For those of you not playing along, #onething is where I do just ONE THING from my to-do list, but not your every day to-do list. Oh no, this is the list of non essential items that sort of kind of need to get done but it’s no biggie if they don’t get done until next week, or next month, or um, next year. Those things. Just one. Every week.
This week’s one thing is something that I REALLY need to work on. And something that I have been terrible at ever since I had kids. You see I struggle to ever just sit still. If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time you’d know that already. I have trouble laying on the couch and being lazy when there are things to be done because when I am sitting there, I see all the things that need doing: the sunshine showing the dusty table tops and floor that needs mopping, the washing that needs putting out, all the mundane and uninteresting stuff that seem to fill so many Mother’s days. I am actually really annoying, just ask Rob.
There are exceptions though: Holiday Beth (who everyone LOVES) who will happily live in filth and muck because: holidays and washing up and washing in a different house just doesn’t have the same levels of mundane than it does at home. There’s also post clean up Beth who has done all her chores for the day so can happily sit back and bask in her domestic smugness because there is nothing else to do BUT lay on the couch. But mostly, there’s just boring everyday Beth who barks orders, sighs and huffs a lot, and does all of the things, all of the time.
This morning I had been lazy enough you see, not getting up until 8.30am, then only having to drink coffee and eat breakfast that Rob prepared for us all. After a general post breakfast clean up I decided that I better tackle that dreaded weekly grocery shop. So I started the walk down to our room to have a shower and get dressed and get things done! I got cranky at Frank for bringing in another stick and chewing it into 395 pieces on the carpet, picked up clothes as I went, made some beds and then got to our room.
I saw our unmade bed, and I hopped right back in.
I started to read my trashy whodunnit that I started when I was up at the farm, I then flicked the TV on and watched some mindless Kardashian crap, I snuggled into the doona and I just WAS. No one bugged me for the longest time because they thought that I was doing boring washing, or bed making, or showering so I got about an hour before anyone came and found me!
No big deal I know, but a start for someone like me who suffers a serious case of the neversitsstills. It’s something I need to work on in the next few weeks: putting off stuff that doesn’t matter, putting myself first, booking that pedicure in that I was given as a birthday present, all the stuff that concerns ME that always gets shoved off the list because everyone else’s needs seem more important, or perhaps they just make a louder noise when it doesn’t get done.
Has anyone else put themselves first lately?
What was your one thing this week?
Go choose something, right now, just have a look around and there will be something waiting…
SUE: Wow, this is amazing. I did the same thing this morning. I climbed back into bed and got stuck into a book I have been dying to read. Everytime I would think, Oh, I just better go and do such and such, I told myself no. I just stayed there and read. I can’t remember the last time I did something like that and it was FANTASTIC,
Sorry about the comment having to be re-copied in…I moved servers and this post and all the comments were lost…NOTHING better than a good book and bed.
INGI: I did this yesterday. After being extremely grumpy, teary and sick all week, with hubby at work and teens engrossed in whatever they are engrossed in, I made myself a cup of tea and snuggled in bed and snuck a couple of eps of Downton Abbey on Netflix in! Bliss!
Sorry about the comment having to be re-copied in…I moved servers and this post and all the comments were lost…Downton in bed is the BEST! Hope you are feeling better.
MOTHER DOWN UNDER: Put yourself on maternity leave.
No doing anything…except crazy nesting activity that you cannot help but do…until the baby arrives.
And then no doing anything after the baby arrives!
When I had Charlie I was all crazy and tried to have a newborn and do all of the things.
When I had Lyddie I was much more able to let go…we have spent days in bed together watching TV. And everything still seems to get done.
Sorry about the comment having to be re-copied in…I moved servers and this post and all the comments were lost…sage advice my friend, I really hope I can do it! x
VICKI @ KNOCKED UP AND ABROAD: This is the dream, friend. The dream.
Sorry about the comment having to be re-copied in…I moved servers and this post and all the comments were lost…isn’t it the dream? Never happens!
LMJG: Just came in from painting bits and bobs of things that we have added around the house (undercover clothesline and electric gate opener). Unpainted bits of timber against white weatherboards/fence that have been bugging me for nearly 5 months, looking at them everyday thinking “I really need to paint that”. Two hours and now they are white! Yay for #onething – thanks Beth xo
Sorry about the comment having to be re-copied in…I moved servers and this post and all the comments were lost…THAT IS THE BEST! Well done.
NATALIE: My babe is two weeks tomorrow and for the last week, I’ve gone back to bed after the 7am feed until 10am. After that, I’ve done just one thing a day. Friday was shave my legs, yesterday was bake a cinnamon tea cake, today we are going for a walk. One thing a day, no more, no less… Perfect!
Sorry about the comment having to be re-copied in…I moved servers and this post and all the comments were lost…Natalie it sounds like you are doing it ALL right. Good on you!
VEGGIE MAMA: i am in bed right now and it’s 2.55pm. I blame the mattress topper…
Sorry about the comment having to be re-copied in…I moved servers and this post and all the comments were lost…TOPPER!
DOROTHY: Oh my goodness, I have the opposite problem. I am the queen of doing nothing. The house could be filthy, the fridge and pantry empty, but I’ll be quite happily in bed or on the couch watching TV. And what is this “dusting” thing you speak of?
I think I need to hire one of you to look after my house.
Glad you got some time to yourself. It’s so important, as a mum, or anyone really. Look after yourself first.
Sorry about the comment having to be re-copied in…I moved servers and this post and all the comments were lost…if I wasn’t in such a preggo state at the moment I’d hire myself out for you!
KELPAD: I know how you feel Beth, when you sit down on the lounge for just a little while when there are things to be done. I can never just sit and be…..but, when the chores are all done I could sit for happily for hours just browsing my iPad, doing a little bit of crocheting, watching senseless stuff on telly!
You, at the moment should, when you can just be!
Enjoy the girls and Rob because soon it will all change and you might not be able to just be in the state of neversitsstills!
Sorry about the comment having to be re-copied in…I moved servers and this post and all the comments were lost…I know, I will be having to sit still whilst trapped under a breastfeeding babe!
MERILYN: great to hear you’re having a rest beth!
can’t think of any job needing doing here!;0
love the basket at mrsmunro’s or is it yours now!
here’s to more pampering! before bub comes!
love m:)X
Sorry about the comment having to be re-copied in…I moved servers and this post and all the comments were lost…I hope I can get lots of pampering in! Hair next week and massage for sure!
KEZUNPREPARED: Good for you!!! Self care is SO important! Don’t neglect yourself and your stillness! x
I’m taking a whole trip to Sydney (from WA where I live) for 4 days next week – that’s my treat to myself! CHILD FREE! HUSBAND FREE! A rare moment where I have some spare cash to SHOP! So excited.
Sorry about the comment having to be re-copied in…I moved servers and this post and all the comments were lost…sounds AMAZING! Hope you are enjoying every second x
LISA McKENZIE: Good on you Beth ,it will do you the world of good,all those things can wait take time out for you Xx
Sorry about the comment having to be re-copied in…I moved servers and this post and all the comments were lost…thanks Lisa x
I went to two different tips last week to get rid of stuff – TWO.
I got my eyebrows done and made an appointment to get the legs and all the rest waxed this week.
Everytime I do this kind of shit I mutter under my breath getting.shit.done.
Man do I need a solid waxing. FARM ANIMAL.
I just had the most crazy busy social weekend and, while it was oodles of fun, I am canning all plans for the rest of this week. I just need some quiet and stillness and to just be. To recharge my batteries. Bloody good on you for going back to bed… and getting away with it for a whole hour before anyone found you! x
You DID have a social weekend didn’t you? Looked lovely! Glad you got to catch up with Foxy too x
Love that linen in the first pic!
Thanks! It’s all from Bed Bath & Table 🙂
What a WONDERFUL hour!! I’m super jealous and I would LOVE to do that. I know my time will come when the kids are a little older. Jx
It will…promise!