Monday meal ideas: Mid week dinners that will be eaten

I mean really, that’s all we’re after isn’t it? It’s bad enough that we have to cook dinner every night of the week, there’s nothing much more soul destroying than going through the motions and having noses turned up at it). Now THAT makes me cranky.

So here’s a list of my some dinners that if I place it on the table in front of my family they will DEMOLISH, or when asked I will get a “YES” and maybe the odd fist pump. That said, my kids are pretty good when it comes to eating and will have a go at everything and anything that gets whacked on the table (they are like their Mum, greedy and not fussy).

Homemade Chicken Kebabs
Sausage pasta
Baked Risotto (change the flavours to anything you like)
Roast chicken

How is your week ahead looking friends? I’ve got a pretty stock standard one ahead of us: busy with work and the kids including a dentist appointment for myself. GLAMOROUS and exciting I hear you say. It’s also September on Sunday (how?!) and Father’s Day. Where is the year going? WHERE?!

Whatever it is you are doing I hope that it’s a good one for you x


  1. thanks beth!
    we have a policy here …
    i cook it
    you eat it! you love it!
    gratitude to the cook!

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