There’s been so many things being a Mother for the 3rd time has taught me. The main thing I think has to be trust. Trust in my body and mind to inherently know what to do has to be the biggest. And while a little comes from practice and old age, it was there from the very first time I became pregnant and a Mother with Daisy, but very often overlooked and not tapped into. I knew as much then, as I do now. Each child is different, of course, but I wish I had listened to myself more often. My instinct. Trusted myself to know what I needed, what my baby needed, and what I was doing was OK. Maybe not perfect, but right for us. Man I wish I trusted myself a whole lot more.
This year with the birth of Maggie time and circumstance, and a bit of old age wisdom has allowed me to truly tune into that trust. It’s been the most profound gift I have given myself as a Mother. It’s given me freedom and enjoyment with parenting that I never knew was there. And it was there all along! If only I knew…if only we all knew it was there, first baby, 3rd baby, 8th baby. Huh.
And other things these babies we are lucky enough now have in our lives have given us? Well, all of us different things. For Harper, a chance to be a big sister, to step up and be the older responsible one, having to think and care for someone other than herself in a nurturing way. For Daisy, a chance to have fun with a little sister, not be so annoyed, to love and dote and enjoy a family member. I can’t answer for Rob and there are endless things I have learnt, but this morning and today I have been reminded of two.
Of joy. The joy that a baby feels. In seeing people they love, doing things that they love, eating something tasty, making a toy do something funny. Truly being in a moment of life and relishing in it. Pure moments of joy that we have all forgotten along the way.
And of time. Just how quickly this all passes. That baby of mine we had up at the farm for the first time all those years ago is now this big kid who sits with adults and talks, and makes them laugh. It all goes by too quickly.
I’ve said it so many times this year, but as we head towards the end it’s never been clearer…thank goodness for babies.
Thank goodness for babies.
How amazing is that trust factor! I’m so grateful to have a family who supports me in that tuning in. So many things I wish I did with my daughter. We learn.
My little boy just rolled onto his belly for the first time today!!! I’ve been watching him try and try again. Brilliant 🙂
I just arrived home from hospital today with my first baby – a beautiful little girl – so this is exactly what I needed to read… Thank you ?
With an abiding love for all things baby, there is nothing that could have made me happier than to read and see those glorious, gorgeous, giggling babies. Thank you so very much.
May 2016 bring lots more of them to our lives.
Yes, thank goodness for babies! Thank goodness for their knowing eyes, that with no words they can take away all of life’s troubles.
Our baby just spreads the love wherever she goes, to whomever is willing. To the nana in the grocery store, or the chick in our fruit shop. Even the father sitting at the table next to us in the cafe. She’ll turn your bad day into something great and remind you just to stop and live for a second.
We are so blessed!
Oh, I so love babies. No wonder I have six!! They have such perfect posture when sitting too.
This is such a great reminder of what’s important xx
What beautiful babies they are. Love the images.
Such beautiful babes, beautiful photos. Such precious memories x