Mixed Grill

: This morning I woke up with a hangover. Last night Rob’s Mum was down here as we had to have a meeting with a Priest about Harper’s upcoming Christening. The Catholics are so funny the way they refer to Satan as the “Prince of Darkness”. Makes him sound like such a charming bad boy. Anyway, we went to the meeting, then went to the pub for locals night and because I had my husband’s company and no kids I drank red wine and lots of it. It was very cold too so red wine was essential. You know?

: Harper woke at 5.20 on the nose. Again. She has done this every day for a week now. Bring that daylight savings shit ON.

: When we walked out to the kitchen we saw that the cold winds had knocked down one of snow pear trees. About 3 quarters of it peeled off. I cried. I LOVE that tree. I feel sad for all those years of growth and now nothing. I don’t know if we can save the remaining quarter or not. Boy am I going to miss it’s green leaves in summer, red leaves in autumn and white flowers in Spring. Harper said to me “Doesn’t matter Mummy. MILK!”

: Why is the text so big on the photo? I am too tired to change it. BABY MAC! Loud enough for you?

: I cut off Harper’s mullet this morning. She has never had her hair cut but the Carol Brady mullet she had going on was cute in a pony tail but not so much out. So it’s gone. I did a pretty good job considering I was up at 5.20am. With a hangover.

: I went and had acupuncture and a massage this morning while Gma looked after the girls. I had 4 hours TO MYSELF. That shit never happens round here so it was approximately 67,000 shades of awesome. After the massage I went and had coffee. By myself. There were other children in the cafe though so I did my best to scowl at them.

: And I may or may not have ordered Eggs Benedict. Because I love me some buttery sauce.

: But then I had to do shopping because we have visitors down this weekend. I was too tired for Aldi so went to Woolworths instead and got drunk on labels. Look Milky ways! Doritos! I also bought many frankfurts – cocktail and otherwise – I am going really fancy on the food this weekend. Don’t you hate how you still have to do boring stuff like supermarket shopping when you have time to yourself because you know it’s a million times easier to do it with no small people even if it means cutting in on your free time. Stupid mundane mothering.

: BABY MAC! Holy shiz that one is really big.

: I bought Daisy a trophy for getting through the week of swimming. It had me driving through the arse end Industrial area of Bowral but I found it, handed over the $6.20 and passed on engraving because I was too tired and really couldn’t believe I was doing this on my personal time and gave it to her when I got home. She died. Seriously, I have never seen her prouder. Best money spent. EVER.

: Don’t forget to enter this giveaway it closes at 8pm tonight and I’ll announce the winners after that if I am still awake.

: Happy weekend everyone.



  1. BABYMAC! I love you and your posts.

    Damn fine haircut, Well done.

    Nothing like grocery shopping sans kids. It’s a sad joy.


  2. That trophy is the best idea ever. EVER.

    Shouldn’t Satan be the King of Darkness? Who’s his daddy?

    I am supposed to be working but instead I am here on your blog and eating half a packet of raspberry creamies. Have you tried them? If you haven’t then I suggest you STEER CLEER as they are REELY addictive.

    (Just thought I’d share that.)

    Enjoy your weekend company. You are very popular down your way!! x

  3. How cute are Harper’s PJs? How cute is Harper in general, even if she does wake up at 5:20?!

    I love that you bought Daisy a trophy. Such a good idea.

    We had visitors last weekend and this week and I thought about how you ALWAYS have visitors. That, my friend, was a very exhausting weekend. I don’t know how you do it.

  4. So sad about your tree. On a brighter note, the trophy is great.

    Hope you have a great week-end with your visitors.

  5. Hairdressing with a hangover. Impressive!

  6. That trophy is awesome, what a bloody brilliant idea! Daisy must be so proud of herself. Nice work Mama.

  7. That trophy is beyond cute..well the vision of her peeing her pants on receiving it is cute I should say..

    Maxabella, I’ll take your creamies and raise you tamari almonds…addictive is a bloody understatement… I am in sooooo much trouble!

  8. Oh – the trphy just rocks.
    Most treasured possession – fo sure.
    Good on you.
    Happy weekend.

  9. How the bloody hell did you do all that with a hangover!!

  10. A trophy! It’s brilliant.

    Damn good mothering right there.

  11. LOVE this post lady, gave me the chuckle I needed, you never disappoint :o)
    I so feel that way about the grocery shopping… good to do on your own… but such a time wasting shame!
    Sorry about your pear tree, that is sad.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend with your guests and all those classy frankfurters ;o) xo

  12. Hi Beth, I am anonymous only because I don’t know how to post otherwise…….
    I love having my daily fix of your motherhood experiences. So, we have lots of visitors too where we live, but I am not as friendly and as excited about it (as you always are) because honestly, it’s fun and good to see people, but I also see alot of meals to shop for and prepare and beds to make in the lead-up and then a big pile of towels and bedding to wash post-visit. Any tips to share on how to fill my heart with glee at the thought of (more) guests!!? Love your work.

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