Birthday: The recap

Birthdays are usually a big deal for me. I get all worked up and the disappointed and I never really end up enjoying them. It’s weird, but that’s OK because I am. Yesterday was different though. Who knows why? Maybe I am growing up? I actually forgot it was my Birthday until Daisy stumbled in and yelled out “Happy Birthday Mum!”. I have never forgotten my Birthday. Not once. Well, OK, maybe when I was 2 or 3 but definitely not since then. It was a lovely surprise.

I had a quiet morning at home with Harper, some washing in the glorious winter sunshine, a few chores here and there in between taking lots of lovely calls from friends and family. My husband’s present for me was that he did the weekly supermarket shop (what more could a gal ask for?). We then headed up to the pub for lunch to sit in the sun. Rob and I just sat, and ate and had a few drinks while Harper played in the garden.

I bought a bunch of $3 daffs and whacked them into a jug. Dead set is there a happier flower than the daff? Throw in some late afternoon sunshine and I am done. Happy.

There were lots of cards and words for me.

And as the last rays of sunshine poured into the house and the fire was lit my awesome husband made home made pizzas for the girls while we waited for Grandma.

I got this beautiful pig statue from my Mother in law. It’s meant for the garden but he’s way too pretty for that. He will be staying indoors thankyouverymuch.

Visitors arrived and home made cakes were quickly iced, candles and flowers shoved here and there and a song sung with the girls before bed.

Then it was time for some champagne, some time to chat and catch up, and for some more home made pizzas in front of the fire. Perfect.

It was a wonderfully relaxed day. Simple delights and time spent with people that I love. I hope I can hold onto this new Birthday Beth for many years to come…


  1. What a lovely birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful day!

    K x

  2. Aww it sounds like a fabulous birthday! It’s not always about the big things, quite often the small are just as delightful!

  3. I love those daffodils in that jug! Sounds like a lovely day. My husband does the weekly food shop but that’s because he’s a foody and he knows if he goes we save at least $50 a week. At least. I am an emotional marketers dream shopper to say the least.I am 35 in December and thinking I would like a nice high tea type picnic, hubby is English and makes cucumber sandwiches like nobody’s business… and there’ll be chocolate brownies and salted caramel macarons… ageing doesn’t sound so bad after all…

  4. Keeping it simple sometimes really is what is best. Homemade pizza, cake, bubbles and loved ones. Sounds like the perfect birthday to me. Happy day to you : )

  5. I am glad you had a great day…. now send me some of that pizza! x

  6. Happy birthday to you! I looooove the look of that crispy pizza crust, recipe please rob?

  7. Happy Birthday!

    I am glad you enjoyed yourself.

    35 is so young!


  8. Well done on the new attitude..sounds like it meant for a much more peaceful day..probably for everyone too!

  9. That sounds like just the perfect birthday to me.

  10. Looks like a gorgeously perfect peaceful day, bit different from the snow we are having here today! Brr…

  11. That is all you need for the perfect birthday. Family and calm.

  12. Sounds perfect. You know I think it is all about maturity, when you are younger you tend to be more self centred. Now as you get older your focus shifts from yourself to family. An appreciation for the simple things become important. Happy Birthday xToni

  13. Just look how happy that Daisy is for you. Beautiful. Happy Birthday indeed!

  14. Sounds like a gorgeous birthday. Hope you have many more.

  15. Oh, happy belated birthday! Looks and sounds like a wonderful day – glad you enjoyed it!


  16. Happy belated birthday Beth. Sounds like you had a perfect day x

  17. Sounds gorgeous, apart from the washing but you know even on birthdays were still mummas. Happy Birthday lovely lady! x

  18. I love that you out tabasco on your pizza- me too!!!

  19. It does sound… and look… like the most perfect of birthdays lady. Love the photos, especially the ones with you and Daisy, gorgeous. And that piggy, oh he is really cute xo


    I have my 30th coming up in February, & I’d normally have gone for something huge with a ga zillion guests to wish me a happy birthday, & y’know, tell me I am special 🙂

    But the thing is, I can’t be fucked?

    I guess I’m growing up 😉

    Your birthday right there, pretty perfect really.

    And er, when did Daisy become a TEENAGER?!

    Happy birthday x

  21. Happy Birthday! No wonder I like you so much. My birthday is 2 days after yours! Good food, good wine & good company. What more could a gal ask for x

  22. Happy Birthday Chicka.. I am all up for mine just pottering by this year as no time to organise anything but you know what your cosy family one looks right up my alley!

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