We arrived up here late yesterday afternoon after a very long drive from the south coast. I am instantly on holidays when I get here. Hot summery weather, swims in the pool, fresh country air, fabulous company, happy children and a relaxed Mama.
Don’t you just love a spot of poolside reading post swim?
I can’t quite believe that we are here, at the end of the year. There is something so nice about being back here – we were here on the first day of the year and now here we are at the very last. What a year it’s been for our little family. When I think about it all in my head it goes a little something like this…
: Maternity leave
: Backyard fix up
: Trip to Fiji
: A certain TV series goes to air
: Back to work
: A very sick little baby
: A very stressed out Mama
: Seeds planted about change
: A huge life change
: Moving on
: Moving in
: Settling down
As far as years go, I am pretty certain that we won’t have another one like this for a while. It’s been filled with the both the best days of my life, and some of the worst. I am grateful beyond words for the opportunities that have been given to us this year from our family, and from especially from Rob. I am so glad that he humoured me and let me call that real estate agent back in July. I am grateful for the family dinners and lunches hosted in our beautiful new house, for the time spent with good friends. I am grateful that everyone in my life who I love are healthy. And well. And in my life. I am amazed by my girls – what they are learning, what they are growing up to be. I am in love with my husband. I am inspired by what he does with his work and what he is planning to do in the future. I am very much looking forward to spending some more time together as a couple in the new year, and not so much side my side in the trenches as tends to happen when you are raising a babe in the first year of their lives.
I am nervous and excited about the year ahead. I know it will bring more adjustment and settling in and creating our life. Our country life. I can’t wait for the visitors, the trips, the quiet time, the autumn and the winter. For new friends. For trips to Bali. For WEDDINGS! I don’t really go for resolutions usually…more like hopes, wishes, dreams for the year ahead – daydreams and or scenes that I make up in my mind and play out. So, these are my snapshot scenes for 2011…
: A healthier me. I envisage a fit, strong Beth running through the streets of our quiet village through rain, hail or even snow and loving how it makes me feel. I have fabulous running gear on and an Ipod (Note to self: purchase fabulous running gear and Ipod).
: A certain wedding in March. Walking down in front of my little sister (looking fabulous of course) and watching her marry the man she loves. There is something so very special about seeing your sibling commit to the person they love. Saying this is it. I do. I just about can’t wait for this. The lead up. The event. The ever after…!
: Waking up on holidays with Rob with no children. Sitting by a pool, reading. Drinking cocktails at lunch, because I can. Going to bed and knowing I won’t be woken up by anyone small. Note I am looking extra fabulous on this holiday due to preparation of above 2 points.
: Making a proper friend. Who is female. In real life. And who lives nearby. Who thinks I am fabulous and gets me and doesn’t panic when I say something like “Oh for fucks sake can the children just go away already?” If she also had a snow lodge that would be great because I have never been to the snow and would quite fancy a little weekend away in a snow lodge. Also it would give me a chance to run in the snow (see point 1 above).
Most of all I hope that each and every day when I open up my laptop that there is the occasional comment in there for me. Honestly, they make my day. I love knowing that someone out there is reading what I have to say, seeing my photos and encouraging me (except for you Mr Anonymous) it has made the whole move to somewhere where I know no one all the easier. So thank you. I look forward to sharing it all with you along the way.
Now. Where is my drink?! Cheers!
Oh, Old Macdonald really does have a farm, doesn’t he?! I have never been there and I already love that place.
It’s been an incredible year for you, Beth. It’s been an honour to share it with you, albeit through this blog. It’s also been a pleasure getting to know you in real life (and on email) and getting to call you ‘my friend’. Shame I don’t live so close anymore…
Enjoy every moment of your holiday and the truly wonderful year I know you have ahead of you.
Happy New Year!
Have a fabulous New Year – looking forward to reading more from you in 2011 π
May all your dreams for the new year come true π
It looks deliriously lazy there, Beth. LOL at your note to self about purchasing the running gear and iPod!
Hope your 2011 is filled with all that brings you comfort and fulfillment.
p.s….. Where are you? Is that a family home or can any of us lucky people go there? I’m desperate for a break!
Waking up on holidays with your hubby with no kids *BIG SIGH*
That sounds uh-MAZE-ing. The rest of it’s not too shabby either. Happy New Year to you and yours.
Come visit me! It snows here in Boston, does that count? Chatty Cricket and I will take you out on the town : )
Happy new year!
Love the naked bum picture – to bad we can’t all get out of the swimming pool and enjoy a book in the sun that way. Thanks for the smiles – Happy New Year!!!
I have a place in Thredbo. But alas, I live in Sydney… And the BURBS of Sydney, soon-to-be!
Happy NY! The farm looks fab!