2014: The recap episode

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2014. Another whole year done and dusted. Amazing isn’t it? How they just fly by? But they do. The older I get, the quicker they go. I do love myself a little recap episode. Each year (bar 2) for the past 10 years we have been up at the farm seeing the new year and I take the time to sit down and reflect about the year that was. There have been a few, look:


Prolific! Today will be a quiet kind of a day, some swimming and playing for the girls, some reading for me (hopefully) and tonight a dinner under the stars. I’m pregnant and Rob’s Dad isn’t well so it’s going to be a much quieter affair this year. And that’s OK.

2014 bought many wonderful things to me and my family. We travelled overseas and had the joy of almost 5 weeks together, just us, seeing parts of the world together. I got to travel to Brisbane in January to see Nikki’s new place, to Noosa with the Remarkables in early June, to Canberra with the family and again down there for my birthday and then up to the Whitsundays in September. I love to see new places, and explore the world. Using my passport still gives me as much thrill as it did the first time I used it. I do not, however, get joy from renewing the bastards of which I have to do Rob and Harps and the new baby in the new year.

I’ve been busy with work and the blog. Man it takes some bloody time and effort to write and be on social media every day. I wouldn’t have it any other way, but it takes time. And discipline. And effort. I’ve shared some great posts this year that I am proud of and received so much wonderful support from all you guys in the form of emails, tagged photos on instagram of cakes people have baked, fruit cakes made, funny comments on Facebook or twitter. You guys are really the very best and the best colleagues in the world. Colleagues? Perhaps my shareholders? Whatever you are, thank you for being a part of BabyMac through the year.

It’s been an especially big time for our own family this year…a new dog, and new baby on the way and all that precious time together. It’s funny, we were meant to spend the time away on our trip working out whether we wanted to have another child once and for all, but we were having too much fun just the four of us to even sit down and have the conversation. I thought that was it, until that one gymnastics class, when Harps was singing some songs with her friends and I saw all these little 4 year old kids sitting around that I realised that this was it. This was all about to end. The nursery rhymes, the playing, the spending days together and when I wept the entire way home feeling sorry for this baby that I knew was waiting in the sidelines, but I was too selfish to have that I thought we really done. I wrote about it, a throwaway paragraph that Rob said broke his heart in two. We decided to have a crack, a very quick window of a crack (2 month) that I thought would NEVER bring a child into the world, and here’s that babe, kicking away in my ever growing belly. Huh. The girls are growing up into such great kids. Daisy is a joy to be around…those tantrums, my GOD those tantrums and spirit have given us a determined and smart and funny kid who is growing up so quickly. Harper is, well Harper. As she only knows how to be. Stubborn and fighting daily battles with herself on what she wants and can do. 5 is tough. This next year is going to see her bloom at school. She is so damn smart, I can’t wait to see where this kid goes in the world. And my Rob. Ever patient and kind and funny, working so hard this year, for so many people, without expecting much. I have DEMANDED that in 2015 before he says yes to anything he has to answer 2 questions: What do I get out of this? What does my family get out of this? We’ll see how that goes.

We have both suffered too much from cases of the yeses. Putting our hands up for things within our community that we have worked very hard on and given so much of ourselves to. Small communities need people that do, and we have been doing more than ever in 2014. We have to sit on our hands for a while. Our own success, personal careers and family need to take priority over the greater community good for a while. Living in a small town is far more complex (and rewarding) than I ever thought it could be.

I’m not sure what the year ahead will bring us. I know it will bring some bloody big challenges as we adjust to life as a family of 5. And me of being a Mum to babies again. I’m not sure I do that so well? I can barely remember a thing. I hope I can continue to be as relaxed as I have been this pregnancy…my body knows what to do…I have to trust it. Trust myself. I CAN do this. I want to stress less, have more fun, more cuddles, less angst. God I hope I can. I want to ask for help more, say yes less, no more. Put my family first. Care less.

I’ll make less plans and go with the flow. Or die trying.

I hope that the year ahead is a good one for YOU. That you reach those goals, achieve those successes Β and most of all be happy. I hope that health is on your and your family’s side. All we have are the people we love, so let them know and look after each other. I’ll see you here again. Doing that thing I do. Thank you so much for being a part of it.

So 2014, from me and BabyMac. Over and out x


  1. Happy New Year Beth. What an exciting year you have ahead of you. I can’t wait to read all about it xx

  2. Happy New Year to you Beth – I have loved discovering your blog this year, funny, heartfelt posts, delicious recipes and many a cheeky comment. Right up my alley! All the best for 2015 and the BIG changes that are ahead πŸ™‚

  3. katie clews says

    Happy New year to you and yours Beth.. Thanks for a great 2014 and really looking forward to all the excitement in 2015 .. Cheers and beers πŸ™‚

  4. Happy New Year! Hope your 2015 is awesome!
    I only discovered your blog this year and I want to thank you so much for such great reading.
    See you on the flip side!

    • I’m so glad you found it…and even better, enjoy it! I love your comments and support Kez…thanks! It’s going to be a big year for you too though right? Happy New Year πŸ™‚

  5. Happy New Year Beth! I hope 2015 is an amazing year for you and your family.

  6. Happy New Year, I look forward to following your adventures in 2015. I am hoping for a calm & drama free 2015, unlike this year. No hospital visits, no problems with medications, a smooth adjustment to high school for my “baby” as she starts year 7. I hope 2015 brings your family health, happiness & a drama free year πŸ™‚

  7. A lovely reflection, Beth. Looking forward to more next year, especially reading about your baby journey as ours will be following yours by a few short months. Good luck to both of us!

  8. What a wonderful year you’ve had! And what an incredible year you have ahead of you.

    Big changes for us this year too, but I relish change and, most of all, adventure!

    Happy new year, my friend! Xx

  9. All the best wishes and joy for you and your family next year Beth. I really enjoy your yearly recaps, it a lovely way to look back and forward.

  10. Happy New Year to you and your family, Beth. Thank you for your lovely blog. I look forward to reading it each day.

  11. lovely insights … thankyou beth!
    happy new year to you and your family!
    with love m:)X

  12. A beautiful post as always Beth. You had me crying tears of joy as you often do. I wish you and your family all the joy and happiness that 2015 has to offer with the safe arrival of the newest BabyMac!

  13. Lisa Mckenzie says

    Happy new year to you and your family Beth that baby was so meant to be.I hope Robs Dad gets better and you also have a safe ,healthy and happy year ahead Xx

  14. My husband is a helper too…it is one of the parts of him that I love the most…but sometimes I do wish that he would focus more on what our family needs rather than getting caught up in other projects.

    Anyway, I think you will find that you are a great mother of a baby. I am loving it this time around. I have more confidence in me. And I am not afraid to spend days on the couch holding her and loving her…I know everything else can and will wait.

  15. Good on you Beth! What an amazing year you’ve had and look forward to following you in 2015! I am a new follower to your blog this year and love it! So great to see someone so committed to their community, family and just being a downright good person! Best Wishes to you and your family from mine!

  16. Happy New Year to you and your family Beth Take care x

  17. Ah Bev … I can’t wait to see you bloom as a third-time mum x

  18. What a great reflective post Beth, I do the same thing nearly every year in my journal. I love looking back and seeing if the questions I asked were answered. May 2015 be the best year yet for you all, as your family grows. Thanks once again for sharing your life with us Beth, it has been such a pleasure. Happy New Year! xx

  19. Happy new year, darling Beth. You’re a good egg with so much to give. Your babies, all three (plus biggest baby Rob, of course) are all darn lucky kids to have you. x

  20. Great wrap up post for the year Beth. It’s an interesting process isn’t it? I do something similar for our Christmas family newsletter which is sent out to all our family and friends with our cards.
    Lots there to be grateful for and thoughts to Rob’s Dad. May he have good health soon. xx

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