Happy farm days

We’ve been very focused on time around here heading to inevitable deadline where everything will change for all of us in the next little while. Getting through the School term, and then Easter, and now here we are in between the life that we have known for the past 5 and a half years and the new one that’s about to begin.

But we’ve stolen some time back by heading to the farm for a few days. When we arrived late yesterday afternoon Harps said to me “I just LOVE the feeling I get when we get here”. Me too kid, me too. We have stolen some sunshine, some late summery (ish) weather and some time just to be together.

It’s about the best thing EVER.

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What are you up to this week?
School holiday fun or back to work and juggling kids home?
Next week the better week for you?


  1. Turning 40

    Not happy
    Bout that

    • 40 is awesome. Truly. Yes it is hard to get your head around, but once you get there you will find it does rock.
      You feel more comfortable with who you are, less likely to put up with others crap and in my case you know what is important and what’s not. From someone who will turn 43 this month, I say embrace it!! Oh and have a very happy birthday πŸ™‚

    • Oh LADY! I bet 40 is going to be the BEST! Honestly! Hope you had a wonderful birthday and were spoiled rotten by all the people that adore you x

  2. It looks like a little piece of paradise! i’m always envious of you when I see pictures of the farm. Enjoy this special time!

    We’re on our last couple of days of spring break. The kids are at each other’s throats so it’s definitely time for it to end! Plus Lil has been given so much homework and a big project to do over the break, it hasn’t really felt like a break at all! Bring on Sunday I say!

  3. That wasn’t very positive
    Enjoy your time away, giant changes afoot at the circle k for you.
    I just keep weeping at the thought of you running that cross country race.

  4. Back from our two day childfree escape for the first time since kids (almost 13 years!!) and it was awesome!!
    Now enjoying family time, catching up on house stuff and writing a holiday list of things the kids might like to do as a family over the next couple of weeks. (Being married to a teacher helps πŸ™‚ )
    I intend to enjoy this break, because next term it is going to pick up speed with soccer for two kids (that’s four nights of soccer training, plus two games each Saturday) plus basketball for one and swimming for another. Yep lots of running around after school and for me launching back into relief teaching, so I need to enjoy the down time now!!
    Planning some outings – a picnic, cinema, musuem, having friends over, bike riding etc and I am craving to go somewhere I can enjoy the beautiful autumn leaves these holidays and soak it up.
    Enjoy the farm. Any kind of getaway is good for the soul.
    Big changes ahead for your family, but oh what exciting ones! πŸ™‚
    I still say boy!! πŸ˜‰

  5. it looks like farm bliss to me beth!
    enjoy your break and revel in it! … before the new life begins!
    cheers hun! love m:)X

  6. My husband and I are on the cusp of our next chapter. Our 17 year old daughter has headed off to Turkey, Germany and Rome with her school for a modern history tour during the holidays and a week after holidays. So we are ’empty nesters’ at the moment and hope to head south to the cooler weather than up here in the northern rivers (hopefully I might even be able to break out a cardi/jumper!!). I know I sound old now when I say enjoy this time with a young family because all to soon they will be off to uni before you know it. Though having said that I sure as hell won’t miss packing the bloody lunch each day!!!

  7. My parents live on a farm and we just love stealing away for a quick break there. The boys adore the experience and we all seem to recharge and head back refreshed. Best medicine before a big life change I’d say. Soak it up!

  8. Yvonne Duke says

    The farm looks great !!
    Next week I turn 50…..how did that happen ?!!!

  9. beautiful photos! Farms are just the best – but I might be just a little bit biased!

  10. Frank, absolutely loving life! x

  11. Amanda G. says

    Just heavenly. So relaxing. Love your photos as always.

  12. Is that farm for rent?? Me wanna go there!!

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