One for the pot

I was making a plunger of coffee the other day measuring out the spoons for coffee for each person, in between juggling cleaning up breakfast and getting the baby cleaned up, the beds sorted, things from the morning put away before we started on our day.

One spoon for Rob.
One for me.
And and one for the pot.

I’ve always loved that expression (not sure where it comes from?) and one that I always stick to when it comes to coffee or tea. In between the chaos of the morning, the simple process made me stop and think about my own morning, every morning that’s coming up this new year ahead of us. All our mornings are crazy, making sure things get done before the last person walks out the door to School, and Mags goes down for her sleep, and I can get a few hours of work in while she does. The constant juggle for any person at any time of the day, and especially for Mums, putting everyone else’s scoops in before we look at our own.

Right now it’s past 2.00pm, I’m still in pj’s with my armpits smelling like some kind of kebab. I started the clean up from breakfast at 9.00am and then started cleaning out Daisy’s room, and then we had to do Harper’s but she wanted to rearrange everything and then I started a tsunami of January cleaning the likes not seen when I was nesting with Maggie. At the moment there is shit. EVERYWHERE. Trying to get things in order, other people’s things in order.

Last night I was in a particularly crappy mood. I’d had an annoying day on the computer, raging PMT, the dog (& kids) had cabin fever from being stuck inside because of endless days of rain and was chewing and stealing everything (just the dog), and I was just generally over, well, everything. I’d finished dinner and had the 3 girls in the bath and all I could think about was pouring a large drink of anything and packing down as soon as they were all in bed. But then, a Christmas miracle if you will. I put my sneakers on, active wear on! A hat, my headphones and took that dog and hit the road for almost an hour.


And you know what happened? Well, besides wetting my pants a little bit? My mind got cleared. My heart rate got up. The dog was thrilled. And I got listen to my music, really loud, and look at the most glorious sunny afternoon.


One for the pot.
One for me.

I’ve got to remember to keep adding stuff in for me. As Mum’s we constantly put everyone else in front of ourselves, throw in a baby and you really are stuffed. Having a shower seems like pretty good alone time (if you can manage it)! It’s time to remember to get some scoops in again for Beth.

A walk. A coffee alone. A swim. A read of a book. A massage. A breakfast date with myself. A bath. Some exercise. Anything.

And now I’ve started the walking, I really must get back into it. It’s been about 18 months since I’ve done anything serious and I can finally feel the pregnancy/baby fog lifting, it’s time. Again. Just call me Michael Finnigan. As I begin again.

How do you add in something for yourself in your busy schedule?
Anyone else want to come and finish what I’ve started here? I think I need a shower.


  1. Beth, you are so down to earth. I love it! You made me take a minute to actually think about it and made me laugh all in one sentence. That is perfect!! Also good on your for getting out and moving again.

  2. Lisa Mckenzie says

    So true Beth ,keep one doing things just for you Xx

  3. I went for some big walks when in NZ recently and gosh it felt great. I must insert walking back into my life, it sure helps so many ails, especially those annoying ones in my head! Not sure I’ll run but a brisk walk to start with.

  4. Go you!!!!! My fog lifted in September after 10 years, 5 pregnancies (not all happy endings) and surgery. I start my days with an hour of me time before the house stirs every (most) mornings. I’ve lost 12 kilos and counting just by doing the me time in the fresh air, my music – ALL BY MYSELF! I feel great and everyone is benefiting from the new me! It felt selfish at the start but when I saw how much everyone benefited from the new improved me…. it’s really just a community service. Enjoy… Yourself.

  5. So true Beth. I started walking on New Years Day 30 mins alone each morning and it is GREAT. No music for me, i just value the quiet time before a full on day with hubby, kids and work.

  6. You may have already seen this clip around Facebook already

    It completely inspired me to set my New Year’s resolution. Give myself permission to do things for me. It’s been a fantastic start to the year – binge watching Kardashians, sleep-ins when the kids are entertaining themselves (rather than thinking I MUST get up to feed them etc) and hiring a fortnightly cleaner. Makes for a happier Mummy and therefore a happier family.

    Great job on getting out into the sunshine for a walk. The call of the “big glass of anything” would have been too strong of a pull for me!!

    • Wow, great clip!
      This really struck a cord with me. I’ve spoken to SO many people lately who feel like this. Feeling as though being happy is a selfish thing to do. I need to share this.

      Well done on your resolution!
      You deserve it!

  7. I have started to exercise this year and it’s amazing how it clears the mind. I have no tips other than have your time – even if it’s 10 minutes is essentially for a happier home and a happier mum.

  8. I can see myself coming back re read this post again this time next year as my bub is born April 2016. Will be a good reminder.

  9. Good for you Beth. I must start too. And I need to remember the headphones so I can listen to my music (or maybe one of your podcasts) to make it even more a bit of me time.

  10. I’ve been running every morning for the past week, trying to make it a habit so I get up and do it without thinking. I’m a great procrastinator so I’m fantastic at avoiding exercise, but I always feel better for it. I’m listening to some great podcasts and enjoying starting the day doing something positive for me.

  11. I’ve never had that urge to please others before myself – I had the reverse role model as my mother & thought I won’t be like that. Yet as a Mum it must have an insidious way of creeping in because twice this week I have got excited by the after hours food shop, by myself! The pleasure I have garnered from such a task must mean that I’m not putting myself first enough – because its the family food shop – yet as I drive off into the empty evening streets I feel the freedom that I would if I was going out out! Sheesh – what is going on there?!

  12. Such a good reminder to do some self care. We do neglect ourselves and then everyone else suffers too. I’ve been doing 10 minutes of yoga each day with the kids around me and it feels sooooooo goooood. To breathe. To move. To not be mum for a moment. I’m keeping my cool better since starting. Check out Bettina Rae for the videos.

  13. This year I’ve chosen a one word goal as my resolution. I picked health. Last year was not so kind to my mental wellbeing so I’m trying to keep me as a focus – physically, mentally and emotionally. Here’s hoping for a great year!

  14. I love this & the jade pinkett smith clip. So true, we need to do something for ourselves & not feel guilty for it. For me getting to yoga once or twice (if I’m lucky) a week makes me a better mother. Well done Beth for taking that time for yourself. Xx

  15. I don’t have kids and can’t imagine the non-stop outward energy you guys give. Just looking after my husband is enough for me! I’ve recently started walking a lot more – my sister gave me a Jawbone for Christmas and it’s been very motivating – and worrying to see how few steps I get when I drive to work and sit in an office all day! Good on you for getting out there again.

  16. Go Beth! I’ve been walking every day with my husband since September. It has been so good for our mental and physical health. If we don’t go one day we miss it. For the first time in a long time I’m not worrying about my weight because I feel better for moving. One day at a time.

  17. Walking is amazing for the soul. I get really ancy if I can’t get out and walk at least a few times a week. It annoys my husband but he knows I am way more annoying if I don’t get out.

  18. You had me at – “armpits smelling like some sort of kebab” – fuck I love you and reading your real words, I had tears from laughter at these particular words.
    You inspired me this week lady, I donned my sneakers today too and did my favorite beach walk along Cronulla Esplanade – I’ve missed it A LOT since I started work full time 3 months ago and ditched that walk like a spent match! So thanks Babymac for getting my fat mole guts off the couch and moving!


  19. I started walking again late last year, an hour BY MYSELF, getting the heart rate up, talking aloud as I walked (yes I’m mad) and really being in the moment: smells, sights, sounds, I drank it all in. Walking was my thing for me, alone time, focus time. It lasted all of a week or so and then the madness of December got in the way, my excuses got in the way and it just didn’t happen.

    So, this year is my year. Returning to the workforce but no job to return to so starting again from scratch. I want to focus on me, on my goals, while also being mum and wife and friend etc to others. I even went to a Buddhist retreat a week ago and tried meditating! This is my year to be brave, say yes to things I might normally say no to, and jump into the unknown. I’m scared and excited at the same time! May this year be an awesome one for you!

  20. Beth, you rock my word girl! You just get it. I am so on your wave right now it isn’t funny…. apart from the whole baby thing – definitely NOT on that wave thank goodness (sorry). ha ha ha. It seems January it the time for decluttering and getting shit sorted. I am onto it… I am taking back control in 2016. I just need to do Harry’s room (give me strength) and the office and I will be done…. then there is the station kitchen, might just wait for the new cook to arrive and we can tackle that one together. Beth – that walk…. I am speechless…. how amazing, you are so lucky to live where you live, I wish I could get outside for a lovely walk but it is just too hot now and the flies are disgusting… I am on the treadmill and just started Hart of Dixie while walking, so that might motivate me. Love this post Beth, sorry for banging on as if you have time to listen to my shit. xxxx


  1. […] because I am feeling shit about me. Remember this post I wrote at the start of the year about having one for the pot? Well it’s October 2016 and my pot is pretty dry. All those start of the year best […]

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