Last week I decided that this week I needed to get to Sydney. I had a touch of the cabin fever, a large dose of the baby with major separation anxiety and with school holidays on our door step it was the perfect chance to escape for a few days. So when Monday came around and Harper was acting like a complete basket case not letting me out of her sight for 1 second before losing her shit entirely, I had my own tantrum and decided that the trip was in the too hard basket. I didn’t want to see Harper ruin what could have been a great few days so I decided to throw a pity party for myself, a tantrum, some tears and yelling….all before 8am! Yay me! So when I called my Mum to tell her that we were just going to stay at home she promptly kicked my arse {as only your Ma can} telling me to get over myself, get into the car, deal with it as I am a mother and that’s what Mum’s have to deal with so there, I did what she said. See? I still listen to my Mum.
And boy am I glad I did. We had 2 nights and 2 days of complete chill out. I had huge plans to catch up with the world, get all sorts of things done and what actually happened was that I mostly just sat at Mum’s and drank tea, watched cooking shows, ate and ate and drank and watched the girls be entertained by someone else. It was awesome. And because I didn’t want you to miss out {excuse the bad phone shots}, here’s what we got up to…
: We had dinner with the Bride & Groom and got to hear all the details of their honeymoon. I even managed to sneak in a bottle of french! Is there anything better than going to your Mum’s and having her cook you a home cooked dinner? I don’t think there is. It’s one of my favourite things in the world and instantly tops up my soul with goodness.
: And with a dinner like this how could it not be topped up? Um, did someone say Beef Bourguignon pies with mash and roasted vegs? Yuh-huh. So. Good. And yes, that’s right, she put a little B on my pie…just for me.
: The next morning Daisy and I escaped the basket case baby {who incidentally lost all craziness the minute we arrived at Mum’s and turned into some sweet, delightful, entertaining child….of course} and headed to the movies to see Rio. It was great fun and she loved it. I did not love the fact that every other child was doing the same thing, but anyway, it was fun. Afterwards we had lunch and watched the ice skating. Pay no attention to the fact that we were seated in some kind of food chain ahem, restaurant, we just sat there after we had eaten our ahem , sushi. It was like I had escaped to my childhood. The ice rink is exactly the same as I remember it from all those years ago. I love that.
: Then the ladies went shopping! In a department store and everything! Daise and I were both excited by the sheer size and choice that we had in clothing. Online shopping has nothing on actually picking stuff up does it? I spotted these bad boys as evidence in my case that the puffer vest should be banned. They train them so young….oh, also, did you read Nikki’s post today on the puffer? No? Then go on. Off you go. That quote at the end about skinning animals? That was me!
: Then we came home and hung out. Daise got her haircut and looked at me in that *special* way she does that says “oh Mum, you are so pathetic!” Mixed in with a “why am I cursed being this beautiful?!” I get that look all. the. time. How on earth did I end up with 2 daughters I ask you?! Hold me.
: Then we went out to dinner with the Bride & Groom again, because we are awesome company, and we love them, and Mum said she would mind the kids. Dinner on a Tuesday in a restaurant with great food, company and wine SO should be done more often. And that lamb ragu parpadelle you see on my plate?
: This morning Harper greeted us with her hair in rollers {as one does} which was quite different. Unusual. And most certainly nice. Grandma’s are so much more fun than Mum’s.
: Then I went and had a coffee and got the car washed {again by someone else} and I got very excited by the removal of all sultanas and tiny teddies from the back seat and floor of the car. I really do miss this part of Sydney – the whole car washing yourself is a little tedious and exhausting I have to say.
: And then, finally, we spent the sunny morning with my sister in law and her kids sipping tea, eating home made banana bread, and watching the kids play with their cousins. The perfect end.
: Somewhere on the way home the skies turned grey, the wind icy and goosebumps appeared on our arms. It was almost 10 degrees colder, most certainly lonelier and quieter, but after half an hour or more the central heating had taken the edge off, the fire was on, bags unpacked, washing on, the sounds of the girls filled in the air, and we were home. Sometimes the very best bit of getting away is the getting back bit don’t you think?
What an incredible couple of days … a chance to breathe again. Love that you have to apologise for your phone photos! They’re still bloody good. Thanks for the Puffer Vest Free Zone support x
I envy your family time. Its one of the hardest things about living in Australia for me. Being so far away from my Mum and sister. Sigh. Your days away sound idyllic and your homecoming sounds lovely too. PS I covet your new boots, bloody gorgeous!
Lovely to take time to be a daughter and a friend before assuming full responsibilities as a mum again. Great that you enjoyed your trip so much after having that little freakout!
I need to be fed by someone in your family… you or your mum. Not fussy x
I just wonder if Harper will one day read your blog. Seperation anxiety at her age is completely normal and babies actually have an acute sense of when their mothers want to get away from them. Yes, motherhood is hard, but it is a choice that we make as adults who can choose…as opposed to babies who can’t and don’t have the luxury of distractions.
Ahh perfect couple of days! Totally agree, nothing like a home cooked meal by Mama… everything tastes sweeter! Your Mama goes the extra mile lady, when I read she had put a little B on your pie, I scrolled down expecting to see a pie with B written in tomato sauce on top! HAH! An actual pastry B. Now that is something :o)
Glad Sydney gave you a couple of days of brilliant sunshine xo
What a wonderful couple of days away! I want your mom to cook for me too… num. You know, mums actually have an acute sense of when their daughters need to get away and are good at spoiling them a bit. I’m glad you made the choice to nurture yourself. Yay for you and yay for mums and boo for puffer vests! xx
Joanna – do you think Harper would have a problem with what she would read on here if she DID read it? That’s interesting.
I’m sure that in between all the bits of me complaining about whinging/separation anxiety I am *almost* certain she would be happy to see all the bits that say all the other stuff – like how much joy, love & happiness she brings me & all our family.
Like you said, adults have the luxury to have distractions when they don’t so I’m grateful for the distractions I was lucky enough to get so I can now get on with another round of endless days of her desperate for me with no one to take her off my hands!
It’s gonna be fun when she’s a teenager and Harper hates your guts (like almost all teenage girls do!) to refer her back to here and a time when she couldn’t get enough of you!
I love the rollers in her hair!
I’m going to jump to Beth’s defence here because Joanna I think you’re being a little unfair. I think it’s natural for parents to need some breathing space from their children – they shouldn’t feel guilty about that. I think by having some space at times it allows the parent some time to relax and refocus making the time they spend with their child more pleasurable. My Mum always says ‘Happy mother, happy child’ and she’s right! Don’t make a mother feel bad for needing some time to regroup and recharge!
Sounds like a great way the recharge the batteries!! Harper is definitely rocking the rollers π
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Ummm, we may be mothers but we’re not super heroes. Just because we’re mums doesn’t mean we don’t need time to recharge or space to regroup.
A bit of time with Grandma obviously did Harper the world of good (as it did you). It’s not like you left her in the car park at the casino.
I think Harper will read this blog and realise how lucky she is to have had a loving family to look after her – mum, dad, grandma, aunties, uncles, the whole shebang. It takes a village and all that stuff…
Sounds like someoe might need to take off their puffer vest and lie down for a bit. Mind you, I personally am rather partial to the puffer, but prefer the whole jacket. Yay for north face π
glad you got a much needed mumcation, Beth. Nothing worse than the Velcro baby. Whether they sense it or not. X
Oh I LIKE the puffer vest! They can be done well Beth, seriously.
Joanna, a bit of a hardcore comment there. If Harper did read this, I’m sure she’d be blown away by how articulate her mum is and impressed by her mum’s honesty.
My nearly 12 month old son has major separation anxiety issues. It started a few months back. And it’s freaking DRAINING. Sometimes you need some downtime. It’s as simple as that.
And being at my parents’ place makes me feel exactly the same way. Looked after and a bit more centred.
I feel stabby reading that comment.
FWIW Harper makes me feel extremely clucky. My baby Heidi has just turned 3 and she reminds me of your Harper a little bit. I am desperately hanging onto those last little bits of babyness in her.
So with you on the Grandma bit. My kids would pack their bags in an instant and move in with Grandma and pop, I wouldnt see them for dust if I even thought out loud about that little gem.
Ohh I have to post again that comment has really riled me.
I am one of those *gasp* working mothers.
I didn’t realise that when I pushed the baby out of my vagina I had inadvertently signed my indentured slave must not leave the child for a second papers.
Welcome to the 21st Century. I am pretty sure even in the 18th century where you obviously reside that mums sometimes left their kids to have a break.
I had a major pang of jealousy reading your post. What an amazing few days.
No wonder you are such a fantastic cook, look at the amazing food your family eats!
Abi is seeing Rio tomorrow, she is SO excited!!
You deserve a break, we all do. It’s what keeps us going.
I’m craving some cold country air too. Usually this time of year we head south to the Snowy Mountains for Easter, but not this year. I love the fresh cold water from the tap, the smell of a fire, wearing ugg boots, ahhhh, I love this time of year!!
Abi has a silver puffer jacket, it was a gift. It doesn’t have any fur and it IS from Country Road so it’s quite stylish.
Macquarie Ice Skating rink is awesome. We used to do Yr 12 PE social lessons there. And then hit up KFC or McDonald’s and buy as much as we could in 5 minutes.
Good on you for recharging the batteries. Adore that picture of Harper in rollers – pure gold!!
If Rocco reads my blog one day, I’m fucked.
Well, I’m fucked anyway … but blogging about it. I love him. He has been hard to parent. I adore him. He shits everywhere. I love him.
It’s called the Truth, and it set me motherfucking free. And if he bothers to read my struggles one day, I hope he still loves and respects me. For not being too scared and politically correct to write it out.
I have a gorgeously delightful, much loved baby who is also going through that tedious separation anxiety stage! Gah, drives me crazy! I am so glad you found a way to recharge – sounds like the best time. And your mum, she rocks!! That “B” on your pie. Divine! x
Bec – I often read your blog and think your children will be incredibly lucky if they are ever fortunate enough to read it….
The fact that you are a wonderful mother shines through all the time.
PS – If you live on a working farm and occasionally wear a puffer vest while chasing sheep etc – is that OK?? Also, wellies too sometimes???
And I know your real name is Beth. Sorry I got it wrong. Am ageing bimbo.
awwww your mum put a B on your pie! oh bless, I want to be a mum like that when I grow up. Now I remember that ice rink when I was a little girl and used to go there:) good to know it’s still there
is that the ice rink at macquarie? i remember visiting that on trips to sydney…
oh, and in the puffer vest debate. EVIL! anything without sleeves and pretending to be a coat is wrong… even the polar fleece versions.
its when my kids are feral that i want to go away… we would often pile in the car just to get out! hence why my credit card is maxed and i am back at work!