Blossoms and Bees

So this is what’s going down outside at the moment. Are you ready? Take a deep breath in…

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Naturally there is only one thing for this: cut it down and get it INSIDE where I can look at it. So that’s what I did. Is there a prettier combination than pink and green I ask you? Not when it comes to spring floral arrangements there isn’t. This is a crabapple blossom and lucky for me I have THREE of these in the garden. You can hear the bees going mad for it out there.


Speaking of bees, there is VERY rarely a media release I get that I am interested in, and there is hardly any that I will then write about. But last week I got one that sparked my interest so I asked for a look see at the product and it arrived late last week. This little box to be exact.


It’s called a Bizzy box. But what it basically is, is a useful box (just like crafty people would have if they were that way inclined and likely to enter a spotlight or Lincraft store) filled with STUFF. Stuff that children like. And stuff that has been created by educational specialists. You KNOW my thoughts on children’s craft. I fucking hate it. But THIS? THIS I CAN DO. Namely because someone has done it all for me! Created 3 little projects, with map instructions to boot, packaged it all up good and proper and instant family wholesomeness is created. My children were THRILLED. I was happy because I didn’t have to make stuff up…it was all there…and we were doing CRAFT! At home.

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You can find out more about them here. You can bet I will be subscribing, and or sending the girls to their next weekend visit with Gma and Pa with one of these under my belt. Brilliant idea!

I was not paid to endorse this product but you can bet your arse I’m telling you about it because it is fabulous. Clever clogs whoever you are that came up with this…well played!

So what’s in flower at your place?
You should absolutely go and cut some blossom and get it into your house. Even if it means you have to “borrow” it from someone else’s tree.


  1. I have a crabapple and am inclined to chop at it also!

  2. A bizzy box subscription would go down a treat in this home too! Thanks for pointing me in that direction! We have some bits and pieces flowering – which is always a pleasant surprise in our “survival of the fittest” garden. Should go and find a decent clivea to clip and put in a vase, they’re a bunch in one bloom!

  3. My favourite kind of Craft is when I’m drinking with my girlfriends. C.R.A.F.T stands for Can’t Remember A F*cking Thing ! It’s fun popping over to a friend’s house to do some ‘CRAFT’. !

  4. elisha hayes says

    I cant stop taking photos of flowers at the moment. Im obsessed! (see here at OMG!! but dont laugh as its just all new, im finding my way, very tech UNsavvy and its a work in progress!! Just look at the flowers!! You made my day with the boiled egg hi-ho on your blog the other day. Kit’s pretty stoked she’s on the internet now.

  5. I have EIGHT flowering Plums in the backyard along the fence line. They were the first plants/trees into a new garden, planted amongst a smidgen of left over builders rubble, weeds and crap sand 7.5 years ago. They only lost all their leaves about 3 weeks ago and in the past 3 days the flowering has begun, gorgeous white flowers that turn to pink. I love my Plums – for the past 2 years we’ve even had small fruit grow on the biggest tree, they’ve been my best decision garden wise and really the only thing that is good about the garden – 7.5 years after building and we still don’t have lawn or proper garden beds, that will be rectified by Christmas because I’m BEYOND tired of looking at bloody dirt and growing waist high weeds every year!

    • kitchentablewisdom says

      HI there stinkbOmb….would you mind sharing what species of plum they are? I am looking to plant along my back fence and this sounds perfecto!! Thank you. Kate

      • Of course, they are these ones

        They have a gorgeous green leaf during summer, which I prefer over the dark red leaf variety of plum.

        Both of those websites above say they are adaptable to a variety of conditions and I can confirm that. We live about 5 minutes from the coast, have a near on constant breeze/wind movement of some variety and even though they are next to the fence, they do cop the wind. They get morning sun and are in part shade for most of the afternoon. They have been in the garden now for 7.5 years and were watered for the month immediately after planting, the only water they have had since then is when it rains 🙂

        Hope that helps!

    • BabyMacBlogBeth says

      Sounds gorgeous! Any flowering tree are so lovely to have in a garden.

  6. An apricot, peach and cherry blossom, all motoring along as well as the jasmine along my fence near the clothes line. Most lovely, I tell you. I fucking love my new house. Though Melbourne’s weather has crapped out again, so back to winter we go, temporarily.

    • BabyMacBlogBeth says

      It was always going to happen. It’s freezing again here today and I think colder weather on the way too. How exciting that you are in a new house! Nothing better!

  7. Kylie Gemmell says

    Christmas present for my nephew-Done!! Bizzy Box is a great idea & I feel so much better about giving him this rather than some piece of plastic crap.

  8. Lisa Mckenzie says

    What an awesome idea for Children especially as you have it all handy in a box,gold idea.Hmm i may have to “borrow some blossom from someone else’s house i have been eyeing off some sort of blossom that is peeking over the back fence.I have azaleas flowering and pots of lavender atm.

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