The mornings have been COLD this week. Cold as in minus 4 and 5 cold. COLD. Jack Frost has been visiting in all his glory covering everything with sparkling frost until the sun hits. If you stand outside you can hear the crackle of the ice breaking off branches and the trickle of water dripping from the roof as the frost melts. The grass turns green in the lines of where the sun has hit, mist rises as the temperature does as well.
It’s magical and beautiful and very nice to look at from the warmth of the house.
Winter is here.
Has it been cold at your place too?
It was 7C last night which was COLD! The kid’s rooms were 16C which is COLD for us. But it is winter after all. I do remember what it’s like to be really cold thought, a few winters in New York and in the deep south of New Zealand some 10 years ago. Enjoy the fire and snuggling Maggie!
Oops – though not thought.
Thanks Em!
Gorgeous pics….and yep, it was bloody freezing down in Melbourne this morning. And still my 2 girls whinge about having to wear a coat on the short walk to school. My 8 year old insists ‘it’s not that cold mum!’.
You’d think it was punishment keeping them warm!
SO pretty! Legit couldn’t actually handle it tho
Yeah you could!
So beautiful Beth!
Very chilly in Melbs at the moment – driving home last night, saw a temp sign showing 5 degrees. About that again this morning.
I’d buy that fifth image. Absolutely glorious!!
Thanks Annette x
Love your stunning photography.
Oh Thanks Maggie!
We had – 8 this morning. Brrr. I’ve been thinking I should get the camera and take some pictures, but so far haven’t had enough will power to make myself go outside.
Sheesh!! That is COLD.
Very chilly here in Albury too – fires blazing and I’m wearing at least four layers on a daily basis. My 11 year old refuses to even consider a singlet and as for a jumper – bah! Enjoy your cosy fire and ‘Maggie’ hot water bottle
Thanks Sarah x
I have never seen anything like this before……beautiful! How does Frank manage though with hus ablutions?!
It has been about 4 degrees overnight for me, which is cold for our area!
It’s been cold here (around 2-4 degrees) at night, but obviously not as cold as THAT! Having said that, it sure looks mighty beautiful round your part of the world. x
I wish we had a little bit of cold (though nit crazy cold like -8!!!)! It was 22 last night… Cairns is kind of perfect in winter but I do miss a proper cold like I grew up with in country Vic!
loving your writing beth! … so in the moment! lovely!
love the photos of the very cold and crisp!
and had to feel sorry for frank! … it’s tooo cold mum!
enjoy your snuggles and warmth inside!
love m:)X
Dear Beth,
You take the most beautiful photos.
Reading your blog & looking at the photos are one of the highlights of my day.
Thank you. xx
Very chilly up here in the Blue Mountains! I have set times for opening up the house to keep it fresh and closing it up and putting heaters on now. That is when I know it is winter. That and reaching for more layers of clothing and my Ugg boots
Such beautiful photos Beth! x
Baby it’s cold outside. Stunning photos Beth. The photo of the leaves with the stunning bokeh background. Gorgeous!! Jx
Yes snap on the frosts Beth I am freezing,I try and follow the little patches of sun around,keep warm Xx
Nowhere near cold enough! 23 here today, though we’ve had a few days were the tops have been in the mid to high teens, which for the West is classed as cold – I’ve been getting around in t’shirts! We’ve been back from the Snowy Mountains now for 2 weeks and while we were there we had a few mornings where it was -7, with tops around 8 degrees during the day – it was BLISS!
On the first day of Winter over there it snowed, which just made me grin like an idiot because I cannot wait til we get over there and get to experience our first real Winter next year!
Can you tell I’m a Winter gal?
canberra. ’nuff said.
Going to Fiji in 31 days, 6 hours and 57 minutes. not counting or anything.
First frost here this morning, kids were in awe! My four year old asked me if it was snow. I tried to take some photos because it looked so magical but they didn’t really work 🙁
So beautiful! It looks so still and tranquil! Perfect for snuggling next to the fire with a newborn. I just can’t imagine it as we are the complete opposite at the moment. It was 41 degrees at 8.30 this morning when I drove home after dropping the kids off. x
Wow, just looking at your photos made me shiver! x
Beautiful photos Beth! We are visiting England at the moment and it has just turned very warm for here….22 c today! Not like back home in the blue mountains where it is very cold!!
So beautiful!
And look at those Frank paw prints…my dog refuses to get out of bed on “cold” days!
Every time I see your photos I feel like packing up and relocating to the beautiful Southern Highlands. So magical this time of year.
It sure is…you live in a beautiful part of the world too though!
A slight frost tomorrow but it’s sleep in day (7am if I’m lucky!) so pjs til about 9am, home made crumpets and tea. Oh I love winter
Congrats on the Bub btw