Jiggity jig

We got home this morning after 11 nights away. It was freezing when we got here but I immediately set to work doing that crazy thing I do when I get home from a holiday – unpack and restore domestic order to the house at a pace of a mad woman possessed. I unpacked. I washed. I vacuumed and dusted (of course). I went shopping. I folded and put the washing away. I whacked fresh flowers into vases. I stacked the wood pile and cooked a roast chicken for dinner. It’s a very strange, however productive, habit to have. The thought of suitcases still being unpacked makes me neck itch. As I said, I’m a little crackers. But that’s why you love me don’t you know?!

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The fire is roaring, Rob has just whipped me up a very large G&T and tonight I will start to tackle the ridiculous inbox and to-do list to do with this blog and work related activities that are REALLY making my neck itch.

Are you an unpacker? Or a leave until absolutely neccessary kind of person?
Did you know that sweeping and dusting was part of the unpacking process?
What can I say? I run a tight and well dusted ship.


  1. Since having kids, I’ve become an unpacker. Dusting, however, is not part of my process! Ever.

    It’s funny since moving I’m generally a lot neater (I actually put clean washing away, straight away). I think it has something to do with having more space and less clutter, for some strange reason. Oh and having a cleaner helps too.

    Welcome home! Have another G&T for me. I got in trouble this week for introducing a non-gin drinking friend’s husband to Hendrick’s apparently he’s become a bit partial to it. X

  2. Oh most definitely an unpacker……absolutely cannot rest until it is done. Even remember hanging out the washing the day after I came out of hospital after having baby number two! And when we moved house recently I had the entire house unpacked by the end of the weekend. Crazy moi?? Ordered some magic pants today from the CR website…..am hoping they are going to work their magic on my legs. Fingers crossed. X

  3. And this, is why I’m pretty sure that if we met in real life, we’d get along just fine. Unpacker 4 life.

  4. i still havent unpacked the kids clothes from easter holiday…


  5. Not crackers at all! With you 100%
    The minute I walk in the door from holidays I unpack and put washing on. Fill the cupboards up with fresh food the same day…..are you telling me that not everyone does this???
    I could not sleep at night if I had suitcases to unpack…..I’m even the same coming home from hospital after bringing home a new bubba.
    The house gets cleaned from top to toe and clean sheets the day before I go on hols so that I come back to a lovely clean home that just needs a touch up.
    Life is too short for dust!

  6. I love me a clean and tidy house but by God I loathe dusting … Can write my name in the dust on most surfaces in my house. Oh the shame …

  7. Oh how I LOATHE unpacking! Love packing, but hate unpacking. Nearly got it gone after being home for over 2 weeks after our cruise. Sigh. I admire your gusto…

  8. multibloggingmum says

    I’d rather unpack at the time instead of leaving it ..
    Dusting? omg! please do not swear at me!!
    I simply do the best I can with our house .. it’s hard though with a tribe that dont like to help!

  9. Maryandlil says

    honey the minute i walked in the door today from Hong Kong I unpacked those suitcases. I can’t stand them to be left waiting! Now the fire is on, the washing is folded and away and the dinner was home cooked and order is restored. x

  10. Oh no. EVERYTHING gets done at our place. Unpacking, loads of washing, cleaning the house till it sparkles… you and I were in the same womb, or something!

  11. I absolutely make sure the house is spotless and in order before I go away (including clean sheets)….Packing is my forte but unfortunately I am generally not as good with unpacking swiftly as usually all I want to do is flop on the couch especially if its a long haul trip…..BUT HEY, at least the house is clean when I return home, clean sheets and….OK sometimes if we are staying in a house or self contained unit I may/or may not be known to do a final load of washing so it doesn’t have to be done on returning home! Just that bloody unpacking that I stall on until the next day in most cases. Kinda all balances out, yes?

  12. Emma Steendam says

    You’re a marvel Beth. We have been here for 2.5 weeks and I still don’t have everything organised…
    Oh how I WANT it to be – but it just overwhelms me! Plus we have NO storage, just big empty rooms with no cupboards so I figure things can stay in boxes as ‘stored’. Such a cop out lol!
    Our fire is on here too, rain on the roof, eating pies, washing in front of the fire. Winter is a’brewing!

  13. Unpack the second I walk in the door. Load of washing on and then tackle the unopened mail. Cannot rest until washing finished.

  14. i unpack the second we get home. if you bring a bag in from the car you unpack it before you get another one.

  15. In my mind….I’m an unpacker….in reality I’m a procrastinator….but surely it’s the thought that counts…..right???

  16. Adventuresindinner says

    So true! Everytime we get home from even a few days away-I don’t even sit down for a second but run around and nest like a loonie.

    AND I need something made for dinner right away so that the house smells like home again.

  17. Polly McDougall says

    Must unpack almost immediately upon re-entering the home. Hate hate hate unpacked suitcases! Even if it’s midnight when we get back I’ve just got to get things under control.

    Glad to know someone else shares this madness!!

  18. Beautiful Photos

  19. Bek @ Just For Daisy says

    Oh my! This is me… unpack and spotless within an hour of getting home. Must. Be. Clean. Love that mirror!

  20. I am very bad at unpacking. I still have bags half unpacked from Easter trip with the kids to Cairns. I had a wedding in Rockhampton two weekends ago that i have not unpacked from. My partner and my girls will ask where something is and i will answer ‘have you checked your bag from (insert last holiday destination)’. Except for the washing. I love to wash. I can not leave dirty clothes in a washing basket. Its the folding and ironing i struggle with. The rest of the process i micro manage right down to shopping list to do on my return. Clean sheets always. Bins always empty. Imagine coming home to a full bin inside. The horror. I can’t explain the unpacking phobia – something to do with out of sight out of mind.

  21. Upon returning home I bring a load inside and immediately start unpacking, sorting laundry etc, DH finishes unpacking the car. It’s great teamwork and order is returned almost immediately!

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