Finally got my act together today regarding Mrs Woog’s 1973 themed 40th birthday party that is fast approaching this weekend. Today I managed to get a frock – and not just any frock a FABULOUS original 1970’s kaftan! It might just get a run this summer too!
We’ve got some pretty good-looking tablescapes coming up too with this fabulous doona cover I got for $2 (which will do as a table-cloth) as well as some fancy plates for the cocktail onions I will have aplenty! Lucky for me Kim has the catering sorted thanks to her new business so we are just about ready for an all girls weekend (there will be 10 of us) of fun, laughter, drinking and fireside chatting!
So tell me. What do we need to be listening to? Eating as a canape? Drinking as if it were 1973? What have I forgotten?
Fun! Have a great time.
Thanks Sawy! x
Bay City Rollers & what about Queen and a Freddie Mercury impersonation…..Blackberry Nip was the drink of choice for us underage drinkers, cheap & cheerful….
Oh will definitely have those tunes on!
Good Bye Yellow Brick Road – just had to google it, but it was released in 1973. I knew it was part of the soundtrack of my childhood. Angels on horseback (bacon wrapped prunes) please.
What a great album that is…
remembering my childhood – Elvis and Neil Diamond! Devilled eggs, pigs in blankets, pickled onions, kabana and cubed coon cheese on tooth picks. French onion dip with carrots and celery sticks. Can remember Mum drinking Moselle, Marsalla (?) Brandy Alexanders and Pina Colada’s. Mum rocked out a number of kaftan outfits, they did lots of dinner parties! Have a great weekend, Happy Birthday Mrs Woog!
Brandy Alexanders!! OF COURSE! Thanks Wendy!
Ooh I was 10 then so it will have to be cockatil onions,little boys with toothpicks cubes of cheese in a tupperwear container and,homemade French onion and sweetcorn dip and that hot thing you put in a cob loaf I can’t remember what it was called.I do remember what I loved in music though to my shame it was Mark Holden and I do have some vintage vinyl if you want a lend think of those tops of the pops sorts of daggy leg warming wearing albums, I think it was called Bumper way cool and so retro you will need some orange cups and some ugg boots and a poncho to keep warm you’ll freeze in your lovely Caftan ,what a good score.Have an amazing night and take lots of pics to show us.
I sure will Lisa – there will be plenty of shots.
drink mateus rose, eat volauvants and steak diane listen to america, natalie cole, ccr
Yes, yes, yes and YES!
being a ’73 baby too, I remember my parents having cask wine, fondue parties, old tawny port, and the kids were allowed claytons and coke or a weak shandy. Have a blast, sounds like it will be so much fun. My 40th is in a few weeks and we’re off to Thailand, 8 of us SANS KIDS. too much excitement to even MEASURE at the moment. off the chart levels people.
Oh you are going to have the BEST time!!!
Devils on horseback, corn relish dip, chicken liver pâté. I can remember 1973 very clearly. I was 12 – Suzi Quatro (specifically can the can and 48 crash), Paul McCartney and Wings, Helen Reddy, TRex, Sweet (Ballroom Blitz), stuck in the middle with you, carpenters, Deep Purple, David Bowie, Elton John and last but not least Carly Simon Your so Vain. Don’t forget the Blue eyeshadow and blue mascara. I remember my parents drinking Cold Duck.
Thanks Glenda…perfect suggestions!
Was at my favourite age in ’73, I was 7 years old and my favourite food was fairy bread and my music of choice was anything by the Goodies or the Monkees. Have fun, make sure all Kaftan wearers have burnt their bra’s and let their hair down Janis Joplin style! xx
Ha! A bra burning session could be fun!
Seriously, the seventies were SO flipping sexy. Even my parents were sexy in the 70’s (gag, did I just say that?).
For forth and be sexy Baby Mac
Well that’s pretty easy. Done!
Neil Diamond Hot August Night for sure. And later in the evening it will be time for an anthem – hello Helen Reddy “I am woman hear me roar!”
Ha! Yes indeed it will…while we burn out bras x
Hot Child in the City? Beer in stubby bottles was big in Canada in the ’70’s to drink and I remember lots of fondues, devilled eggs and revolting jelled ‘salads’ from my parents’ entertaining.
I have always been so intrigued by a jelled salad. JELLY IN A SALAD? It’s just so strange….
They are pretty awful. My Gran (an otherwise fab cook) made one with jello, shredded carrot, pineapple and tomato soup. Yep, as good as it sounds.
Oh my lord I can smell the impending hangovers! Have a blast ladies!
I am not adhering to the theme. It’s against my religion. I am, however bringing cheesecake and a caramel chocolate mousse tart so I figure these are my hall passes for being such a party pooper.
Blue Lagoons and Rod Stewart
Devon roll ups , get the slice of devon, cut in half. Place some iceberg lettuce on top, roll it up and put a toothpick through it. Yummy ! Does anyone else remember them?
Mark Holden , I want to make you my lady, lady etc. Love it!
I don’t know what to drink, I didn’t drink back then! How about fanta.
And isn’t that when john Farnham was Johnny Farnham. Rain drops keep falling on my head…..