Here we are. I know I say it every year but this year I REALLY mean it. Time is flying by. This year has disappeared from my very eyes, leaving me standing here on the last day scratching my head thinking it really must still be May or June at a stretch. I’ve just trawled through the blog for the last year which is always such an interesting exercise. There are always a whole lot of “oh yeahs” and “goodness me I’ve been lucky” moments when you stop and consider the year that has been, that was.
I’m calling 2013: a great year. It has been.
There were 4 seasons.
There were trips away – so lucky to have many of them for me alone and with friends but also for us as a family. We went to the beach on a family holiday in January. April was a big one for travel: to Melbourne on a road trip, I went to Queensland for work, as well as a family reunion on the south coast in Mollymook and finally another work trip to the Whitsundays for me. Rob and I had a stay at the QT in May, up to the farm in July, Fiji for my birthday in August. The Tiwi Islands for some fishing in September as well as back to Qld for the Problogger conference and a lovely weekend with friends up on the mid north coast. November we had a lovely weekend away in at the beach for Rob’s brother’s 40th and of course ending back up at the farm for Christmas and new years.
Professionally, the blog has gone from strength to strength…I have gone from strength to strength! I’ve worked really hard on it. There was the new blog redesign in April with the transfer over to WordPress. I put out two issues (Autumn & Winter) of BEVERLEY that was REALLY hard work. I appeared on the Today Show, on numerous radio shows, on showing how to fold a fitted sheet and how to carve a roast chicken. I had dinner WITH THE PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA. I did a few radio shows with Wendy Harmer and I got a regular gig on The Daily Edition on channel 7 each week since June. I’ve also worked with a number of great brands on the blog throughout the year: Hilton, Woolies, Inglewood, Napisan, Aussie and Abbotts to name a few. My blog has grown and changed and will continue to do so I’m sure as the years pass by. The most popular post for the year was this one. It won on Instagram too. Huh, go figure…
But for me personally, my favourite posts of the year were some of these:
January Schmanuary
Climbing Every Rung
The Best
Personable Development
How to eat radishes
Emoticonally invested
Constant changing
Parental Pitfalls
Starting with something
How do you see yourself?
The girls are getting bigger, and better with each day that passes. They have made both Rob and my heart’s burst with pure joy and pride, and have made me cry in frustration. Harper still sleeps badly, Daisy still gives us attitude beyond her years, but they are good kids. I love them so much and I still can’t quite believe that I am part of a family as great as ours. We’ve done good. Rob has worked hard and achieved some amazing things this year and I know that next year is going to be the one of his best. He needs it. Rob has been amazingly supportive of EVERY thing I have done this year. He has cared for the girls solo on so many occasions, picked up kids from School, dropped them off all while I have been away or not there. He is a great partner to have and I just plain love him. We’ve made some great new friends this year and have forged some stronger relationships with existing friends too. I still pinch myself that we have the community around us that we do – such interesting people, good, funny, honest people who are so much fun to be around. I feel more at home with each passing year…and so grateful that we stumbled across our home however it was that we did. My extended family are all good, happy and healthy. What more could you ask for? We’ve spent some special times together at lunches and holidays on weekends or having them visit us. I’m working on being a better Aunt and sister, daughter and wife. This getting older business is seeing this old girl start to mature…let go of shit that doesn’t matter and focus on the stuff that does.
Last night I was sitting outside under the stars with a wine in hand, pondering the year ahead. Paul Kelly was blasting out into the darkness, his beautiful Australian voice that can sometimes sing right into your soul, doing just that.
“Now a man comes up from amongst the throng
Takes the young boy’s hand and his hand is strong
And the child feels safe, yeah the child feels brave
As he’s carried in those arms up and over the waves
Deeper water, deeper water, deeper water, calling him on”
I’d watched Harper in just a week go from being terrified of the pool and the water, to jumping in, swimming under the water with her little googles on her mouth puffed out like a fish as she dug deep and got over her fears. The face of delight and pride that only comes when you do something for yourself, something that was holding you back. This year I have seen good friends face challenges – in their relationships and in their personal lives, I’ve seen my own challenges (mostly with myself, in my head, against myself) arise, the kids with their stuff, Rob with his business…all that deeper water stuff…
I hope that if deeper water comes to you, or to me in 2014 that we tackle it head on. That we tread water while we can, dig deep and go for it when we feel strong and the water stills a little. I hope that we can push ourselves into deeper water, challenge the comfort that we so happily sit in throughout the year, tackle some challenges. Life is for the living – dreams can be for the living not just the dreaming.
I hope I can achieve some more professionally. I hope my family can remain healthy and safe. I hope I still continue to float Rob’s boat despite my eye rolling, huffing and nagging. I hope I still feel as passionate about this little blog as I have over the past 7 years. You guys make such a difference to my life….you do! Thank you for reading, you’ll never know know just what it means to me.
Here’s to 2014. To deeper water. Happy New Year friends!
You can read my other recap episodes here in last years post (it links to all of them in the first paragraph).
Pooks you’ve achieved so much this year – I’ve loved watching it all x
Thanks Nikkers. You have been a tremendous support for me – thanks so much x
Wow … what a year … good for you!
Hope it’s even better for you and yours in 2014.
Thank you! x
Happy NYE Beth. 2014 will be a great year for you!
Happy NYE to you too Jackie! Thanks for stopping by here this year – hope 2014 is a great one for us all x
What a great recap! May 2014 be happy and bountiful x
Thanks so much Ainsley – to you too!
Great recap, I have loved reading about every minute of it. Have a wonderful 2014!
Thank you Sue, it’s been lovely having you around x
That was so beautifully written Beth! I feel privileged to have shared this with you xx Happy New Year all!
Thanks gorgeous lady x
happy new year to you also. my husband often says ‘you love that blog’ and i guess i do! so much to be grateful for in 2013 – isn’t it great to stop and remember it. See you in 2014. x
Thanks Leisa! I love that!
I was listening to that song just yesterday. I, for one, am hoping that 2014 brings a little bit of the cruisy relaxing bobbing over small waves. Happy New Year to you xx
Indeed – smooth waters for you and your ladies Greer x
Beautifully said Beth, you are a deep thinker and you know to achieve your dreams you have to be a little bit brave I look forward to reading about what has been happening in your life. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Carla x
I am lucky to have another year of Beverly-goodness shared x
Indeed my friend. To many more x
Well done on a fab year. I hope 2014 is as wonderful when you get to look back. One of my joys has been listening to you and neighbour on the podcast, I do laugh out loud on the train! I hope it makes a return soon!
Ali, we sure will! I can’t wait to tackle Over the Back Fence with renewed vigour!
Happy new year! My 2014 be everything and more xx
And to you! x
It has been great getting to know you through your blog and love watching the segment on The Daily Edition and I look forward to reading and watching often throughout 2014. Wishing you and your family every happiness for the new year. Vicki x
Thanks SO much Vicki, hope you have a great year too. Appreciate all your lovely comments throughout the year x
I hope you achieve All you want for this new year Beth and I have enjoyed your blog so much this year,thank you x
Thank YOU Lisa! It’s been a joy to have you here with your lovely, kind thoughtful comments each and every day x
Congratulations Betty on an amazing year…I’m looking forward to seeing you & your blog grow into even greater heights next year xxx
Thanks Sar, Happy New Year to you and all the fan too x
Beautiful post Beth!
2013 was huge for you! I hope 2014 is even better! Happy New Year!
Thanks Caitlin! Happy New Year to you too x
Beautifully written post Betty. You really are so talented and I admire all your do with all aspects of your life. You deserve every success and all the happiness you have as I know how hard you work for it. Thank you for another smashing year of BabyMac! Happy 2014 special friend. x
Thank you beautiful KK – the same to you my friend. Weekend down here soon ploise…is your Ma still here?
2013 was quite epic, wasn’t it!
I’m sure 2014 will be even better 🙂
Here’s hoping Sammy – for all of us! x
What an absolutely beautiful post. You’ve had an incredible year and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for you in 2014. x
Thanks Sonia, looking forward to following on to yours as well x
Great post Beth – I too have been listening to Mr Kelly’s deeper water and contemplating it all. This year we’re swimming into unknown waters, it’s exciting but I am surprised at how scared shitless I am too! That was unexpected. Maybe the scary parts are what makes it all the more rewarding? I’m going to try and let the tide take me though and not fight against the rip. Keep doing what you’re doing, you do it well xxx
ANYTHING you do in life that is worthwhile is just is. Can’t wait to see how this year pans out for you…so exciting! x