Today marks 6 months since we moved here. Since I wrote this post and we started on our new life here in this amazing home. In this beautiful village. In this special part of the world. I have always had in my head that 12 months will be the milestone to get to, much in the same way I held onto that ‘magical’ 6 weeks mark like a demented woman when the girls were newborns. So, we’re half way there. To where I’m not sure exactly, but half way nonetheless.

: Does this feel like home? Yes.
: Do I miss Sydney? Not as much as I thought I would.
: Am I happier? You bet. Something has shifted & I feel this is where I am meant to be.
: Are the kids settled? They can’t remember their life in Sydney even existed.
: Do you get lonely? More than I would ever care admit to myself.
: Has Rob struggled with working here & in Sydney? Rob should probably answer that.
: Was this the best decision we have ever made? Without a doubt.


: November

: December

: January

: February

: March

And the fun has only really just begun. Thanks for coming along for the ride! Hope you have a great weekend. We have visitors up from Sydney for 24 hours and I can’t wait to show off ‘our town’ to them! See you on the other side…


  1. 6 months of fabulous adventure – love it! The expression on Harper’s face in that first shot says it all.

  2. I need to visit.

  3. six months of gorgeousness {in all it’s forms!} thanks for sharing your journey…. I don’t know how you find the time to share each day {I can’t seem to} but I do enjoy logging on each morning for an ‘update’. Have a great weekend!

  4. Beautiful photos and clearly a great move … despite being surrounded by $300 gumboots and puffer vests. x

  5. It’s been a joy to share the journey (and visit) with you. You’re proving to me that there’s a good life outside of the inner west, just like I intend to prove to you three kids is a joy and a blessing 😉 xx

  6. Anonymous says

    I so wish I lived there.


  7. Happy Six months of your new life. I’m sure it has it’s challenges (as does any big move), but getting to know your community takes time. I realised that this is our fifth year in Melbourne, and I’m now immeshed in the community (and loving it). xx

  8. Happy 6 months! I love your photos… I’m so jealous of all your SPACE!

    Angela x

  9. Love this one, Beth. I started following you just as you were about to move so I’ve lived through it with you! I am just so delighted for you that so you’re content already. Crack open a bottle of something French and celebrate! J x

  10. Your house looks amazing, I wish I had the courage to do what you have done. Enjoy – I do believe you were meant to be there, I really, really do. xxx

  11. Congrats on the half way mark lady! I love your six months in pictures :o) xo

  12. I trust that your house isn’t always that clean and tidy!

  13. So glad to hear your change of scenery has worked out so well! 16 months into ours and still trying to make it feel like home…

  14. Even though you wanted to move to the country (as I do) I’m sure it’s still been a big adjustment. I think you did it at the right stage though with the girls still young – it will be easier to make friends with other Mums. By the time we plan to make the move our girls will be young adults so I know it will be harder to meet people (esp. seeing as I’m a real homebody). Enjoy your weekend. I think one of the best part of the Highlands is that it’s not too far from Sydney.

  15. Woot – you made it! haaa. Love the pic summary too (though I can’t see the last one for some reason?) Knew you’d love it and gosh I love the pic of the roses on your dining table – I’ve used that one on my blogroll page 😀

  16. This is one of my favourite post of yours. I know I’ve said it before, but heck your blog is one of my MUST reads.


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