautiful and the exercise thing can wait Beth enjoy the fire and baked goods and cups of tea Xx
Sage advice Lisa!
Bahaha! Love the sleep post.
Your babe is cute as a button:)
How funny is it? Thanks Selby x
oh god i want one.
I could watch that video on repeat.
How good is it?!
we are enjoying our third boy who’s a wee 10 days old (going on 10), are all totally smitten with him and just looking forward to relishing these newborn days. wishing it was warmer here too (Albany, great southern WA) and no one looks like that with their bugaboo around here ?
Oh congrats Kylie! Enjoy this special time it all goes by so quickly.
Goodness me! Just the most beautiful post. I’ve been looking at Maggie all these weeks, thinking I know those eyes. I’ve just worked it out. Is Maggie like Daisy?
She is EXACTLY like Daisy!
She is so beautiful!
I love the grin.
Babies are so precious…I am so glad that I had the chance to truly enjoy a baby (I was too caught up with who knows what to enjoy my first born the way that I am enjoying Lyddie).
And I just love the Archie and Maggie photos…I know I always say it, but how special!
It’s been the very best sharing it with my sister x
Absolutely adorable video Beth! I love talking babies!
Thanks Annie!
Omg I laughed so much at that sleep post, call their baby friends & laugh behind your back, bahaha! Mine is 6 months & as big as my girls were at 1, last night he woke every 20minutes, I swear he rang his friends today! I have patted, sushed, wrapped, cuddled, rocked , rubbed & sung my way through each babies first sleeping or not sleeping year….
Sounds like my day today!