A little help

A sponsored post for Woolworths Baby & Toddler Club 

For as long as I can remember I was in the kitchen helping my Mum out. Whether it was mixing a bowl for a minute or so, licking beaters or cutting some herbs out of the garden, my Mum had me involved and I firmly believe this is where my passion and love for cooking, food and entertaining comes from. Kids preparing food will almost guarantee that they will try it when it’s presented at the table – their pride and sense of accomplishment will always overwhelm a distrust for vegetables hidden in food. I’ve always got my girls helping out when they can – Harper will drag her little red chair in and offer to help in any way she can. Sure it’s messy, sure it takes longer than normal, sure the presentation is never perfect – but it’s made with love, it’s something you can do together and it’s teaching your child about seasons, tastes, recipes and even family traditions. In my eyes, it beats the crap out of craft any day of the week!

We have a surplus of stone fruits at the moment and Harper had an appetite for crumble and custard, so we combined the two to make a simple, easy and delicious Plum Crumble from the Woolworths Baby & Toddler Club website that literally has hundreds of recipes on there sorted from pregnancy, baby, toddler & family.

Baking is always a good place to start with cooking with little ones – it’s hands on (literally) and messy and of course TASTY!

Harper was so proud of her achievements – she basically made the whole thing with a little direction and was very impatient waiting for the results.

A little (OK a lot) of custard over it’s back and she, and I, were very pleased with ourselves.

The recipe for this crumble (and so many more) can be found over at the Woolworths Baby & Toddler Club website. While when Daisy was a baby our Mother’s Group would send out text messages when Huggies nappies were on sale, things are a bit different these days and(free) Club membership provides parents with recipes, current offers and a place to connect with other parents.

Do you cook with your toddler? What’s your favourite foolproof recipe?


  1. Banana muffins. Fo’ sho’.
    This looks good though!

  2. I want to eat her gorgeous chubby fingers.
    I am a market going gal.
    I have always poo pooed Woolies and the like, but make the pizza scrolls, flour and yoghurt and add your pizza toppings (doh) , the best for school lunches/snacks, I am eating humble pie. Sorry Woolies. They have totes lifted their game. Page 61 on their new mag…its on my noticeboard.

  3. Heidi Fitz says

    ricotta gnocci – just like playdough only tasty! gorgeous images of your clever little chef!Hx

  4. Beth those pics are adorable!! Little chubby toddler hands are the cutest.

  5. Yum! That looks amazing. I would have been impatient too!

    I try to bake with Toddler C once a week or so.
    We always make yogurt cake…you use the yogurt tub as a measuring cup for the other ingredients so it is super easy for little ones.
    Here is the recipe.

  6. Oh my I love this. And have loved cooking with all my kids over the years.

  7. Oh my, I am laughing and crying at this post. Just yesterday I was baking banana loaf & muesli slice with my two boys when the 2 year old got a bit too excited about an apricot. He slipped off the step stool and put his teeth through his lip. Over the next 14 hours we went through the ambulance, GP, RCH ED, RCH dentist and finally went to theatre at 11pm last night. He had a huge wound inside his mouth and his teeth were damaged. They couldn’t assure me they wouldn’t remove his teeth. He came out with 7 stitches and his teeth!! This is the same boy who amputated his thumb in the shower door. Did I mention that my husband is in America, that I have a 4 year old too and that our whole family is in Queensland?! Now, where is that stiff drink?!

  8. Loving t hose chubby little hands…….sigh

  9. Awesome looking and sounding crumble. Harper just melts my heart. Such a precious lil sweetheart.


  10. Yum. Am officially besotted with the dimples on Harper’s hands.

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