Let’s call this: the month of fiery temperament. And swimmers. Oh man, the swimmers.
Maggie was reminded that swimmers were a thing when we went away for Rob’s Mum’s birthday. She didn’t want to swim per se, oh no, this is just a wear them, change into a different pair and rinse and repeat for the entire weekend. That continued on into the school holidays, and beyond. And now we have a compromise: if we are going out and about and it’s 12 degrees, she can’t wear the swimmers, but if we are home and she has had a sleep then she can pop into a pair after lunch. So that’s what happens every day. So it’s that dress in the morning, swimmers in the afternoon.
To be fair though, the love affair for that dress has waned somewhat, it’s now ALL the dresses so long as they twirl when she spins. They get the twirl test, and if its not to her liking, off it goes. Some days we have a costume change 4-7 times. Beyonce eat your heart out!
There have been immense tantrums. LOTS of time outs. Lots of all of the things: emotions, sickness, learning and doing. She got quite a bad cold and virus that saw her pretty wiped out and so she wasn’t drinking milk. With that, I decided to throw out all her beloved bottles. She didn’t have any milk for 3 or 4 days so I decided to strike while the iron was hot and they were gone. And after one or two sad moments when she was better, she has moved onto cups for milk. Huh. And there I was thinking she would be having a bottle at recess at school. Now to move onto the beloved dummies…the love is DEEP though and the obsession growing by the day. Daisy was the same I know, and she worked it out, so we will get there.
She loved the holidays with her sisters as she always does, and especially these ones as she managed to see and spend time with every single one of her cousins.
Archie and Mags are in a very brother/sister place at the moment. They love each other so much and play nicely together, but then the fighting…oh my goodness the FIGHTING. Toddlers huh?
And out of all these cranky moods and independence has come so much mental development. Full sentences, requests, manipulations and negotiations like you have never seen. They are something else.
Namely confusing how they can drive you mad and then melt you 3 seconds later.
Especially when sleeping. Sleeping babies are the most precious of all.
Almost 2 and a half and just this week I’ve started getting my head around the fact that she will be at Preschool next year. Years are flying by, moments fleeting and we move ever forward through time. I can’t stop her from growing up and getting a little looser on her hold of my hand. I know what’s ahead with her big sisters so right now I take those moments and requests for “cuggles” a little longer, breathing in every moment of it deeply before she pulls away and heads off looking for more trouble. My baby, always my precious gift of a third baby, growing up.
Gosh, she’s so darn cute! Love the swimmers compromise ???
It’s working…for now. I wonder what the next obsession will be?
Very precious times
They really are.
I love the selection of food on the high chair tray. I could do that for my every meal..
My youngest (now ten!) often asks for a ‘snack plate’ and it kind of looks like that. She still loves the variety of a whole heap of cut-up stuff.
Oh me too – imagine having all those delicious morsels presented for you?!
My little boy is just one month younger than Maggie, and as a first time Mum I have so enjoyed reading these posts. Thank you for sharing them. My son couldn’t give a hoot about what he is wearing, and is nowhere near as verbal as Maggie appears to be – no negotiating or anything like that. Current obsession, though, is bins. All of them. touching them, opening them, closing them, classifying them. When.will.it.end. I have bought shares in Dettol handsan.
Ha! Toddlers are such funny little creatures.
Oh Beth, such a lovely post.My third “baby” is travelling in Cambodia/Vietnam and Thailand as we speak, hold on to her because before you know it they are off having the time of their lives and doing everything we would wish for them…I do miss her though x
I know this! Watching my biggest grow before our eyes at the moment…she’s almost as tall as me!
Thankyou for sharing beth!
Mags is the most adorable little person
She always makes me smile! …obviously has a big personality!
Love the bathing bell in her too!
Love mxx
Thanks Merilyn x
My third baby is moving into her first apartment this weekend, not sharing, by herself. Fiercely independent. I’m proud, but I’m sure going to miss her. Hang tight to those moments with your baby girl. They are sweet.
Thanks for the reminder to Kim – hope the move goes well! Goodness!
Beautiful. Love this post. Maggie is just gorgeous.
Thanks Bec x