Miscellaneous 65

It’s the long weekend! Are you having a marvellous one? I hope so! We are having a very quiet home one…doing nothing. It is SO good. Garden has been done (I do have to deal with the veggie patch at some stage) so we can just sit and hang out and not feel guilty about anything. I’ve been reading, napping (caught a cheeky hour yesterday), watching TV and just sitting. Sitting! I KNOW.

Sometimes I sit here:


Why wouldn’t you? See that pink lavender in the pot there? I got that from the nursery the other day – it’s called Pink Princess and smells divine. Geraniums (white ones) are looking very happy after some long overdue water and with some Seasol I think I will be able to get some nutrients back into my cumquats that got a bit dried out.

This cannot be saved:

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My beautiful red/hottest pink hydrangea that got fried while we were gone. I have cut it all back, fertilised and are watering like mad…I think it will come back…but maybe next summer. Watch this space.

These are happy though. Happy garden makes me happy. Especially when it’s looking neat and tidy and lovely and green.

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Do you feel a bit like this?


I do too! I am really hating the way I default to my phone at night when I am ‘relaxing’. I think I need to start a new thing where I turn it off as soon as the kids get to bed. Do you have any rules that you stick to to stop the auto scroll through all of the things? Tell me oh clever ones. TELL ME.


I loved this article I read the other day about a guy photographing people reading books on the subway…like the people are endangered species or something. I always used to read on public transport, that said, smart phones weren’t around as much then and I did play the odd game of snake…remember snake?

I don’t want to alarm anyone, but I am onto my 5th & 6th books for the year. I KNOW. Man I hope I can keep up reading when life goes fully back to school life normal next week. And the cross over reading two books at the same time may be controversial, but it’s my stupid internet brain that feels like it can open up a new browser and start something new while the other browser/book is still open.

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Old Filth is for my book club that is due next week that I needed to get a hurry up on, and the other is one that I got when we first got back from our holiday and that I started up at the beach. It’s what the TV show Outlander is based on I believe? It’s good. In a rollicking period piece drama kind of way with plenty of rolling around in the meadows as well and I know I am late to the party, but better late than never right?

OK, so we need to talk about this for one moment.


A dish cloth you say? MAYBE. But it’s a brilliant dish cloth that my sister in law brought back from Japan for me on a recent holiday. She knows me too well! This cloth is reversible, thick and almost linen like with the fabric causing enough abrasion for removing caked on stuff, and I imagine I will be able to wash it. I asked my brother where it came from, and he sent me the details last night. It was purchased here at the Kyoto Design Store and details on the multi purpose eco cloth are here. I am in love with it. I have NO idea if you can get them shipped, or over here, but there are the details for those that way inclined. Those Japanese with their hot dish cloths…

Like instagram? Like food? Me too! I liked reading this article in the Huffington Post about 10 foodie feeds to follow. You might too!


And I also like this story my Mum posted from the NY Times Well blog on the benefits of writing your story down…like I do in a blog, or like my Mum does in a journal. Do you keep a diary or journal?

Also saw a controversial method of cooking bacon that crisps up every time. Thoughts?

Whatever it is you are up to this long weekend I hope it involves some sitting, some gardening (if that kind of thing floats your boat) some reading and some bacon!

Lost any plants over the summer?
Got any rules you have on using social media after hours that you’d like to share?
What are you reading?
Writing in your diary about how much you love bacon? Me too!


  1. Quietish. Helped our daughter move house yesterday. Suffering from last nights over consumption of bubbles and mango daiquiries today. Getting motivated to do some cooking for the week as heading to Sydney tomorrow. Happy Long Weekend!

  2. Quiet here too. Got back from a very busy week in Melbourne on Friday afternoon. Just my 12 year old daughter and I at home, until husband and son arrive home from Adelaide this evening. She has been watching Call the Midwife on her Ipad while I’ve been glued to the Outlander series on mine – the books are some of my favourites. More productive this morning – have Anne chocolate cake in the oven and sausage rolls ( for Australia Day celebrations) ready to go in! Also making your tortillas later to go with slow cooked beef… Toying with the idea of a FebFast… Not sure if I can..

  3. Well, now I need to go buy some lavender and eat some bacon! Having a quiet weekend here too, catching up on some reading. Flower Confidential is about the business of growing and selling flowers. More interesting than it sounds.

    I turned off notifications for my social media apps which is making me reach for the phone less often to check Instagram…just a little less.

    Have a lovely weekend, Beth!

  4. Quietish here too – looking after post op Husband who has had surgery of a “delicate nature” plus some short retail shifts and a bit of cooking. But I want to lie on my banana lounge and read and maybe have a nap! Perhaps tomorrow after doing early morning drop off to the airport for Byron bound 19 year old. ! Glad you are enjoying Cross stich 🙂

  5. Lisa mckenzie says

    A nice quiet one for us it’s way too hot! Reading,some i viewing and napping too!
    I think your azalea will be ok the dark colours are the best for frost /heat my dad told me that and I’ve got a huge one out the back and we get severe frost and heat,enjoy your weekend Beth Xx

  6. relaxing is good after you’ve been so busy! … love your porch and pots!
    I like gardening! … hope your hydrangea comes back:(
    my mother always left them in a trough of water if she went away!
    we went to watch the millang to Goolwa fresh water classic … yatch race!
    this morning! always interesting and boats look pretty! … we go every year … sig other was in it last year! bit hairy today!
    must get into reading more!
    “night letters” and “corfu” by Robert dessaix … he is a very good writer
    “wicked but virtuous by mirka mora … love her!
    enjoy your time at home! love m:)X

  7. BACON!!!!! The older I get, the more obsessed I become.

  8. Gardening has been my main project this long weekend too, and reading, love my books, and while I’m catching up on your blog, I am currently making oven baked onion rings, first time making them and I hope they turn out delish. Have a great long weekend Beth x

  9. Well, it’s not a long weekend here, of course. I thought it might be as we’ve had three days of national mourning for the King of Saudi, but work and school is on today.
    We did celebrate Australia Day by having an Aussie friend over. The kids decorated the house with every Australian thing we have and I made an incredible Asian-style slow cooked lamb shoulder. Best thing I’ve eaten in ages. We then finished with a pav.

    Enjoy your weekend, it sounds pretty darn good. xx

  10. How good is Outlander!? I’ve read every book in the series. I devoured a novel about once every 2 days and that was only because my real family kept wanting things like food and attention – honestly, so rude

  11. good grief, half my comment just evaporated! There was an LOL after that last bit so please don’t think I was serious!! The Internet is trying to make me look like a terrible mother! Lol

  12. Oh I love that photography project! The shots where someone is looking down the barrel are great.

    I must work reading in to my days again. I love the worlds you can go to from the comfort of the sofa, bed or verandah.

    Your garden is beautiful Beth. I am devoid of a green thumb, or the space or inclination to cultivate, but I love seeing your pretty surroundings.

    Thanks! Miscellany rules.

  13. I love hydrangeas, my favourite flowers ever…

  14. Hey Beth, long time reader – first time commenter but reading crossstitch got my fingers twitching!! This has been one of my favourite series over the past fifteen years. She produces a new book every 4 or so years and I wait with baited breath for the latest installment. Her latest one came out about 6 months ago and I purchased immediately. I love the Jamie character in the tv series and the Claire character is growing on me. Sit back, relax and enjoy – it is fantastic.

    Congrats on the pregnancy. I am a first time mum at 42 (actually 43 today) to my beautiful daughter Darcy – how cool is this motherhood gig!! x

  15. beth mac! these miscellaneous posts are pretty rad and probably always my fave posts of the week. might be my internet brain though… quick, easily digestible snippets of cool stuff. yep, definitely sounds internet brain-y.
    this summer, i have only lost INSIDE plants. what the heck?!?
    and i just finished my first book for the year, the maze runner. i started it last night! oops!

    hope you’re having a happy cruisy day

  16. On the Outlander book, read the review by Holly: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10964.Outlander#other_reviews

    I couldn’t get into the book at all (file that alongside Twilight, Fifty Shades of Grey, etc) but the above review is hilarious


  1. […] Pressies from my brother who just got back from Japan. A new dishcloth (remember this one) AND 3 sizes of cling wrap. Beside […]

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